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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. Well, I guess she's older now... she'd be what, 18-19 years old at the time of KOTOR2?
  2. Urm... *shakes magic 8-ball* "Stars say no" Dammit! Sorry, I don't do mods (or abductions, for that matter, no matter how much I may be drooling over the guy). I only do fanfic. :D
  3. Really? Cause I had an INT of 16 or so with modifiers, and I could still not get it until I boosted my INT to 13. *shrug* Oh well...
  4. Well, I reckon we would have gotten that speech from Atton if it wasn't for the stuff that was cut... Listening to that "Loved you from the first time I saw you... thought you were a dream" speech kinda chokes me up whenever I hear it. Mind you I don't know if it would've been better or worse than what we got, seeing as it also would have meant watching him DIE after professing his love. And even then, we still wouldn't been able to say it back. I mean, the guy's DYING, for crying out loud! You tell him you love him, even if you don't mean it! I think some of the writers were going through bad breakups when they were writing the story.
  5. Yeah, I was about to mention that... about three pages ago. I did try to get it back on track a couple times, but apparently it didn't take.
  6. Wicked. We're both about as connected, then. Seriously, I have some friends who get all worked up over this more than I... It's like, guys, it's not like you know her. Hell, it's not even like I know her. I don't even live in the same country or on the same continent as her. Still, it must be pretty cool to have a mom who has her own action figure.
  7. If you're referring to that message T3 has recorded, I think it has more to do with Intelligence than Computer skills. In fact, I know it does, because it shows up in your options with [intelligence] in front of it. I had really high repair and computer skills, but I could never trigger it... however once I raised my intelligence (to 13, I think... I don't know if intelligences bonuses will work or not for this), I immediately got the option to look at it.
  8. My guess is, the 70s happened. Oh, I know you're mostly kidding, but I'm so not bugging him about this... I mean, he's a good friend and all, but I don't want to act all fangirl around him (again)... I was bad enough when I found out about the Mon Mothma thing a couple years ago. I can still hear me now... "Dude, your mom was in Return of the Jedi?" "Um... yeah, she played Mon Mothma..." "DUDE! Your MOM was in RETURN OF THE JEDI???" The conversation kind of went downhill from there. *hangs head in shame*
  9. Really? That must be interesting. I'd love to pick his brain about his movies. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, I haven't exactly met him... just his son-in-law and his daughter. Incidentally, this is the same co-worker whose mother was in Return of the Jedi (she played Mon Mothma). This guy's got all kinds of connections, it seems. :D That's pretty much it, I'm afraid... I mean, working in the radio biz, I've had the occasional run-in with the odd artist, but nobody I thought really exciting so far (no offense to the "famous" people I've met). But I certainly don't know any of them. I just basically know people who know people. But at least I can sometimes get free CDs and get into some shows for free.
  10. Damn, woman! For a second there I thought you meant the movie "Crash" as in the one directed by David Cronenberg, who happens to be my co-worker's father-in-law... had me playing "six degrees of Greg Ellis" in my head.
  11. Well, come on, the way he's standing there, it almost looks as though that's what he's saying. That was actually the first thought that went through my mind when I saw it. Wig and hat notwithstanding, I'm finding him to be a lot better looking than in that first pic of him that was posted in this thread.
  12. Broken link... can't see it. Edit: I pasted the link into a new window... My reaction is "meh". I thought he'd be better looking.
  13. It's Mical... but you only find out if you're playing a male Exile, for some reason. <_<
  14. I too thought it was obvious, but I guess it wasn't to some people... We Atton fangirls can recognize our own kind. Mind you, it helps that you reviewed my fanfic... I think I've had one guy review it.
  15. I know... I think it really was one of the things I liked most about Atton when I first started playing. I just love Nicky Katt's voice, and his delivery in the role of Atton is just amazing. (and of course, as a radio chick, that's the first thing I'm going to be checking. My professors taught me well... they must be proud.) I was really impressed with him.
  16. Ever hear the expression "a face for radio"? I work in the radio industry. Believe me, they might sound good on the air, but as far as looks go, for the most part... *shudder*
  17. As was I. Well, except for the "woman" part. Or were you not paying attention to the Nicky Katt worship conversation Royal and I were having? But anyway... back on topic... romances suck... blah blah blah... What aspect of the romances (if any) was cut from the game from a male perspective? I mean, I know that with the female Exile we'd have gotten the whole "I've loved you from the moment I saw you... thought you were a dream" spiel, but is there anything similar that happens with Handmaiden and/or Visas that was cut from the game? (to be quite honest, I never bothered reading that part)
  18. THANK YOU! I was waiting for someone to come back me up on this... Seriously... I never used to watch Boston Public, but now I'm starting to want to (well, at least the episodes that he's in).
  19. SO not my type. The British accent does earn a few extra points in my books, but it can only go so far.
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