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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. YES! My ploy is working! I will slowly brainwash everyone into becoming Atton fangirl/boys. (...and then everyone will stop making fun of me so much. )
  2. I had no idea it worked like that in Canada. Is that some sort of patriotism effort enacted by your broadcasting governing body (the FCC in the States) to support your Canadian artists? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Kind of... It basically started in the 70's when people started thinking that Canadian artists needed a bit of help... and it was supposed to be a TEMPORARY thing (as my boss will remind us over and over and over whenever the topic of Cancon comes up... if you think my rant was long, you should hear his), but, much like our income tax, which was also supposed to be a temporary measure, not only did it not go away, but it got worse. *le sigh*
  3. 35% Cancon, my friend... going to 40% soon, it's looking like. (Cancon = Canadian Content) And that's 35% Cancon between the hours of 6 AM and midnight (so if you listen from midnight to 6 AM, there's a chance your station might actually sound half-decent). Cancon is a very mysterious thing. *takes deep breath* In order for a track to be Cancon, it needs to have at least 2 of Music, Artist, Production, Lyrics be of Canadian origin. You may have at some point noticed a little symbol consisting of a circle with the letters MAPL written in it at the back of Canadian CDs. (They tend to show up less and less now... but they still pop up every once in a while) Which means that if a Canadian artist writes his own songs, but gets his record produced in the States, it's Cancon (MAL). However, a Canadian artist who moves to the States... let's say... Oh... I don't know... Celine Dion... and has other non-Canadians write her songs (which is the case... I have yet to see a single one of her English songs be credited to C. Dion), and has the record produced in the States, it is NOT Cancon, as the only Canadian element out of MAPL is A -- and as I said, you need at least two for it to count. However, stupidly enough, Rod Stewart, who is evidently NOT Canadian, has a song that IS Cancon, simply because it had been written by a Canadian. I forget which one now though there was a time when I used to air that song EVERY FREAKIN' WEEKEND because we were struggling to find Cancon to fill hours between syndicated shows (Rick Dees, Casey Kasem...), which came from the States, and thus did NOT fulfill Cancon requirements, so we had to make up for it elsewhere during the day... which left me playing 3 hours of almost JUST Cancon Saturday and Sunday mornings. *exhales deeply* And I have now divulged the secret as to why Q107 here in Toronto plays the Guess Who's American Woman roughly every other song, and why Avril Lavigne gets played to death on most stations, pop or rock.
  4. Actually, I'm pretty sure it is against the law. And if it isn't... well, it isn't ethically right. As for the sonic manure... Well, sadly enough, radio stations do call-out research, and a lot of the airplay is based on the results of said call-out research. So as sad as this may be, the fact that you hear the same crap song over and over again is a direct result of this research, as well as album/single sales. So yes... Sadly enough, sonic manure actually IS what people want to hear, it would seem.
  5. Well, I'm not in the States... but I can tell you that's NOT how it's done in Canada. Yes, people drop in every week to give us records... but it's left entirely up to the Music Director to decide which songs he/she will air. Now there ARE some individual MD's that will take payola, but that's actually a fireable offence, and a completely different thing than what you are describing. I am not changing my avatar to Silverfang.
  6. Well, you won't find any arguments here... I got free cable for over three years because (I'm assuming) the previous tenants hooked up their cable illegally. And while I generally am honest to a fault, I felt no guilt whatever over that. (And then they disconnected me... and I decided that at that point, I was just not watching enough TV to bother re-connecting the cable) You're not getting my money, Rogers! *shakes fist*
  7. You'd THINK... yet somehow, this song was the most added track in pop radio stations across the US this week. My co-worker did say the video for this song was hot. I would strongly suggest watching it with the volume down.
  8. Easy to be wrong about what you could possibly mean when you forget to include a link! And yes... while it IS mostly horrifying, a very small part of me also found it hilarious... but in a horrifying sort of way. So, so very wrong.
  9. It basically means goofing off, doing nothing important. Kind of like what I'm doing right now, instead of working. *promptly goes back to work*
  10. For work purposes -- and PURELY for work purposes -- I'm currently listening to Jessica Simpson's cover of "These Boots Are Made For Walkin'". Now, I had really low expectations before I started listening to it, as I cannot stand Jessica Simpson... but it's even worse than I thought. I'm feeling a little nauseous. Do yourselves a favour, and never EVER listen to this track under ANY circumstance. If you're in a store and you hear it... RUN! I really wish my brain had a "memory wipe" feature.
  11. Funny, the exact thought that went through my mind as I was clicking on this was "This thread is still going???"
  12. I think, I think he's referring to the expression... I hope... :ph34r: Funny, around these parts it's slightly different and involves a word that rhymes with "duck". And yes, I made a similar comment about said expression when I heard a co-worker use it a little while back. It's incredibly bizarre, and I'm not sure I want to know HOW it got started.
  13. Oh... gods... I don't think I can! All right, this weekend, I'm hitting up a used book store and I'm going to find a bad romance novel. Surely there must be something out there that tops it.
  14. Hahaha! Man, I need to get cable again. Or to find a place where I can download this episode.
  15. Ha! I've got you beat! I've played Kotor 2 AND Fable! (Honestly... a lot of these games I'd never even heard of) And really... nominating Carmen Electra as HERSELF for best voice ACTING? Yeah, I bet it must've been a real stretch for her to pretend to be herself. "
  16. HAHAHAHAHA! Nah, Baley just likes ALL girls, regardless of age.
  17. It means peace be with you. Edit: Damn. Well, I guess Hildegard beat me to it.
  18. Well, I'd say I'd change my avatar to Silverfang, but I think we both know that's not going to happen...
  19. About 0.3 seconds. It's my automatic reply to just about anything. Blame my best friend. He started it. And of COURSE it's not an original remark. That's the whole point. This is right around the time where I point to the disclaimer in my sig.
  20. YOU'RE a brat. Oh wait. I said I didn't like arguing. Kaftan: Well, if it makes you happier, you can always pretend it is.
  21. I feel like my reply is almost pointless, seeing as I'm just going to repeat what others have already said, but this is really awesome! *applauses*
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