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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. I thought it was all right... I'm probably the only geek on the planet who hasn't read the book, so I can't really compare... though it did leave me with the impression that the book was probably better. But yeah, not a bad movie. It was entertaining, to say the least. Marvin was hilarious. The chick bugged me a little bit though... she wasn't very convincing. I can't really complain though, seeing as I got free passes to the premiere last Wednesday.
  2. I don't know, but I do know that DS Atton could certainly use some of that... My, what a frightening face he has. Kept making comments on how bad I looked... It's like, "Have you seen yourself?"
  3. Wasn't there already a thread about this? ...From what I recall, practically everybody felt that THEIR version of Revan/Exile should be the right one. Personally I think it's a bad idea... tick off too many people.
  4. You'd like to think you're homicidal? :ph34r: Remind me not to tick you off! Don't you mean "Carth"?
  5. Yeah, I thought so too... When I got that cutscene with Carth after the Ravager the one time I played DS, my Exile looked so bloody awful next to him! I remember thinking "How can you not tell she's DS? Exactly what about her makes you think she'd be willing to help you relay a message to your lost girlfriend?"
  6. What are you going to be doing, Flatus?
  7. I remember playing the SNES (or was it Sega Genesis?) Shadowrun game a few years ago and it was pretty bad... actually, now that I think about it, I may have it at home still. Regardless... I wouldn't suggest dropping a bundle on this game. :D
  8. Better programming pop than working at a regular day job with boring people, I say.
  9. Oh, shush... At least I get paid to listen to music, no matter how much I don't like the music I listen to. And no matter how little I do get paid. (Kids, if you want to make the big bucks, do NOT go into radio.) Plus I sometimes get free CDs (good ones) and I can get in for free at some shows. So THERE!
  10. You know, I was going to post something relevant, but talking about the Conservatives usually puts me in such a fit of rage that I become a little incoherent. I would rather see ANY other party in power. And yes, that's including the damn Bloc even though I'm the farthest thing from being a separatist (being as I live in T.O. and all...).
  11. Music programmer for internet radio station. Yes, I get paid to listen to music. :D
  12. Apparently I'm able to write stuff AS I'm falling asleep and still have it make sense the next day.
  13. Wow. I think we may have found someone more obsessed than me! *Looks at MS Word fanfic manuscript* Mmmh... I wrote 63 pages this week. Nope, I'm still worse than you are!
  14. I wasn't speaking badly of Carth, was I? Cause I actually Carth... just not as much as Atton, that's all.
  15. You know, a buddy of mine said the same thing too... And he was so looking forward to killing Carth, too. But I was just going from comments made by some fangirls on the board who were bitter that they had to kill him at the end and that they didn't even have the option not to. EDIT: Ah, well that would make sense, then.
  16. Poor Carth... why do guys hate him so much? Well, at least your comments weren't directed at Atton, so I can skip the "*glares at Flatus*" part of my post...
  17. Strange, I heard there was more and he actually showed up on the Star Forge and you were either given the choice to kill him or have Bastila do it. Or something like that. Meh. All I know is in K2 if you play a FEMALE Exile and Female DS Revan, there is NO reference to Carth whatsoever.
  18. Weeeeeell... maybe if you play the MALE Exile and Mical isn't actually in your party... cause when you play a female Exile and he's in your party you never see him talk to anybody, nor do you ever find out his actual name (well, there's this one cutscene where Atton catches him, but you don't see who he was talking to). So THERE! (Makes no sense that they would keep that in though because the reason why you don't see Carth if Revan was DS female is because she bloody kills him at the end of KOTOR1... or so I'm told. Never did manage to finish playing KOTOR1 DS.)
  19. Do you really want to know all the answers to this? Isn't the point of the game figuring this all on your own? Well, anyway if you're sure... for LS on Telos/Citadel Station As for the romance, And finally, Carth... EDIT: *shakes fist at Flatus* (And yes. The romance sucks. There, I said it. If it hadn't, maybe I wouldn't be spending so much damn time writing fanfic.)
  20. I think it was a chick, actually. But regardless, as far as I know, the pacifist package is the only HK upgrade like that. Not that I really toyed around with HK much in any of my games, as I'm not a big droid person, but the only HK stuff I ever came across were the parts needed to put him back together and the pacifist package.
  21. I agree. It still wouldn't have solved my questions like "But what happened to my crew?" and "No, really, what happened to my crew?" and "I REALLY don't think Atton's reasonable enough to just let the Exile go like that..." and "No, SERIOUSLY, now, WHAT happened to my crew?"
  22. Google says... here! (Just ignore the ad that plays at first)
  23. Darth Spock, your sig gets two thumbs up from me.
  24. I find that Atton and Bao-Dur are the two you can earn the most influence with on Nar Shaddaa, though I personally always end up running around with Atton and Disciple simply because I like that combo. Granted if you're trying to earn influence with a specific one (of Atton and Bao-Dur, that is), you do have to watch out, because there's a spot or two where you can earn influence with either one of them (but not both) through the same act... and as far as I can tell, it's totally random who gets the influence. You can earn influence with both by fixing the speeder, though. As for the Twi'leks... what did you mean by not leveling him? Like, not leveling him AT ALL? Cause you're probably going to have your ass handed to you if you don't level him up a little bit. Though it might still be doable... if you run out behind the bar and do it quickly enough, they won't follow you there, and you can just stand behind there and shoot at them without them reaching Atton. (not the most "sportsmanlike" way, but if you don't want to level him up, that's probably your best bet) Why am I always the first one to answer all the Atton-related questions? I'm like a moth to a porch light whenever I see the name "Atton", it would seem.
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