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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. I tend like women with a personality <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think you're a minority among male gamers.
  2. Well, the way I see it, so long as I can't tell he's a droid, he's not a droid. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Seems like love brakes all barriers <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, I've used similar lines before about bugs in my food. "If I don't see it, it's not there." Denial can be a wonderful thing. (No, I'm not comparing Atton to a bug in my food.)
  3. Dammit, I was just about to make some smartass comment about how he sounds like Atton, too. *sulkily shuffles out of thread* (BTW, LadyCrimson, that pic just about killed me)
  4. So how is this bad, exactly? Sorry, no dice... bad enough I uploaded 2 chapters at once last night.
  5. Well, the way I see it, so long as I can't tell he's a droid, he's not a droid.
  6. It's kind of a recent development... He and Darth Flatus started bugging me about Atton this past week or so. Baley just doesn't seem to grasp the concept that Atton is appealing (and that Nicky Katt is hot), and likes to remind me of that fact any chance he gets. How did this thread get so off-topic, anyway? Dammit, Baley, I blame you! So back on topic... I would like that little droid that follows T3 around on the Ebon Hawk at the beginning of K2 to come back. I was disappointed I couldn't fix him when I found him again on Peragus. I love watching T3 dialog with other droids.
  7. Ok, apparently by "later on" I meant "right away". MAN that was funny. I laughed WAY too much for people not to notice I wasn't working. Oooh... my sides. Hurts... when I laugh...
  8. Yeah, cause that so sounds like something I'd do. I think we've just discovered why I didn't know about that part. Well, I might give it a whirl later on.
  9. Well, I haven't played as a guy, so I don't know what Brianna is like, but I'd say Visas definitely fits in that category...
  10. "Droids"? I must've missed that part. Anyway, the stuff that I did see was quite funny. I kind of like the Bao-Dur one a bit better though (strangely enough), probably because Bao has a lot of lines that can be taken many different ways, more so than Atton's. But still, the Atton one = gold!
  11. It'll show up sometime over the next 24 hours. The site is weird that way. I only saw it because I get a mail notification when a new review gets added.
  12. Yeah, I noticed. I bet my co-workers were wondering why I suddenly started laughing to myself.
  13. Probably this weekend... I'm actually in the process of writing chapter 17 (there will likely be 18 chapters), but I like to "sit" on the chapters for a little while so I can go back, re-read, edit, add, etc. (and also check for any continuity errors) Why is it that every thread I go to gets dragged way off-topic? It's not my fault, I swear!!! Fair enough... but basically, yeah, I love Atton's personality, and Nicky Katt... well, Nicky Katt's just hot.
  14. Would it kill you to write a review, then? Just bugging... I honestly thought that the only guys that read my fic were the two that wrote in reviews. (And thank you! I'm glad you like it...) Hey look! We're off-topic again! EDIT: You didn't have to write a review, you know! I was just bugging you!
  15. Quiet, you. If it makes you feel any better, I like Nicky Katt more. Thank you! The fangirls really seem to have liked chapter 13... (I think I can guess why...)
  16. Why, you keepin' your Exile all to yourself? That's fine. I didn't really want him touching your Exile anyway. Why, are you actually reading my fic? (let's just say not that many guys do... can't imagine why. ) I'm looking at 18 chapters right now. I'm about halfway through chapter 17 as we speak, and I'm getting quite close to the end.
  17. Ah,even if the exile was male? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *shrug*Well, I meant the female Exile... but sure, why not? No need to wander the land in sorrow when you can write fanfic.
  18. And all the while, he's teasing me about Atton. I told him I was at least not lusting after some teenaged twi'lek half my age.
  19. Oh ok... well, that makes me feel a little better... for a second there I thought you were like my buddy, who's about 32, and kept going on about how hot Mission was when he was playing KOTOR1.
  20. Yeah, I don't like you anymore. <_< Poor Atton... all he wanted was to be loved by the Exile...
  21. Well, I guess she's older now... she'd be what, 18-19 years old at the time of KOTOR2? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She wasn't too young for me in the first either :"> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wow. I'm rather hoping that by this statement you're implying that you're under 18. "
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