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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. I'm now actually kind of shocked that I didn't. I usually giggle over anything remotely dirty-sounding, Beavis and Butthead style. I completely missed that one. I'm rather disappointed in myself, to be quite honest. :"> I was probably too busy gawking at Atton to be able to think straight.
  2. But... why would I want to be perfectly normal?
  3. Okay, I feel like I ought to be all angry and stuff... But this one was funnier than the Disciple one. BRILLIANT!
  4. Why? That was the funniest thing I saw all week! Now, if it had been Atton... <_< (oh hell, I probably still would've laughed)
  5. Exactly. I actually have yet to manage to train Mira... My last game was the only one where I got Atton, Bao-Dur AND Disciple trained. I usually would get Atton and MAYBE Disciple trained and let it go at that.
  6. Like I said, I might be sad, but I'm not that sad. My fangirliness stops at Atton (and maybe Carth, to some extent). I only ever defended the HP books. Not the... lifestyle. :ph34r:
  7. Yeah, cause I'd be spending so much time in HERE with all you people and writing fanfic if I was.
  8. O...kay... now, I may have read the HP books many times, but I am NOT a member of Hogwarts Online. I'm sad, but I'm not THAT sad.
  9. 386? Man, me it was old Apples, Commodore 64's and VIC-20's. Yeah, VIC-20's... you know the ones that ran off cassette tapes, instead of disks? My cousin had one of those... I feel ancient.
  10. What the...? Okay, I've seen that scene like 2 or 3 times already with LSF Revan, both on Xbox and PC, and I do NOT recall seeing Bastila at all.
  11. Nah, Bastila just doesn't show up if you say Revan was female... I guess cause... well, why would she? She's not the one in love with Revan (well, except for in that one fanfic I was reading the other night... ), Carth is.
  12. You're sick. Anyway, let's get back on topic, guys...
  13. Great. Now I feel bad. <_< Or, the way I put it, his really young unwed teenaged mother. Ah... gotcha. :cool:
  14. Are you calling me a brick wall? Sorry, I just don't go for guy who were born when I was in grade 8. (I also haven't had my coffee yet this morning, so I'm grouchy)
  15. Well Do I at least get credit for trying :D ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll give you a "C" for effort. *shrug* It's a matter of taste, I guess... But the first book is hardly the best one. The fourth and fifth ones are awesome, and a lot less kiddy-like.
  16. Wow. I didn't expect you to agree with me.
  17. I don't wanna ba even dummer than I already am :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't think that could be possible... "
  18. So much hate for HP on this thread... Have any of you even read the books?
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