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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Do you use voice? I don't like voice, especially w/my allergies meaning I cough and sneeze into a mic all the time. It would definitely be fun to hang out with y'all. I keep hoping for a game I'd like where it would happen. I'll think about it, but at the moment I'm not sure I'd have the dedication for it.
  2. This. ...good luck to all, in all things.
  3. So Rift feels a bit like WoW, only better? I've been staring at it for a while now, but not sure I wanted to get into another online game. I tend to become too addicted to them. The notion of rifts appearing that require a group to close sounds kinda fun. That would be more my kind of group dynamic - ppl sometimes randomly grouping to do that (vs dungeon instance runs).
  4. New GECK (1.3) is out now. Performance thingie that I've noticed: that annoying delay between action & info txt msg popping up is largely gone, even from the very start of a new chr/game. @deathdealer - the version # can be seen by loading a save game, hitting ESC, and clicking the "Help" menu option. It doesn't appear in the main/start in-game menu, have to load a save 1st. There might be another way too but that's the one I know of.
  5. Despicable Me. Cute & charming...but a bit too kid-cute for my tastes. Enjoyable enough tho.
  6. Messing with FNV to check out the patch. Technical curiosity mostly...probably won't play it long. All the weapon changes probably will = my needing to recreate a few of my little mods. I knew I should have kept more things separated...
  7. Doesn't work. For a lot of people. It resets itself and starts downloading anyway. @deathdealer - if your Steam game was updated, the .exe files and FalloutNV.esm in the game's main directory should have a new 'modified on' date of yesterday/today/when it was DL'd. Can't recall where to look while in game, offhand. Edit: My PC/game didn't need optimization but I do notice less "pause lag" when things like Pushy's knock-back effect flash on screen. Happens a lot less often. Cowboy repeater definitely a lot slower firing. Had one game crash when trying to load an old save. Loading wheel went round & round forever, 'not responding', had to end task. When I restarted the game, it then loaded just fine. No loading problems since. Weird.
  8. I ate too many (in the shell, salted) sunflower seeds. One of those few things that I have a difficult time stopping at one handful even after my tongue & lips start burning. Just had an urge for them today so I bought a bag... Also, dear local Comcast, your HD signal compression gets worse every year. Bite me.
  9. Little early for that kind of consensus. No specifics in patch notes that anyone can see beyond the weapons changes. Saw one post from someone saying they're having crashes at Crimson Caravan and another saying no micro-stutter difference for them. Without knowing what "stability fixes" means, it's just going to be play & see & individual results, as always, may vary. GStaff did post that an updated GECK will be uploaded to the website, maybe tomorrow. It'd be nice if the new version fixed some GECK bugs too. Edit: There are reports that the trader restock/day glitch may be fixed for some people. Or kinda partially fixed. lol
  10. I don't get them often, but I still get the occasional zit. Hormones probably. Ahem. What I hate is when you get a zit right on/in the under-edge of a nostril.
  11. People are reporting the patch has broken the GECK - that is, they can't open mods/esm's, anything, in the GECK anymore. You can use FNV Edit to check the changes, but until the GECK is either updated or whatever, modding may be out for a while.
  12. Spaghetti Warehouse makes me think of giant store that sells nothing but huge jars of ingredients for spaghetti. What an awesome name for a restaurant. Red Sox swept the Angels, w00t. Even the always annoying Lackey didn't suck. We're no longer in last place! hehe
  13. I liked the 2nd one better than the first. It still feels a bit choppy in places but even 10 episodes is a bit short for this book, I think, so it's kind of unavoidable. But they're getting past the "here be these characters" intros so it's starting to feel more engaging. I don't have many "they got it wrong" feelings since I'm not a huge fan/that knowledgeable of the books themselves (read only 1, and years ago). As a series, I suspect by the end of the 3rd or 4th episode it's going to become something really good. Agree about Sasha...so far I only find her gratingly annoying. Sean Bean's ability to convey subtle emotions without saying a word is great, and Peter Dinklage is still awesome. Daenerys is a chr. that I found rather dull & drawn out in the book but I like her arc more in the series, not sure why. Maybe the story-compression works better on her chr. The scene/compression that annoyed me the most tonight was Caetyln's discovery of treachery. Like EW's recap humorously said, "and suddenly Game of Thrones becomes CSI: Winterfell." If you haven't read EW's episode recap, it's all-in-good-fun fandom hilarious. It's all about spoilers tho, so ppl who haven't seen the episode/s or read the books should steer clear.
  14. That is the one thing that's always annoyed me about point & click as well. Overall I don't mind P&C for certain types of games, but trying to click on an enemy and ending up running towards them instead is ALWAYS aggravating. I'm not clear on how WASD to move your chr. & using the mouse to aim/cast spells on enemies makes the mouse redundant. You can't cast a spell or fine-control aim using the WASD keys, thus the mouse is necessary. How is that different from, say, FNV where you use the WASD keys to move but mouse to swivel aim/sight direction and mouse buttons to fire weapon?
  15. That seems about right. I remember wandering around outside for long minutes and encountered nothing but a few wolves, rats and crabs. And they weren't close together. No buildings, no shacks, the occasional cave entrance. For some reason the game didn't inspire me to want to explore. It's weird because FOV certainly has plenty of low population areas too, with empty beige landscapes, but somehow I didn't find it 'lifeless.' Even in Two Worlds1 the urge to explore was more present than I had in Oblivion. Don't know what the difference is. Funny how the brain works.
  16. Woke up earlyish and have been having a relaxing morning surfing the interweb. Then baseball game, then Game of Thrones.
  17. I don't know what it was exactly, but I found Oblivion very dull to explore too. It was (at the time) all pretty & shiny but something was missing. I'm not sure if it was repetitiveness or just a sense of generic, empty blandness to the overall "look". Grass, trees, running through a town. At any rate the exploration boredom is the main reason I didn't get terribly far into that game. I kept trying but after a few hours I was bored. Another reason to buy Skyrim for me is curiosity about the new engine & of course any modding tools/abilities. Hope it's like FNV where any small things that might bother me, I can mod more to my personal tastes. Always a plus for any game. Just never did it for Oblivion... edit..typos & stuff
  18. Oh, that. Yeah, Superfetch/RAM caching. I don't think of that as being used since it's available/freed as soon as something you run needs it. Although if you open so much stuff that the "free" runs down to 0, you can get hesitation/jerkiness when rapidly opening yet more things, as the cache is freed etc. If you're working on something that needs all the RAM in rapid succession & you don't like the jerky slow-downs (or your system can't handle them), there's ways to clear the ram cache if you want, but generally no reason to.
  19. You must have a lot of background processes running all the time. I have 6GB ram and with a video editor, graphic editor (lots of stuff open in it), 9 browser windows, music player all running right now it's only at 1.5gb of ram being used. If I open & run FNV on top of all that, it goes up to about 2.5-3GB. Edit: lol, yeah, that's why I do that too.
  20. I've had no issues so far with 2006 and up games on Win7-64 (Titan Quest, Kotor2, etc), but I also haven't tried to install dozens of games or anything. Most very old ones don't work at all (without dos box I guess) for me on Win7, and I didn't expect them to. I install all games in a separate Games directory instead of the Programs & Programsx86 folders and make sure to install and run As Administrator. To be honest, if you have a large collection of very old games that you like to play frequently, I'd stick with XP on that system. Then when you're ready to build/buy a shiny new PC, just put Win7 on that one and keep the XP system as well.
  21. Lords of the Realm2 keeps crashing on me on Win7 (the GoG version), so I gave up on that for now. Playing through Caesar3. I think some of these old faves are finally losing some of their replayability for me. Still love them & would put them on top20 lists but reaching the point where I've done just about everything you can possibly do with them 5x over, even with map editors & long breaks. :D
  22. Happy to see the Red Sox finally start to win some games. The catcher situation is a mess tho... I had a horrible headache most of the day, almost a migrane. Finally seems to be feeling better, which means I won't be able to sleep now.
  23. 2009's Exam. Closed room/tension thriller. 8 ppl who want the same job, stuck in a room for a last 'test', have to figure out what the test is/what is wanted from them. I assume a small budget and I didn't recognize any of the actors, but it was well done imo. If you don't like talk-based films that build tension via character conflict you might not like it/find it boring, but I liked this one. 8/10 Edit:one of the acting stand-outs was Luke Mably, who apparently had a smaller role in 28 Days Later.
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