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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. *scratches head* ....wondering what you'd actually try to use besides water. Milk?
  2. I only do that/have that mentality in games where it feels like you have to because everything in the stores is priced out of your range from the getgo, unless you sell everything. (1 plain iron longsword, 100,000 gold pieces...and I have 4000. wtf?) ...so limited inventory is fine if the monetary/store system is also fair. Otherwise, gimmie big inventory space.
  3. Don't know about the biggest, but I remember noticing that Rage was something like 21GB to download from Steam (that's compressed, of course...it took up more HDD space than that), which was the largest I'd dealt with. But I don't DL tons of games so maybe if I did that wouldn't seem unusual.
  4. More familiar with Guthrie's rendition...but they're both good. To this day the line now first brings to mind Robin Williams and the movie.
  5. 95% blank slate, 1% brief, generic background, 4% bits of your past life maybe coming out during your dialogues with npc's. eg, "I was married, once. Didn't work out well." with little to no elaboration.
  6. I'd be a lousy mother and I'm definitely not the caregiver type (unless it's a pet cat....). Don't mind some "save the kids" sidequests and such, but overall ... completely not interested in playing some deep, parental/mentor figure. If one of the companions has some issues in that regard, however...as a story/quest arc...that might be fine. Just don't drag "me" into it.
  7. Quoting myself from the Update post (because I'm that lazy at 830am): ....eg, I love exploration, but there is such a thing as too much pointless, empty, "exploration potential." And on the other side, there's also such a thing as too much focus on density. I don't want to encounter stuff every 20 feet. When I want that, I'll play an action-rpg. imo.
  8. LadyCrimson


    Yeah...I was born a little too late. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp5JCrSXkJY
  9. Caught up on a couple TV shows. Probably going to go to sleep early again. The start of winter tends to make me want to snuggle in bed... Also, I ate too many of these: (yummy....)
  10. Is it good? Trailer looks rather preachy. Well...if you went in not knowing anything at all about the situation or the real-life person it's highlighting, it's an ok action-drama, with some effective moments, but also some cardboard thin characters and side-arcs that go nowhere. If you do know more, then it might seem a little too exploitative and unbelievable. I didn't find it all that preachy, however.
  11. Most of this thread puts me in mind of that cartoon that goes something like: "Someone on the internet is WRONG and I must fix it!"
  12. Single-player games .... I used to have this big book of baby names, with all kinds of unusual ones in it. So I'd just rifle through the book until I came across one that appealed. But these days I tend to be lazy and just pick names out of thin air...usually descriptive of the character portrait or chosen attire, or something boring like that. Or by gazing at my desk and going "Pen, calculator, clock, glass of water, pile o' bills ... Billabil, yeah, that's it."
  13. Today as I drove home after getting some take-out dinner, I was singing to some Katy Perry song at top volume whilst stopped at a traffic light. Pounding the steering wheel, bopping the head around, probably looking like an idiot, all of that. Then another car pulled up in the lane next to mine. He had the same song/station on in his car and we started bopping in time together, waving to each other. It was like out of some movie, and it was glorious.
  14. Machine Gun Preacher. 300, Gamer, this movie....I'm starting to wonder if Gerard Butler has more than one expression.
  15. This has pretty much been my experience of most gaming forums for the past 15+ years. I definitely don't think it's that men over-react more, only that there are more males on gaming forums. Which is why I tend to give my opinion (if I have one to say) and then leave the topic. 9 times out of 10 it feels like a waste of my time to do any more than that. Not that I didn't spend early years on the internet doing it anyway. But after a while, for me, there's just all kinds of other stuff that I'd rather spend my time doing. And to restate my record: I don't mind sexy armor being in the game (male or female). I just want variety. I don't always want to feel like my character/s are ready to go for a romp at the beach, or to be wearing fur bikini's in the snow. There needs to be plenty of options, that's all.
  16. I wouldn't be adverse to them demanding their "pay" ... eg, some gold/cash. It seems only fair (this is assuming they don't auto-take some share of gold to being with). But item-treasure, no...that's mine, all mine. And there should be an option to duel it out or something....the option should vary per companion of course, depending on their story arc/personality. It would be dull if it was always the exact same contention option. The other option (maybe) is to make them cost something to have in your party in the first place. Or at least some of them. That way they've already been paid up front, so to speak. And if you let them go, if you want them back, you'd have to pay again. ... not that I think many are going to want that method to be included. Just saying it's one way to do it...especially for, say, a thief companion. I kinda like it when at least one companion is largely mercenary, motivated mostly for and about money, rather than some vengeance or noble goal that you and he/she happen to have in common. (edit:but not be generic, no-story Adventure Hall ppl either, if you know what I mean)
  17. Ok, I'm done drooling over the dungeon pic and wondering if I could have it turned into a poster or something...so I'd like to make a couple other comments: I'm very happy to hear this. That's just about exactly how I felt about those two games. I remember when I went from BG1 to BG2, how I felt some of the exploration feeling had been lost. But it's also true that BG1 had maps that felt very "low density." Something inbetween (or whatever) would be great, and I'm glad to know y'all are trying to think up ways to address it. So does this mean we will not only have crates, but smashable crates? ....you know I had to say it.
  18. I like Josh's shirt. Not because I'm familiar with Amon Tobin (something I'm going to rectify now) but because I like the design. It's cool. And of course, I like the update. Updates make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Plus the updated dungeon picture is coooool. Can I get a cloth tapestry of that instead of the world map? I'll send $30 extra.
  19. If they rain delayed with one out left to go I'd be all Edit: WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
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