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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. For some reason, I find that picture strangely compelling... I'm mildly perturbed by this... :ph34r:
  2. Oh MAN! Is that what he looks like when he's evil? I don't know, the only time I played DS, I had crap influence with Mical, so I never got to see him look evil. Creepy. And in that case, I agree. That does kind of look like him.
  3. Meh... I actually thought Selma Blair looked more like Visas.
  4. Hey, it's kind of like me and my fic! Only after I finished the first one I immediately started writing another. I was pretty shocked I actually had more to say. Think a bit! I'm sure you'll get some sort of inspiration! :D
  5. Seriously, guys... let's not get into THIS conversation, please... Back to posting bad... er... I mean... WONDERFUL art!
  6. That's a TAD gruesome, isn't it? I dunno, he looks way too EVIL to be Mical...
  7. So, Flatus, when are we going to see your next art project?
  8. I didn't realize there was a "queue"... I just thought it was completely random.
  9. That's not very str8 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why? Because he's comfortable enough to admit that another man is attractive? What IS it with most of you guys?
  10. Just watch out if you have Atton in your party, because the influence could go to him instead. (why do I get the feeling I just wrote about this not long ago? Wasn't there a thread about this last week?)
  11. I actually thought it was pretty damn obvious... (as disturbed as I may be by the fact that I was able to RECOGNIZE them...) Well, at least they're not kissing. :ph34r:
  12. Well, I don't watch the show, so I really couldn't say... all I've got to base my opinion on is pictures... I don't know, he doesn't really seem like he looks like Atton all that much... maybe I'm just distracted by the hair which is distincly un-Atton. I guess his face kind of looks like Atton's... I'd probably have to actually watch the show to get why people keep saying he looks like Atton. Though I will give you this much: the man is hot.
  13. Yeah, that's what I was thinking... I mean, I have yet to meet a guy who obsesses over Carth/Atton as much as she does. (and before Darth Flatus or Bailey makes some joke, as much as I do as well)
  14. *stands back and watches as thread gets WAY out of hand* In retrospect, maybe I should've just corrected my original statement and left it at that.
  15. MAN, I love that pic... Yeah, I already had seen that one... Hell, I think I've got a copy saved on my computer. And I still say that if you just grow his hair out a bit, he IS Atton (though Nicky does look a lot better with short hair). And YES! Chapters 16 AND 17 have been uploaded, so they should be showing up on the site... whenever they decide to refresh it. (or if you're THAT impatient, you can always alter the URL )
  16. "Urm... you see it was THIS way... There was this thread... on this game forum..."
  17. Hey, it was hard enough opening up one of these polls and NOT voting for Atton. You're lucky I even did that much! P.S. Droids suck. There, I said it.
  18. Poor Disciple must be so sad for being left out of this poll... And for the record, I am NOT the one who voted for Atton. For once. I actually voted for Mandalore.
  19. Yeah, I just noticed. Talk about being right on cue!
  20. Than whom? Than Nicky Katt? Come ON! Where's Royal when I need someone to back me up on this??
  21. Pfff... You're lucky if I have ONE.My mom's sort of given up on it at this point. Anyway, back on topic... Wynne, I don't think I agree that your 'Atton' looks like Atton... but then again I'm very picky. You seriously don't think Nicky Katt looks like Atton? Odd... I think he looks just like him.
  22. My grandfather also came from a family of 16 children, but you don't see ME doing that either! This seems to be a reoccuring theme this week... yesterday I got a fanfic review from someone who want me to have their jedi babies. That was the best review EVER! Ya THINK? "
  23. I am somewhat perturbed at the thought that someone your age would be looking for a wife, no matter how hot she may be.
  24. Actually, yes. When I first typed it... then I realized what I had just written, and decided to leave it in anyway.
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