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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. I really don't find Disciple as creepy as most people appear to. I think he's just misunderstood. (Well, that and he really should've worn braces as a teenager...) I'm actually rather fond of him... though as far as him being a romantic option for the Exile... Um... no. It's all about Atton. But as I've already mentioned in this thread, the Revan/Carth romance was much better as far as romances go (as in it was actually THERE, for one...).
  2. Carth, huh? Oh boy... *cue squealing Darth Launch*
  3. The word "duh" comes to mind. " If the male to female ratio on this board was equal, though, I expect she would find Carth to be much tougher competition.
  4. Actually, I noticed and I was wondering what had happened to you.
  5. Why? She's entitled to her opinion, and I can almost see her point. Atton's not the brightest guy around, especially in contrast with Mical... but I personally still think I'd rather spend time with him than Mical, just because while Mical is smart, he doesn't seem to have much of a sense of humour, and that would drive me up the wall. Atton would be a lot more fun to be around.
  6. You mean there's a non-KOTOR fanatic side to these boards?? While you do have a point, I must ask you... why would a non-KOTOR fan start a poll about a KOTOR character popularity contest? Mmmh?
  7. Somebody brought me to a coffee shop about a month and a half ago, where I had the worst coffee I've ever had. I still haven't let him forget it and still bring it up any chance I get. :D
  8. Do not underestimate the power of the Force, young padawan.
  9. Um... I might be wrong, but as Draken's signature says he's in Vancouver, I would assume he already IS Canadian.
  10. That's pretty much what I was thinking... "Wow, this guy clearly hasn't been around here much if he hasn't noticed the fangirls on this board." And so, as this is a KOTOR 1 poll, and as such, Atton is evidently not an option, I had to give my vote to Carth. ^_^
  11. Canada Day of course. What else? " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Funny, that's exactly what I was thinking.
  12. I have to admit, I still like that DS Mical. It kicks ass.
  13. Tonight I would have force persuaded everybody off the bus I had to take coming back from the Canada Day fireworks. Damn! that was crowded. <_<
  14. I love pazaak. But then again, I suppose I wouldn't be much of an Atton fangirl if I didn't. And yes, if there was Internet pazaak, I'd be all OVER that. I can already picture the conversations at work... Co-worker: What are you playing? Me: Erm... pazaak. Co-worker: What the hell is that? Me: It's... um... it's... Well, I can tell you what it's NOT... It's NOT a Star Wars version of blackjack! No siree! *looks around and giggles nervously* Co-worker: You're a total geek. You need serious help.
  15. I don't have a love/hate relationship with coffee... It's ALL love, baby! Coffee is my friend. Coffee prevents me from going on killing sprees in the morning. And more importantly, coffee allows me to write late at night.
  16. Wow, the thread is actually back on topic?
  17. I admit NOTHING! Yes. :"> But in my defense, I do use the games as research for my fic. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
  18. Cause I haven't felt like it so far? I fail to see why this is a problem or why anyone other than me should care... I might get around to it one day, but I haven't yet, because I like playing as a female PC. I played KOTOR 1 as a male PC once, and I didn't particularly enjoy it all that much. I haven't played the game in a couple months anyway... been too busy writing about the game's characters.
  19. Ah, well, that would explain... I've only ever played a female Exile.
  20. You know, I keep hearing that! Maybe I should look into it. *Scoff* Not that I would have time to play ANY games these days, much less ones that weren't KOTOR. Fanfic taking up all my free time. But it's so, so worth it... *pets manuscript* (Erm... Maybe I should get some sleep... been writing WAY too long today.)
  21. I keep hearing about that line, but I have yet to see it. <_< What context was that used in?
  22. *sigh*The Easter eggs only work on Xbox. I don't know about the way to change it on PC. However if I *were* to start playing around with that stuff, might I suggest changing it to "GameCompleted=2", not 3. The Easter Eggs will only work on your THIRD playthrough (not your fourth, not your fifth). When I got them on the Xbox, it was during my third playthrough, and my third one alone. When I started a 4th game (even though I hadn't even finished my third one), all the dialogue went back to normal. And yes, in order to see that scene with Atton, you have to be female (male for Handmaiden, for obvious reasons, as she never joins your party if you're female). Seriously, though... really not worth THAT much hassle, IMO. THAT being said, and back on topic... My favourite lines have got to be (other than anything Atton ever says regarding the female Exile's appearance, clothes, or lack thereof): Atton Rand: Anybody here catch that? All I understood was 'very'. Bao-Dur: I think he wanted us to give up the General to his poorly-trained collection of bounty hunters. Atton Rand: Ah. Well, that would explain it. Which one do you want? Bao-Dur: I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us rather than shoot us when he had the chance. And there's always: Exile: [Force Persuade] Give me all your credits and jump into the central pit.
  23. I really need to remember not to drink coffee while reading this message board. I almost spat coffee all over my monitor from laughing when I read this. It's SO true... I also have Carth's head (and Atton's) in ALL my save gaves. Well, at least I'm not alone.
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