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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. Yeah, me neither. Actually, that's not true. I did think he was whining a little when he complained about being kept out of the loop on Dantooine, considering I brought him everywhere with me and kept trying to strike up dialog with him, to no avail.
  2. Okay, so this isn't technically music I'm listening to right NOW, but I didn't want to start a whole new thread for this... I just came back from the "Star Wars Concert" which is basically a large portion of the themes in the 6 SW movies played live by an orchestra, with narration of the story by Anthony Daniels -- he was quite funny. Anyway, it was all kinds of awesome. I got to sit and be all quietly fangirlish in my seat for two hours, thinking "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! It's Anthony Daniels!" AND to listen to all the music played live. It was wicked. (AND most of the music played was from episodes IV-VI, so that made it even better)
  3. There have been many discussions about the age thing... Basically, Disciple mentions looking up to the Exile when he was a kid and wanting her to be his master, but then she went off to fight in the Mandalorian wars. Whereas Atton actually DID fight in the Mandalorian Wars, which would make him significantly older than Mical.
  4. Oh good gods, I actually voted for Carth. :"> Well, it WOULD have been Atton, had the romance aspect been developed properly, but as it wasn't... I loved the constant flirting with Carth. It was awesome and made me laugh many times. The "romance" with Atton made me laugh too and I loved it... until the cut scene with Bao-Dur, at which point the romance just died, which was WAY too early in the game. Bleh... I'm sorry... too old? Disciple is actually quite young... like early 20s. He's the youngest male NPC you get in both games.
  5. I'm not so much offended as disturbed that some people might think that that's what French men look like. Mind you, that would explain why I haven't dated a French guy since high school.
  6. Yes, the Hitler mustache is a nice touch. Were you inspired by Nicky Katt's character in Full Frontal? "
  7. Must... not... laugh... co-workers... will think... I'm crazy... *bursts out laughing* This thread is all kinds of awesome! BTW... Hasselhoff's cover of "Hooked On A Feeling"... You need to hear this song.
  8. My birthday's not until December 10, so I doubt you'll actually still remember at that point. I could handle references to Silverfang as long as Atton was there too.
  9. Hehehehehe... I love how certain things sound when taken out of context.
  10. That comic is a special kind of cool. I wish people would do things like that on MY birthday. *sniff* :'(
  11. Clearly, you have never been exposed to the horror that is Silvershadow "art" (and I use that word in the loosest meaning of the term). Though I suppose I draw well... if you like stick people.
  12. My avatar is Lilah, a character from the web comic Ctrl+Alt+Del. Oh, nevermind, I just noticed that Calax already answered that. You do know that Nicky Katt is 35, right? Well, if you do want to stalk him, at least he'll never suspect a 13-year-old girl and might let his guards down. Whereas me, I'm close to entering cougar territory, so he'd likely be on his toes. You are henceforth in charge of rooting through his garbage at his home in... wherever the hell it is he lives. (Apparently I'm not a very dedicated stalker if I can't even be bothered to find that out.) I'm really hoping that if Nicky Katt ever reads this, he'll take the time to read the disclaimer in my sig. I admit that my humour is bad, but it's humour nonetheless.
  13. Don't look at ME! I'm not stalking Ron Livingston... That was mostly for Launch's benefit. Besides, the guy likely already is on the lookout for stalkers: after all, he's a Hollywood actor, and he's hot.
  14. Carth... definitely Carth. Okay, I'll stop now.
  15. I've had that bug in Kotor 1 before (though not in Kotor 2). I tried saving my game and loading it, but the bug still existed. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, the only thing you can do is load an earlier game, from before the bug started occurring.
  16. I dunno, I thought he was pretty decent with blasters. But then again, maybe it's just because I'm biased toward him because I just like him as an NPC (I'm sure I've never made THAT plenty obvious). As a Jedi I think he's pretty good, especially when combined with the right people. My favourite combo is Atton and Disciple. Atton and Kreia kick some serious ass, but I rarely use that combo, as Kreia can seriously annoy me if I'm LS, which is most of the time. ("You're helping this guy?" [influence Lost] "Didn't I tell you not to help people?" [influence Lost] "Exile, why are you threatening me with your lightsaber?" [influence Lost] Whine, whine, whine...) I remember going through the crystal cave on Dantooine with Bao-Dur and Disciple, and I kept getting my ass handed to me by the mother-of-all-kinrath. I forget how many times my entire party got slaughtered. But then I got tired of it and brought out the big guns -- Atton and Kreia (Atton wasn't a Jedi yet). I had NO problems at all. BTW, your sig is creepy.
  17. *ding! ding! ding!* We have a winner! I was going to go with metadigital's "incredulity", but this is better. I also have another one where Lilah looks really PO'd... I figured I'd save that one for days when I haven't had my coffee. Yup, that's the movie I've got at home that I haven't watched yet... I was at Blockbuster about three weeks ago looking at their selection of used DVDs and VHS tapes, and they had Full Frontal on video for $5... I couldn't really pass that up. Even if he does look rather awful in a Hitler mustache. *gawks at Harry Senate pics*
  18. It doesn't? Dammit, and here I was thinking I'd be getting a certificate that dubbed me official geek grand-poobah of the Internet if my post count reached 10,000. ...Or that I'd at least win those X-ray glasses you could send away for if you collected enough Bazooka Joe comics. *chewing gum incessantly since 1983*
  19. Dammit, Flatus! I told you that in confidence! See if I ever tell you any secrets again.
  20. See, now I'm starting to feel compelled to hunt those books down and read them just to see how bad they really are.
  21. Well, as the president, I can tell you that what I have planned right now is staring at the wall for a while... then maybe work a bit on my fic, cause that chapter 11's just not going to write itself... and then go to work tomorrow. Yeah... I'd really be concerned if I was in Nicky Katt's shoes. I mean, this weekend I watched that Friends episode he's in because my buddy brought in the DVD when he came to visit me from out of town... and maybe sometime over the next couple weeks I might, you know, watch that movie of Katt's I bought three weeks ago for $5 and still haven't watched. Yup, this has restraining order written ALL over it.
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