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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not... but in case you're not... you do realize a lightsaber has a hilt, right?
  2. And even then, I would use the word "fights" loosely... more like Atton chewing Mical out and Mical trying to appease him by telling him he feels nothing but admiration for the Exile. To this, I say "Yeah, right!" I mean, sure, he's in love with the Exile and all, but Atton sure likes keeping his secrets. If they'd kept the cut ending in, she'd have found out. (but then he'd have died, so that would have sucked as well) There have been many, many threads dedicated to us fangirls complaining about the lack of romance. Me, I've basically reach the point of "Yeah, it sucks, but what are you gonna do." I guess that's what fanfic is for.
  3. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!YOU! Stop making me laugh so!
  4. Been watching a bit too much Kids In The Hall, have we?
  5. Will you stop making me laugh so much? I almost choked on my food just now.
  6. Regardless, I'm pretty sure Atton's got a good 10 years on Disciple... and there's no way Disciple is under 18, based on appearance and behavior alone. I'd still put Atton around 30-35, and Disciple around 20-22. Of course, that's just what I think, based on my own biased opinions. If you think Atton must be in his 20s just because he's got a baby face, bear in mind that Carth doesn't exactly look 38 in KOTOR1 either... I honestly thought he was around 30, 32 tops.
  7. That's it, I have to stop mentioning them... it seems every time I do, they get another vote. You people are SICK! Sick, I say!!
  8. I don't know about that... in the cut ending, what Kreia says to him seems to point to the fact that he does have romantic feelings for the Exile... I think there is the hero worship aspect, but I also think he's in love with her.
  9. That is true... however you seem to forget that due to their young age, they have not had much experience *eating*, so they might not know how to work their fork properly. Or they might eat too quickly. Therefore making the 30-something woman prefer an older man like Atton, who, let's face it, has probably eaten his way through the galaxy. (this metaphor is starting to get a little out of hand.)
  10. ...and only 3 people appear to think Carth is a pedophile.
  11. You appear to have used the same logic I did in figuring out his age.
  12. Not to mention the "ick" factor over the fact he's in love with a woman in her 30s.
  13. I figured he was about 30-35. I wouldn't have put him as old as 40, though. And yes, he does look like an evil scumbag in those avatars. Me no likey. I like my scumbags friendly-looking, thank you very much.
  14. Okay, not to sound bitchy or anything, but seriously, knock it off. This is at least the second unrelated thread you post this question in. Question was answered.
  15. You want that, but you don't know if that will be the case. Assuming there even is a third game in the first place.
  16. Win-win scenario, if you ask me! Stupid GOTO. I hate that thing.
  17. What Palmtree said. I had the same problem the first time I went through the Ravager. I felt like a moron when I finally did find the console after going through the entire ship like 3 times looking for it.
  18. Wow. Okay, I may be writing Atton/Exile fanfic, but I didn't do that. Just teasing... It's okay, I always put dark jedi robes on Atton even if I have better regular jedi robes he could wear, just because he looks good in black. *hangs head in shame*
  19. An additional benefit would be that it offers more variety for people who wish to play the game more than once. For instance, the first time I played KOTOR2, I specified that Revan was DS female... so Carth wasn't even mentioned at all. Then the second time I mentioned Revan was LS female, and Carth was present all over the place, and I got to see that extra scene between him and Exile. If I were to specify that Revan was male, then there would be some Bastila references. I think it just helps spice up the game, and encourages people to play more than once. Cause god knows if I wanted a repetitive RPG where the exact same thing kept happening, I'd just play Fable again. Sure, it was fun my first run through... but I'm SO never playing that game again. I also agree on the point about isolating people who prefer a female Revan... I mean, yes, I'd still play, and no, I wouldn't be yelling "sexism!" from my soap box, but it would annoy me a little, just because I've come to see Revan as female, and I'd hate to see the whole Carth/Revan romance storyline come to an abrubt end just because somebody decided that Revan was male after all. If they wanted Revan to be male, they should have just made him/her male in the first place and not given us the other option. That, I could live with better than having the storyline I'm used to suddenly be changed.
  20. Ah-HAH! I thought Revan was in her 30s. That's weird about Mission though, cause she mentions in the game how she's 14 (or was it 13? Regardless, it was definitely not 16.).
  21. No kidding... DS Atton is just downright terrifying in appearance. And I love how he comments on how bad you're starting to look and the entire time you're thinking, "Dude... have you looked at yourself?"
  22. It's funny 'cause it's true. Poor Disciple... the butt of so many jokes... It's weird how I absolutely loated him at first, but now I just adore him. (just not in "that" way )
  23. Well, that's your taste. Personally, I love the music that's playing when you go back to Dantooine to meet with the Jedi, and I know I'm not the only one.
  24. Mmmh... That might explain why he got paired up with Mission in that "couples" thread... I mean... hey! Stop saying bad things about Carth!
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