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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. Yeah... as much as I'm an Atton fangirl, I was still all "Awwww... Carth... and Revan... and...." *gush* (yes, I realize I'm just opening myself up for ridicule from Darth Flatus :D )
  2. *raises eyebrow* Reeeally... I didn't know. Dammit, and my ex-bf is going to be taking his Xbox with him when he leaves. :'( Ah, well... I guess I can live without the "Are you an angel" line... At least I've got the PC version of the game. *whew*
  3. Just noticed that line... don't worry about that... I wasn't even close to DS mastery either and I got my Atton Easter Egg stuff during my 3rd run through.
  4. Then I can't really help you... Any guys on here find the Handmaiden Easter Egg stuff? Anyone? Bueler?
  5. Were you playing female or male Exile? I'm not entirely sure what the Easter Egg is for male (I think it's something involving Handmaiden), but I know Atton has a completely different intro if you play female Exile. There's really not a lot of difference though.
  6. Well, truth be told, my hair's a little bit longer... and i have red highlights. But that's the closest I could get.
  7. I don't think so... I made mine months ago and I only remember having to right click and save. EDIT: Granted, now that I looked at the link, I think mine was off a different site.
  8. Hahaha! Yes, I think that wins stunning thread of the week.
  9. Wow, you're just not trying anymore, are you?
  10. I thought it was. :D But then I'm a fangirl... I also was going to play again anyway. It was just an added bonus. No, it'll just be a different convo.
  11. And this is relevant... how? Did I miss a post in there somewhere?
  12. AAAAAH!!! MY EYES!!! EDIT: BTW, figures that my co-worker (not the one I was talking about) would happen to look at my screen as I'm seeing that picture on there.
  13. Okay, if I ever saw somebody doing that, it would cause ME to point and laugh and yell "GEEK!".
  14. Mine's turning 34 in a couple weeks, and he has had ONE girlfriend for like 6 months, back when he was 26.
  15. Hey, me too! Mind you, he's more of a former D&D geek turned music geek, but still.
  16. *shakes fist in direction of home town*Damn you, Dan! You turned me into a geek! Ah well... I like it better this way anyway. :D See, now I'm scared to go home...
  17. I don't know, I noticed a change in Bastila as well. Not quite as blatant as in K2, but her skin was pretty grey, I thought.
  18. So THAT's why my HS boyfriend got me into D&D... Well, guess his plan worked. Too bad we stopped seeing each other 11 years ago.
  19. Wow. So much hate in this thread for HP fans. I'm TOTALLY not a HP fan! *steps quietly out of thread*
  20. That's strange... basically once you hit level 15, you can get the prestige class... but you have to be more than halfway (I think) on the lightside or on the dark side. Perhaps your alignment was too close to the center? Or perhaps you never talked to Kreia?
  21. Suddenly I'm glad I haven't played D&D in about 10-13 years...
  22. I voted for Trekkies too. :D And I didn't even hesitate either!
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