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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. Wow, it's like you're begging for somebody to post one.
  2. That is true... but still. I thought Revan looked purdy in colour.
  3. Well, I can't say I've ever watched Firefly longer than about 15 minutes, which was actually just long enough to think, "Hey that doctor guy kind of looks like Atton." However, I really don't see why it would be wrong to be upset over the show getting cancelled if you're a fan. Nothing at all wrong with being a geek. (in fact, I generally see geekiness as a bonus)
  4. I absolutely love that sketch... Of course, it helps that this is exactly what my Revan looks like. You might as well go full colour if you're going to post that one, though.
  5. Yeah, I'm generally the same way (well... replace "fanboy" with "fangirl" and "female" with "male). [insert obligatory Nicky Katt picture]
  6. I personally think Padme's the hottest one. Sure, Natalie Portman had ZERO chemistry with Anakin and couldn't really pull off the part all that well (which is too bad, because she really is a good actress), but she's still really hot. I don't really get the Bastila thing. I mean, sure, she's hot, but... meh. Leia and Mira are way hotter. But that's just me. I'm also a chick, so what the hell do I know about what guys are looking for?
  7. I was gonna say... The guy's in his mid-40s.
  8. I guess you have to be a chick to truly appreciate Peragus.
  9. Ah... Trent... so dark and brooding...
  10. I wonder what Ron Livingston would think if he knew that he was commonly referred to as "RonCarth" on a geek message board...
  11. I'm a big fan of Eric Eggleston, who's the lead singer for some small-time Canadian band from Ottawa, the very originally named Eric Eggleston Band. (I really hope he never sees this thread because unlike the other people I tend to talk about on this board, I actually personally know this guy. ) Guy's just too hot for his own good, and he's got an awesome voice. If I had known there were guys that hot in Ottawa before I moved to Toronto, I might not have left. (He's even cuter in person, as well as super nice, so of course it only makes things worse for me... ) In fact, I'm such a fangirl that last time they played in town, I got him to autograph a poster for me... and it's on my cubicle wall. My co-workers tease me about him incessantly.
  12. My ability to dance varies greatly according to the music. I can dance to happy hardcore pretty well. I can pull off dancing to trance (particularly hard trance and GOA) and D&B to a certain extent. Same with house. But regular mainstream pop club stuff... well, I won't even go there. Throw me on a dance floor at a wedding reception and I'll be looking for the quickest escape route. I don't know how people can dance to stuff with such a slow beat. Incidentally I went swing dancing on Tuesday with a friend of mine (as lame as that may sound), and that was incredibly (and quite surprisingly) fun. I'm not really any good quite yet, but that'll come with practise.
  13. I'm sorry, there's not a chance in hell either Matthew Perry or Owen Wilson could pull off playing Atton. Other than the fact that neither looks anything like him, they're both lacking the whole dark, brooding personality aspect. Appearance is one thing, but they have to be able to pull off the character. And quite frankly, I can't even picture Matthew Perry playing anything other than the Chandler-type role. Could he BE any more typecast? (Don't get me wrong... I actually really like Matthew Perry. But come on! Can you actually picture him playing an angsty role?) The only actors I can think of that could appropriately pull off the Atton role would be Nicky Katt (duh) and Joe Flanigan. Flanigan's got a bit more the Atton look, but Katt's got the voice (again, duh) and the attitude.
  14. Actually, I was just quoting. As in, I was agreeing that he's hot.
  15. That's wicked. Yeah, I find myself noticing stuff... For instance, a few weeks ago I saw a store named "Onasis", and I chuckled to myself. Then about a week later, I saw another store named "Kavar", and I chuckled to myself again. As luck would have it I was with the same person both times. I *really* glad he didn't ask the reason behind all the chuckling.
  16. Sorry, I was actually busy all weekend, doing stuff... AWAY from computers. (Yeah, I know, eh?) All my good Nicky Katt pictures are on my work computer (for some reason). So I guess this one will have to do for now: Don't you worry... I'll be back with more later. Oh yes.
  17. If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say the planet you're referring to is Ilum. Am I right? And if so, do I get a prize? :D
  18. YESSSSSS!!!! I was waiting for you to mention Nicky Katt... I didn't want to be the one to first mention him. I will say, I also did like Greg Ellis. I thought he was perfect as Disciple.
  19. Last weekend I was having a hard time with my d20... I kept rolling really low, and I started cursing at my dice. The guys were all, "No, you don't SWEAR at your dice! No wonder you keep getting bad rolls! You have to speak nicely to it!" And to support what they were all saying, the GM kissed his d20 and said fondly, "Gimme a 20, baby!" Sure enough... 20. That hit hurt a LOT, too. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if it's really a "fond moment" for me, as my character got seriously injured and almost was knocked unconscious underwater, but it certainly was amusing at the time.
  20. Exactly. In fact, I read somewhere that the red crystals were in fact just blue or green crystals that were dyed. ('course, I don't know exactly how canon my source was, and I can't even remember the site I saw that on, but it seemed legit enough at the time.)
  21. Hahaha! Yes, that would've been awesome. Just once, for laughs.
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