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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. That wins for funniest post today. (in my books anyway)
  2. It is? *looks at date* Hey, it is! (why did I know this?)
  3. Yeah, I also fit under that category... I don't really see how else I could possibly explain the fanfic.
  4. I will now change my answer from "that's an... odd question..." to "that's a... disturbing question..." :ph34r:
  5. Well, I do have a HP desktop calendar... but it was a gift (which kind of gave me a bit of a "WTF?" when I got it... what a waste of money that was!), and it's at home on my piano gathering dust AND I haven't ripped off any pages since January. I will admit to nothing else! I haven't even pre-ordered the 6th book yet! *gasp* And I can't even remember what its title is! *double gasp* If I'm an obsessive fan, I'm a pretty sad excuse for one. (I didn't expect some kind of Spanish Inquisition! )
  6. Okay, I was wondering... I read your post and thought, "But... but... I didn't mean... GAH!" All good, then.
  7. "My" methods of appreciation are unsound? HOW so, exactly? Am I an obsessive fan who dresses up or secretly fantasizes about going to Hogwarts or hangs out in a HP forum? Um... NO! Yes, I like the f'n books. Yes, I've read them a few times and liked them a lot. Yes I've seen the movies and I also liked them. Exactly which part of that makes me "unsound"? It's not like my life revolves around the bloody story.
  8. I was! That Atton/Exile strip is bloody awesome! And not just because I'm an Atton fangirl.
  9. "Finally"? I discovered that when I was twelve. Give me SOME credit. My comment was what is generally known as "a sarcastic retort". "
  10. I will! ...In about 6 hours when I get home from work.
  11. As opposed to the women in any OTHER game?
  12. Excuse me, I'm having a gushing fangirl moment here. Leave me alone!
  13. Exactly what I was thinking. Oh... my... GOD.
  14. Who's rubbing anything in? I was just making rambling random comments, as usual... this wasn't meant as a dig toward anybody older than me. And I certainly don't care about being or not being "identified" with any particular age group. I was just babbling in typical sagittarius fashion. No offense meant. I seriously don't care about people's age (well, unless they're under 18 and they start hitting on me. Then it's a little creepy.).
  15. Nah... I sometimes come off as being angry... but I rarely am. It's often caused by me not having had coffee yet. hon
  16. This poll is lacking a "WELL over 18 years of age" option. Well, at least I'm not 30... for another 7 months.
  17. FINALLY, someone on my side in this thread. The books are interesting and fun to read. WHAT is the problem?
  18. Of COURSE it's a sarcastic remarks. 97% of what I say is sarcastic. As for not being a girl, well, it's not like your gender is tattoed on your avatar or anything. What am I supposed to be, psychic? Most guys on here only ever make negative comments about Carth or Atton, lest the other guys think they're not manly (or whatever other reason it is they may have)... hence my mistaken assumption. My apologies. (you can still be an honourary fangirl if you want... or even just pretend to be. ALL the fangirls will love you! )
  19. Yeah, that's... sort of what I was saying. Suuuuuure you're not... I also used to say that, you know... Join us... don't be afraid...
  20. *shrug*I figured we don't really need YET another poll on the topic... Besides, I think it's pretty obvious that Atton is the hottest male KOTOR character. *stands back and waits for onslaught of irate posts from Carth/Bao-Dur fangirls*
  21. Am I the only one who discovered that if you run around and hide behind one of the columns, the floating lightsabers will generally not reach you and you can just sit there and use whatever force powers at your leisure? Granted, not the most sportsmanlike way... but if you're getting your ass kicked and you really can't defeat her...
  22. I also voted Mira due to the complete lack of Atton in this poll. <_<
  23. Oh, I'm still LS... hell, I still won't play KOTOR1 as DS because I don't want to kill Carth. (...not to mention Mission, and Jolee, and... well, actually Juhani I wouldn't mind so much. She annoys me.) I still feel a pang of guilt whenever I do DS stuff, but it does get easier with time, yes.
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