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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. Hehehe... *rubs hands together* Excellent!
  2. Ah yes... Mike, was it? Funny, people never believe me when I tell them that this actually happened.
  3. It's Vin Diesel. I'm leaning toward plain terrible.
  4. Aaaah... and Launch succumbs to peer pressure. Tsk, tsk... Well, you already know what I think: amazing! Of course you realise you just opened yourself up for an onslaught of sketch requests from annoying people. Let me be the one to kick that off with MY request... Actually, I don't need to ask, you know who I want you to draw.
  5. He looks like a walking leather couch!
  6. *cringes again*First I have my best friend Whoooooo-ing all the time, now I'm getting similar Nature Boy assaults in my own thread. *sighs resignedly* It's my kismet. I can't get away from this guy. But yeah, my buddy also told me his book was good. Personally, I wouldn't pick it up with a pair of pliers. My loathing for the man runs deep.
  7. What do you mean? I've been here all along... Just maybe not as much, as I've also been busy with *gasp* my social life. (I know, I know... I should know how to set my priorities better. ) Funny enough, a couple days ago I was wondering the same about you.
  8. Oh boy... You might be waiting a while, because I've got about half a page written in chapter 10. Bug me again in a week if I haven't posted it by then. Yeah, I bought a stack of used SW books at a used book store last weekend. Haven't actually looked at any of them yet, as I'm still working on... that's right... my plug of the week: McLendon's Syndrome. (Did I mention that I'm enjoying that book?)
  9. Thanks! :D Ah yes, I do vaguely remember a time when fanfic was new to me... In fact, I remember a time when I said "Hey, I may be an Atton fangirl, but at least I don't read fanfic." Said statement was quickly followed a few days later by "Hey, I may read fanfic, but at least I don't write it." I'll give you three guesses as to what the next statement was... " (Actually, it wasn't so much a statement as me shamefacedly handing the first chapter of Atton's Redemption to my bf at the time, hanging my head, and going to hide in my bedroom to play some KOTOR2, as he read the first word -- "Atton" -- and exclaimed, "Oh god... NO!") Good times. I actually really like writing fanfic (clearly). I think my style has improved quite a bit since I first started writing it. If nothing else, it's fun -- really fun -- and it's great practice. (Plus it makes fangirls -- and some fanboys -- happy. Everybody wins!)
  10. Yeah, same here... To be quite honest, McLendon's Syndrome is the first book I read in... Ooooh... I don't even want to think about how long. :ph34r: This from the girl whose mother used to have to tell her to stop reading and to go play outside for a change.
  11. *Looks in envy at L-B's pic* I only wish I could do stuff like that... Well, guess I'll stick to writing. I can draw some wicked cool stick people, though! :D
  12. I was just curious to see what the other people on this board were reading... Figured we could use this thread to recommend books to others (or to mention which books to avoid like the plague -- *cough*Stephen King's Gerald's Game*cough*)... and to prove to the world that there are some people from my generation, as well as the 15 or so generations after me, who do read. I'll start... I've just started reading McLendon's Syndrome by Robert Frezza, which was recommended to me by a friend. I haven't had the chance to get too far into the story (what with work/social life and fanfic writing), but I have a feeling this book is going to be right up my alley. I'm only on page 16 and already this book has made me laugh many a time. The writing style isn't too heavy or complex, but on the other hand, it doesn't read like a children's book either. I personally hate it when authors spend pages and pages describing, say, a chair (*cough*Stephen King again*cough*), so Frezza's succint style is rather refreshing. I have a feeling this will be a good one.
  13. That's okay... Baley promised me some fanart based on my fic last week and I still haven't seen anything. *taps foot impatiently*
  14. No clue... Never had the American one. But I do like caffeine a helluva whole lot... In fact, I'm going to go have caffeine right now. (I was up pretty late writing. ) *heads to coffee machine*
  15. OH GOOD GODS! I just noticed it too. I thought that pic was gone forever. (In case you're wondering, your avatar is oddly reminiscent of Baley's old one.)
  16. Useless info about pop: In the States, Mountain Dew has a ton of caffeine in it. In Canada, it has NO caffeine whatsoever... There's apparently some sort of regulation that stipulates that clear (or I guess "non-brown") soft drinks can't contain caffeine. (Or so I'm told.)
  17. Apparently I'm able to juggle work and a social life and still somehow manage to write a 16 page chapter in a week. I really wish I had become aware of this ability when I was in university. P.S. Diet Pepsi and Diet Dr. Pepper are the best.
  18. Funny you should ask... It was uploaded about 15 minutes ago! (Sorry Launch, I just couldn't wait anymore! )Right here The site hasn't been refreshed yet, so if you click on the link in my sig you won't find it. <_< (hence why I haven't changed it yet) The direct link should however work. This is a loooong chapter (hence why it took me so long to get it online).
  19. Yeah, I'm in the same boat as Royal on that one... I don't really think he looks like Atton... well, maybe a LITTLE bit, but not really. It's aaaaaaall about Nicky Katt, baby.
  20. Well, thank you for making me feel about a gazillion years old with one single sentence. (Don't worry... I also like Linkin Park. I get ridiculed too.)
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