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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. I liked the one from Monty Python and the Holy Grail myself... But then again, I'm kind of geeky that way. "Camelot!" "Camelot!" "Camelot!" "It's only a model..." "Shhhh!"
  2. I think that's the best Carth lookalike I've seen so far.
  3. Not sure if this has been posted before... I only remember seeing the KOTOR 1 Lego... This is wicked! Yes, even Sion's there...
  4. HAHAHAHAHA!!! True, nothing says we have to stick to our species to compare... (that REALLY made me laugh)
  5. Never heard of it, but the loot you find in games is totally random... I've played through 3 times and I haven't gotten it either. I've also never gotten the Onasi blaster, even though I know someone who found two during the same game.
  6. Yeah, I think the 80s spawned a LOT of rock stars that looked like Hanharr...
  7. There have been a few suggestions already, but I think they all fall short. I've been wracking my brain trying to find one, but I just haven't found one yet.
  8. Actually, I had already done that prior to seeing it... I already had found the same pic online last week. Waaaaaaay ahead of ya.
  9. I'm drooling! I'm drooling! Damn work keeping me busy!
  10. That's probably the most bizarre theory I've come across so far. Well, one of, at least.
  11. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Actually, I find Bao-Dur is not that bad as a Jedi. He only sucks with blasters (I found, anyway)
  12. Hahaha... thank you! I always love to hear that people like it (as you can guess)And yes, as Bailey so not-so-subtly mentioned, I uploaded chapter 18 about an hour ago, though it's not showing up yet unless you alter the URL to hit the page up directly. (and no big rush to read this one, the sequel won't start getting uploaded for a little while still.) You're still older than Bailey.
  13. Now, I realize that Atton is very lonely and all, but how do you know it wasn't the other way around?
  14. I'm sorry, I can't tell if it says "Atton's fat" or "Atton's gay"? Though I'd wage my credits on the second one. (Did I REALLY just say "credits"? That's it! I need to find a new hobby.)
  15. So is that your cute way of saying that after any post where I say "Oh my god", you're going to jump in and say "Yes?"
  16. *puts glasses on*OMG ATTON IS HIDEOUS! Hehehe... yeah, like THAT would happen...
  17. OMG! That's bang on! (Or maybe I just have a very hazy memory of what Grenn looks like. ) RE skinhead nazi comment... he actually doesn't look worse than DS Atton. DS Atton was creeping me out, to be quite honest.
  18. Yeah... so long as you make sure it's not Sin City... He's in there for about a minute and a half and he's a skinhead with sunglasses and a swastika tatooed on his head... NOT the best basis for comparison...
  19. Nice try. Nevermind the fact that you're... oh... 19 years younger than he is...
  20. *archs eyebrow* Why cause he's dressed the same? I didn't think he looked anything like Atton, other than the similarity in clothing. But don't mind me... until I find an exact body double of Atton, I won't agree with ANYBODY in this thread... unless they're talking about how much Nicky Katt looks like him.
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