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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. I know... kinda makes you wonder why a romantic man like him would still be single... " ANY thread dealing with the romance or lack thereof in KOTOR2 should be called "Fangirl Rant"... because regardless of the question, said thread will inevitably turn into a fangirl rant.
  2. You call that a romance? Wow. I guess you're easily satisfied then. Personally I thought that "romance" with Atton was a little high school... The only thing that was missing was Atton passing a note to the Exile during math with the following content written: Do you like me? _ Yes _ No I mean, don't get me wrong, it was cute and all... but come on!
  3. Didn't you already ask the exact same question about 3 weeks ago? I do recall writing somebody an in-depth explanation on how you do NOT get to hear either of them tell you they love you, and I'm pretty sure it was you.
  4. Yes, you did... you just don't remember. It's an automatic conversation. As soon as you first get onto the Ebon Hawk, Atton asks you about your lightsaber, right around that same time as when he tells you to go check on Kreia.
  5. The dialog between Anakin and Padme was actually so bad it was funny (at first anyway... then it got slightly better, though not much). In fact there were a couple scenes where it was so bad that the guy sitting next to me and I were giggling uncontrollably. And of course that "Noooooo!" a la "Stellaaaaa!!!" on Darth Vader's part at the end was beyond lame... not to mention the recycled dialog from other movies/games. Anakin saying "I have a bad feeling about this" made me chuckle. But leaving out those parts, I thought the movie was awesome. There were two instances in the movie where I actually got teary-eyed, which is a first for me for any SW movie. So yeah, all in all, REALLY happy with the movie. And hopefully when I do go see it again with my friends, who I was supposed to see it with first, but who didn't want to go opening week, I can pretend it's completely new again. "OMG! Anakin I totally didn't see that coming. It's horrifying. HORRIFYING, I say!"
  6. Well, considering I always put a viridian lightsaber on Atton, that sounds about right. He dies a lot... but he gets right back up every time... only to get killed again.
  7. You know, I don't think I can come up with anything that beats this one.
  8. Really? I don't know, I like it... and I don't generally like things that are showy. But then again, purple is my favourite colour. I generally equipped my Exile with one violet, one silver lightsaber. (yeah... silver... such a shock, I know. *stares at own handle*)
  9. Then your "friend" can be an honourary fangirl.
  10. Yeah, you keep right on thinking that, buddy.
  11. *glances over at pile of Atton fanfic she wrote**looks at birth certificate and cringes* Yeah, apparently not...
  12. As if I'm the only one who would like a violet lightsaber! Oh wait... I just remembered I'm on a message board full of GUYS.
  13. Teehee! I usually consider myself too old and cynical to be a "fangirl." Cloris <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pffft... I'm old and cynical, but I'm still a fangirl.
  14. That's just because he was trying to keep Sion away from the Exile. Hence the whole "Did I save you yet?" bit. At least, that's what I gathered from it.
  15. [fangirl rant] Hey, not THAT minor! EVERYBODY who's seen Sin City remembers the guy that gets shot by an arrow. He's been in a LOT of stuff though... he's been acting since he was 7 and he's 35. [/fangirl rant]
  16. Revan would probably have to be set to LS female... otherwise Carth would be dead, no? Also I've gotten the message with a base intelligence of 13... but I had intelligence bonuses.
  17. You know, I wondered that as well. I guess Vrook manages to convince them that it is in fact for the better... *shrug*
  18. I find that certain robes influence certain characters (which shall remain nameless) into looking hotter, but other than that... not really...
  19. He reminds me of a member from some 70s rock band, but I can't remember who...
  20. Oh yeah... now that you mention it, that does ring a bell. Frankly, I find that the whole apology thing makes us look even worse (and by "us", I mean French Canadians). Nobody cared! The English people laughed because it poked fun at French people, the French people laughed because they're able to laugh at themselves. (the only ones who may not have laughed are the ones who speak no English... but then, why would they have been watching Conan if they didn't speak English?) People in this country seriously need to grow a sense of humour and to stop bickering over matters as trivial as language. (And that is my P.S.A. to the Quebec language police, which fines stores if the French writing on their signs isn't printed in a larger font than the English writing) You're telling me! (and we still say "what garbage"... at least we do here in Canada )
  21. Um... yeah, I'd say so. Aside from a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother who was supposedly British, my ancestors were all French. Hence why my dad is starting to think that I'm a spawn of Satan for turning all Anglo on him and having dated only Anglos since high school. But enough about me. This isn't LavaLife.
  22. The Anglophones thought it was offensive? WHICH Anglophones? Around these parts everybody thought it was funny. But then again, Anglos in Toronto REALLY hate French people. I did think it was quite funny though... and I am a (former) Quebecer.
  23. Who did? Harry? Yeah, I sometimes thought that as well... but then I remembered the fact that he's 15, which might explain the moodiness.
  24. Actually, funny enough, that does get addressed in the books... At some point Harry gets P.O.'d and starts asking why all this is happening to him.
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