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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. Damn, I'd give my left foot to be the one to write those. (I'd give my right arm, but I kind of need it to type...) EDIT: By "those" I of course mean novels, not the comics, Darth Flatus.
  2. That's wicked L-B! I know I already told you, but I think the idea of somebody doing fanart based on my fic is just awesome! Cool pic, julianw... So that's what Atton looks like without that jumpsuit thing on!
  3. I don't know why, but that made me laugh. But yes, Prince Charming had been mentioned before.
  4. How would Carth feel if he knew that his main rival for your affections is Malak?
  5. I don't understand how liking Malak is any weirder than the girls who said they liked Sion.
  6. SilverShadow might read it what do 'ya think Silver? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What do you mean, what do I think? I thought it was funny. Or do I give off the impression that I'm one of those people devoid of a sense of humour? Flatus has been teasing me about stalking Nicky Katt for the past couple months. Nothing new there! It's a running joke. RE Disciple lookalike pic... YES! That looks like him so much! I can almost hear him say "You've left me an opening!" Tee-hee... EDIT: RE Nicky Katt pics posted by Royal:
  7. OMG, you have no idea how happy this has made me! *looks around uncomfortably, clears throat* Um... I mean... yeah, that looks all right. " (Welcome back! I was wondering what had happened to you!)
  8. I say the winner of the bet donates the money to Flatus. I mean, poor guy's gotta pay for the operation somehow...
  9. I think it was more due to the fact that I'm a geek who thought that the romance aspect of the game sucked large. So... Lil' bit of column A, lil' bit of column B. EDIT: At this point, though, I no longer care about the romance aspect of the game... so now it's just because I'm a nerd. :D
  10. So what you're saying is I'm writing about Atton because I want to control him?
  11. Absolutely. I prefer playing a female PC, just because I can relate to the character more (same reason why my D&D, Shadowrun and Rifts characters were always female, when I played back in high school... you know, before the war of 1812.). However, while I prefer playing a female PC, I still have played male PCs in the past in other games. So being limited to a male PC doesn't stop me from purchasing or playing a game... having the option of a female PC does however make the game more enjoyable.
  12. How did I get dragged into this? You make ONE comment two pages ago (and write over 170 pages of fic on the guy -- so far), and all of a sudden, you're an obsessed fangirl! <_< And if you think that would upset me... oh, how little you know me, my friend. The funniest thing I've ever seen on this board is that pic that Darth Flatus drew weeks ago of Atton and Disciple sitting up in bed together.
  13. Bwahahahahaha! I never noticed that!
  14. Win XP here, and it's never crashed yet. *knocks on wood*
  15. Red pants? I thought they were navy blue or somesuch... Mind you, my attention was mostly diverted away from his pants by his BRIGHT ORANGE JACKET. What a hideous, hideous thing that is. *shudder* Woohoo!! :D (if you have any questions regarding the general appearance of Atton and/or Jena, just PM me... and Jena has brown hair, not blonde. )
  16. Wow, I can't believe somebody bumped this thread. I've actually found that Disciple has really grown on me... mind you, it MAY have something to do with the fact that I portray him in my fic as actually human, so I have come to view him as such, instead of the weird labrador retriever/doormat type of guy that is shown in the game. There's a comment he makes during what I believe was some cut dialogue (well, if it wasn't, I just never got it) that leads me to believe I'm not TOTALLY off-base about how he is... This would be when they land on Nar Shaddaa and Atton gives his little spiel on Nal Hutta.
  17. *waves hand*No, you did not just post that. These aren't the droids you're looking for. (Sometimes it's fun to re-post stuff that was already mentioned in threads. Apparently, anyway.)
  18. He doesn't... it's in the cut ending. Do a search on the forum; you'll probably find about 1,500 threads on the topic. Edit: Damn you, Flatus!
  19. I'm glad we're not having this conversation right where everyone can see it.
  20. "Cute"? Well perhaps in the same way that roadkill is cute. (Sssssh!!! Don't tell anyone that you're my fic test subject! ) Perhaps Lidda-Bit and I can join forces and make a picture book for Kaftan.
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