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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. It's a deliberate choice to not allow editing after a short period of time.
  2. Depends on how detailed those tiny figures are. There are a lot of games where I can see a lot of details even on small character models. But I agree it's not of vital importance in general in this case. I don't think we'll be getting tiny drawn naked feet with toes.... That would be most excellent. I seem to recall playing a game where a companion did something like that, but I can't recall the game offhand...
  3. Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale for the older games. KOTOR2/FNV for newer. But for me it was largely the fact it was Obsidian. I'm an extremely loyal fan of the people behind Obsidian and as long as it's a game concept that I'm remotely interested in (South Park's not it, heh) I will toss money at them at any opportunity to support them because I want them to keep on doing what they do. Their writing and characters have created pretty much the only RPG's where I end up actually caring/paying attention to what goes on in the story/quests instead of just obsessing over, say, alchemy, stats, loot gathering and being able to kill everything with a wave of my pinky finger. edit: I have been terrible with typos and missing or repeated words lately...
  4. Show off. Liking it so far? I'm having a blast.
  5. Ideally, yes, I'm like that too. I don't like permanent gloves, hats, boots or whatever. Don't care too much about going down to the underwear, specifically, but doesn't bother me when they do. Only, please don't make them tighty-whities.
  6. I often played 6-party rpgs with 3 or 4 in the party, because that was my personal "sweet spot" for the amount of challenge I wanted (6 was easier than I wanted, 2 harder than I like). The choice of more or less party members in the type of games like PE seems to be going for is, to me, akin to difficulty settings.
  7. Where's the "Doesn't matter to me?" poll option? I think guns in a more medieval setting could be interesting. Guns vs. magic ... I've read books like that and it can work well. So I'm open to the idea. I'd would rather not have guns = too modern a setting, however. It's fantasy - it doesn't have to follow Earth history in terms of what (for example) clothing or cultural style period goes with what tech.
  8. I don't think I care about washing my hands or brushing my teeth (in a game - IRL is another matter, haha), but I'm one of those weird people that likes stuff like ... fishing ... in a game. There doesn't have to be any gameplay reason for it, ala cooking profession. Just put a fishing pole in the game and certain places that are fishable, play some nice music or rain sounds, and I can park my character for a while and toss a line in, waiting to click "reel in" when there's a nibble. I can't do that for hours, but I do find it somehow more immersive and relaxing when a game has minor options like that. My characters/party need to relax once in a while, after all, and it's always pleasant when you can "see" them do it vs. just a black sleep screen or something.
  9. I want it to be "hardcore" in terms of gameplay mechanics complexity and where I don't feel like I can "LOL faceroll" through it from the very start. I want to take plenty of damage and wonder if I'm going to make it through to the next area/city or thru the woods to grandma's house without companions falling or running out of resources. But I do not want to feel like every minor combat I come across = instant death and constant re-loads to make it through, because that's just cheap. imo.
  10. And further, the issue that everyone has different tastes in art, or what they think of as artistic/beautiful/awesome... Um. No. It's not. Not that I don't like it. I do...I like it very much. And I'd agree I'd love to see that type of art/graphic style in games again, more often. But it's not anywhere close to becoming/heading into photorealistic.
  11. Completely agreed. One doesn't have to be overtly explicit about such things in order to show that the world isn't a perfect place, or to have a compelling, adult narrative that doesn't feel like Barney-world. At the least, keep the in-your-face stuff limited to only a few scenarios (thus having more impact since they aren't commonplace occurrences).
  12. Trying to get some home stuff done before I get wrapped up in playing video games again today, but I suspect this will be a week of neglecting some chores. Glad the forum work last night seemed to improve things ... 700-800 people on here and it's not crashing (just a little slow at times). It got a little busy here in the past now and then, but this has been crazy! ... and it's awesome!
  13. I definitely prefer enemies in an area to have a level range vs. everyone everywhere always scaling to be your level or a little higher throughout the game. Also, a game should end, especially a story-RPG. If you want to play some more after they win, that's what making a new character is for.
  14. I like stuff like this ... however much of the time, crafting of armor and weapons in games feels a bit too weak for me and I end up not using it much. There's not enough reward at the end - vs. found loot - for all the time/gold you may have put into it ... well, except for a couple MMO's I played, and this isn't an MMO (thank goodness). Alchemy I always like, so that's my poll vote, but enchanting is always fun too.
  15. Yes, I like it when folk in the gameworld use my chosen name, when possible. Unless they're all calling me "Your Majesty" because I've conquered and rule the entire planet. Then it's ok.
  16. ...I don't know why, but glancing around a room as an NPC yaks a spiel, then spinning around and unexpectedly being confronted by the NPC holding a giant item out for you to take made me laugh.
  17. Lvl8, doing stuff in Sanctuary. Once you get out of the starter area, it's much better. All kinds of improvements over the 1st game. Still don't like the inventory menus but eh. Enemies side roll and seem better at avoiding (non-sniper) gunfire. I like the "bank" for storage, tho it's not big at the start. Quests don't seem too different, imo - except they have a bit more "story" attached - but yet they feel more interesting. No increase-as-you-use weapon proficiencies (just the Bad A points to increase such stuff), and seems like most/all the upgrades (more ammo carry, backpack/bank size, etc) are bought with the Eridium currency now. Yeah...I think I'm going to love this game. edit: oh yeah ... and you can climb ladders now, if the area has some. Took me a while to realize that.
  18. Borderlands 2 - the pre-order in-game bonuses seem to be glitched (they don't show up). The HUD is kind of annoying, especially the inventory menus. I'll probably get used to it, but it seems worse than in BL1...I liked the text lists better than these fancy dancy graphical ones with even more clicking. The extra graphic nature of the game makes it easier to not notice loot on the ground. Other than that, it runs beautifully on my rig (max w/High PhysX), looks a lot better than the 1st one, I like the music, it has the same sense of humor and gunplay and I've already found some cool low-level gunz. So, fun. Time will tell if I like it as much as the first.
  19. That bites. I did a whole back up/manual porting over of all the folders (not just the backup utility) and it worked ok - Steam just ran some quick checks for each game but I didn't have to reinstall them again. Did you back up the saves in the Documents folder? Also...only 3 more hours to a bazillion guns...
  20. Nothing wrong with a bit of nostalgia. Go 80's! ... wat?
  21. That's my issue with descriptions within the dialogue lines. It can easily become a situation where I start feeling like I'm reading an omniscient perspective novel sentence structure. There's nothing wrong with that, but it certainly doesn't feel like a conversation ... plus it can sometimes impose an emotional interpretation vs. allowing the player to imagine for themselves. So, dialogue only for me. (edit: altho, using bracketed, short action-description is sometimes okay as long as it doesn't become a constant thing, for example: "Hello there!" [the man scowls] "Where are you off to?" ) The 2nd part of the poll I'm less sure on, but probably one of the first two.
  22. Supercalifragiliawesomesauce? Nice. Liked the vid. But ... I think you might need a better mic next time.
  23. *reads update* Awesome, especially re: formations, companions, party, and "nature of you." My "pumped up-ness" is already mega-high from anticipating today's BL2's release, and getting a PE update puts me in the stratosphere. And I love the picture. As always, eagerly waiting all future updates!
  24. That answers one question. Very interesting, haven't checked twitter today, so thanks for the report.
  25. Oh my god, I nearly peed laughing.
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