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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I need to disconnect my car alarm, that I never use. Sucks my battery or something. I seem to go through a lot of car batteries. eg, my car won't start. Stupid car.
  2. The chat scroll speed is like lightning. Maybe if they keep on drinking, we'll get more dancing. Needs more drunken dancing.
  3. Days like today are when I need two monitors so I can see more stuff at once....(forums, Obs's streams, chat windows).
  4. On the one hand, I don't want all of this to end. On the other hand, when it's over I may get a lot more done, again.
  5. I may record parts but 6+ hours is a lot of HDD space and my spare drive is already stuffed from the D&D session. Haven't had time to crunch it down yet.
  6. I think spinach is supposed to be fairly high in protein, at least certain varieties. Some protein from brown rice, peas/chick peas. Tofu. If wheat gluten isn't an issue, Seitan, which you can buy or try making yourself. Can she eat egg-whites at all, or is that off limits? You can also buy vegie-based protein powders to mix into smoothies or something, but I don't know enough about those to recommend any.
  7. I tend to be in agreement. I also think that, for the moment, any specific concerns re: the OOoE should probably be left to the official sticky thread up top.
  8. They had about one hour of set-up and then played for about 6.5 hours. So after midnight, PST.
  9. As late as they played, I have a feeling it won't be up until ... later. In the meantime...
  10. Josh is a very animated DM. I think it's charming. I'm not into this type of gaming myself, but it's been great fun watching them play and enjoy themselves.
  11. When Harry Met Sally. Pygmalion. I tend towards dark humor or tragic/ambiguous romance. A longing that's never quite fulfilled (or takes forever to realize) or a love lost/abandoned feels more poignant and emotionally affecting than Disney or Harlequin.
  12. I can often suffer from "quest overload" syndrome. Where you reach a saturation point in quests available/quests accepted and eventually I become tired of making decisions so I just ignore them all and forge ahead to the end. Does that count? Usually this stems, at least in part, from a questing system and pacing that creates too much of a sense of overload in the first place. It's not that I dislike lots of quests...I just become overwhelmed if it feels like I accept a quest, and in the process of trying to do those I encounter 3 more, which I feel must accept or I'll forget they exist, and then I encounter 3 more, and so on. So before I've even been able to finish one quest my quest log is now bursting. So...do I think even RPG's can be too long? Not technically, perhaps. But depending on design and personal entertainment value, I can definitely become weary before I get to "everything."
  13. Are they eating Pizza Hut? Ewww....that said, it still makes me want pizza myself.
  14. I've been so fatigued all day..never really woke up if you know what I mean. This is a perfect excuse to wrap back up in a blanket and just relax. I think they said they'd be recording it, but my own video recorder will still be running, in case I ... er ... fall asleep or something. I'm too impatient to wait for an official upload in case I miss bits.
  15. I think, last I knew, it just disabled them from accumulating for that session.
  16. My opinion is I'd rather the focus just be on creating multiple characters with great stories/personalities, where players may find attachment ('crush') to one or more because you like that personality ... and then use your own imagination to create the rest of romance, if you want one. I don't always want it all spelled out for me, where my own imagination may be stepped on by some crude writing or silly fade to black or poorly animated bedroom scene. Games can offer a framework for inspiring romantic imagination, but I don't think they're a very good format for actually providing a fully fleshed out, interesting, and complex romantic plot line. My own imagination is always better anyway.
  17. Which is why I also hope they stick mostly to their own vision and not be too influenced by what goes on in the forums. Don't get me wrong, I can completely understand not being happy with something in a proposed game, but why not give them a chance instead of assuming the worst? I'm very used to the xp-per-kill type of system (or whatever) but I'm open to other options and directions. Sometimes things that initially sound unappealing to me because it's not what I'm used to ends up becoming my favorite new thing. eg, I love chocolate, but it doesn't mean I want to eat it all the time.
  18. Hope this doctor can get some answers for you guys.
  19. Thanks for putting it all into one easy to read post/place, Loranc. Helpful to old farts like me.
  20. I guess I don't need XP for every rat or bandit I take down, as long as the general notion of character progression is there. Exploration for me is wanting to see what's there, not whether I get tons of XP from killing things I might encounter along the way. XP-per-kill is the common way to do things (in a lot of games...) and I wouldn't mind seeing what Obsidian can do with a different type of XP system.
  21. This was my thought as well, except that unlike in some games, once the shield/stamina is down, you can't keep on doing any actions until it recovers (via time or spell).
  22. Sometimes things sound complicated when described in words, and turn out to be simple during execution. edit: nvm, dev. posted while I was typing.
  23. Extremely tired. Looking forward to that D&D session Obsidian is doing tonight. They better not cancel it, or I'll be all
  24. Having it does add some flavor at times, so don't mind "jargon" if it's present. But mostly, unless I have to know it to solve puzzles or something, I ignore it, just like I ignored Klingon in Star Trek. Edit: I do remember that one "tarmoc and something on tennegra" (spelling not correct I'm sure) episode of ST:TNG tho...called..."Darmok?" That was one episode where an alien language/culture was quite interesting to me.
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