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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. Yeah, I figured as much... Otherwise I'd have felt compelled to slap you silly.
  2. *shakes head* Poor Disciple... so much hate...
  3. I found playing DS a little difficult at first because I'm such a LS kind of gal, but it does get easier with time. You know... once you start heading down that path...
  4. It's not the ripping off old tales I have issues with per se, it's the fact that they're butchering them by tacking on a happy ending. I will admit I am a sucker for a happy ending, but not if it means detroying a perfectly good tragic story. Let's see... Ariel and her prince live happily ever after vs. Ariel commits suicide. Yeah, that TOTALLY sounds like the same story.
  5. Quiet, you. And stop insulting me!
  6. I was wondering what happened to this thread... (Where's Royal been, anyway?) I don't know... maybe a bit... Something about the face does look similar. Hair's too dark, though.
  7. I'd go with DS myself, because it makes the game quite a bit different... especially on Citadel Station if you choose to help Czerka instead of the Ithorians.
  8. The trailer for the new HP movie is out. Bwahahahahaha!! *watches*
  9. Really? Me, it was the part toward the end where he "dies". I knew it was a Disney movie, and therefore there's no way they would have killed him off ("Little Mermaid", anyone? Yeah, that was TOTALLY like the original story... <_< ), but I bawled nonetheless.
  10. Nine Inch Nails - Pretty Hate Machine (I couldn't find the Downward Spiral this morning) Off to NIN show tonight! Woohoo!!!!!
  11. I was expecting that kind of thing, but it still scared the crap out of me. *slowly recovers from heart attack*
  12. I have one at work! He sits next to me. He's 25. It's awesome!
  13. There's this 80s French movie from Quebec called "La guerre des tuques", and which was later translated to "The Dog Who Stopped The War". Now that made me bawl. (The dog dies. Sorry to ruin the ending.)
  14. Really? My ancestors came from Normandie. Maybe we're related! (...or not...)
  15. O...kay... Back on topic, boys? PLEASE? :ph34r: Start making fun of HP fans again. At least that was less disturbing.
  16. There's a statement I never thought I'd hear... (or see)
  17. I hope you're not expecting me to stand up and DEFEND Sweet November. I may have cried, but it doesn't mean it wasn't the cheesiest movie I've ever seen.
  18. I'm sorry, you're knowingly hitting on a woman roughly 14 to 15 years your senior... You're begging for cracks about your age. My parents' wish list: 1. Get a grown-up job that pays well. Not that radio thing or whatever it is you do. 2. Stop wasting your money on computer games, computer ugrades, video game consoles... 3. Get a nice boyfriend 4. One who speaks French 5. I've given up on you ever having children (well, okay, that's not so much a wish as it is a statement) 6. Move back here, because I don't want to have to drive for 5 hours or make a long distance phone call whenever I feel the urge to nag and talk about how sad your life is compared to your brothers'. And if they knew how much time I spend on this board, they'd probably add: 7. Stop talking about that Star Wars game so much! And what's with you and writing about that Atton guy?
  19. I know this is going to be hard to believe, but... no!
  20. Bwahahahahaha!! And by "French" I meant one who speaks the language. I have a history of dating only anglos since high school. My English is now better than my French. I think my dad is THIS close to disowning me.
  21. I'm a chick. I cry for a lot of movies. It all started when I was 6 and I went to see E.T. and I thought he died. Yup, that was the first time I cried in a movie. The most hilarious movie crying moment must have been a few years back when a girl friend and I went to see the movie Sweet November, which is probably THE biggest chick flick I've ever seen (no, I haven't seen The Notebook... I fear it may be a bit TOO chicky for me). At the end of the movie, as my friend and I were both crying, I turned around and looked at the movie theatre... ALL the women in the audience were crying. And by the way, I really, really, really feel sorry for the guys that got dragged out to that. I mean, honestly, who does that to their boyfriend? If I ever did that to a guy I was dating, I would expect him to dump me, and would lose all respect for him if he didn't.
  22. I think my parents would also be happy if I could find a relationship with a nice French boy, one that would last longer than 3 years, move back to my home town, and get a steady, well-paying government job, but I don't see that happening either. "
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