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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. I'm somewhat perturbed at the fact that Baley seems to be interested in talking about Atton. " Sure, Launch, you can come, but you have to make sure you remain a Carth fangirl... Otherwise I'd really be confused.
  2. I figured I'd specify that, as most guys around here don't seem to get my sense of humour.
  3. Wow, that's actually exactly what I'm going through. I've always had my nose stuck in a book, but then I stopped reading a few months ago after spending my time reading biographies on Henry the VIII and Elizabeth I, as well as L.M. Montgomery's journals. I just didn't read at ALL anymore. Thankfully, I was introduced to Robert Frezza's McLendon's Syndrome, and I've rediscovered reading.
  4. Yes, I suppose we'd likely talk about Atton a bit too much for your liking... I promise we wouldn't be plotting to kidnap Nicky Katt or anything. Edit: YES, I'M KIDDING ABOUT THE KIDNAP THING.
  5. Oh gods... I'd been trying to forget. That movie made me BAWL. That was entirely too sad.
  6. It's not *impossible*... His only big flaw is the mouthful of teeth he's got. *shudder* Gods... It's been so long since I played that I actually managed to forget about those. Trust me, he starts getting much better looking after a few weeks of not looking at him. (I guess it also helps that's I'm portraying him as a human being in my fic... that makes him a lot more attractive to me.)
  7. Yeah, the "Atton with trust issues" in me would certainly go for that. Only it's 10:44 AM where I am. It may not be very socially acceptable to be drinking quite yet.
  8. That's okay... I also got Carth (or Atton, depending on whether I wanted to get married or run away screaming)... so I don't trust you either, SteveThaiBinh, if that's is indeed your real name... *narrows eyes suspiciously*
  9. You're handsome and fangirls swoon over you. I think it's probably a good thing.
  10. Wow! I'm shocked that this thread didn't get locked. When I logged off last night I was convinced it would be. Anyway... I like that pic of Disciple. He's a lot less toothy than usual.
  11. Yeah, hers didn't cost nearly as much as yours.
  12. Wow, and I thought I had a lot of time on my hands!
  13. Influence, influence, influence. I think you have to gain influence with him... four times? Or is it five? I'm leaning toward four, but I could be wrong. It's been a while since I've actually played.
  14. I'm not doing it BECAUSE of PETA... I said that was the LATEST reason. When I first started to boycott their products, I didn't even realise that Iams was P&G's.
  15. I've been boycotting all Procter & Gamble products since 2000, for a variety of reasons, the latest one being the Iams animal cruelty allegation made by PETA. It's a pain, because they bloody own EVERYTHING.
  16. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's TRUE, though! There was one question I was waffling on (the marriage one), and if I answered one way, I got Atton, and the other way I got Carth. Scout's honour.
  17. If you're old, I really don't want to think about what that makes me... *Goes out to buy cane* (Funny, when you talked about your lawn, I pictured it with a large, lifesize Yoda lawn ornament on it. )
  18. Did you meet with all THREE "Jedi dudes"? And see Master Vash's body on Korriban?
  19. Um... just how old do you think she is?
  20. It was posted on the board about 2-3 weeks ago, I think... Can't remember the link. I also got Atton (actually, it was a tossup between Atton and Carth). Yes, I realise this response isn't helping you find the quiz even a little bit. Consider it yet another useless post brought to you by Silvershadow.
  21. I knew it! :D You are most like Obi-Wan Kenobi, after the death of his master. You have a powerful prescence and take the natural role of a leader. You respect the wisdom of those to come before you and are always training for personal growth. You now train the lightsaber form Soresu, a near completely defensive form, after witnessing what you considered a fatal flaw in your master\'s technique when he fell to Darth Maul. Your offense is carefully precise. You devote your life to harmony achieved through The Force and are one of four Jedi to retain identity after death. Luke Skywalker 86% Obi-Wan Kenobi (Post Death of Qui-Gon Jinn) 86% Qui-Gon Jinn 82% Darth Revan 82% Obi-Wan Kenobi (Pre Death of Qui-Gon Jinn) 82% Mace Windu 79% Yoda 68% Anakin Skywalker 64% Bastila Shan 61% Exar Kun 61% Darth Sidious 57% Darth Vader 54% Darth Maul 50% Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus 25%
  22. I agree. In fact, I wouldn't even go that far. In kindergarten, one of the kids in my class had a crush on me and he gave me a Valentine's Day card. ...Which is still more than what the female Exile got from Atton. "
  23. *shrug* But that could be said about a lot of people... I don't know, I don't particularly happen to think Johnny Depp looks like either Atton OR Carth, but that's me. As for Admiral Smith, that is a terrifying thought.
  24. Um... I know why... Because he looks nothing like either of them?
  25. You just earned yourself a whole bunch of brownie points with me.
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