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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. Yeah, I think most fangirls loved that scene. Hell, I'm an Atton fangirl, but that scene was easily my favourite part of KOTOR 2.
  2. I myself am more partial to "No. Simply tell her that Carth Onasi is waiting for her." But that's me.
  3. That's easy enough... according to the people on this board, it will have to be either Nicky Katt or Joe Flanigan, depending on who you talk to. I don't know, a few weeks ago I called my work computer a schutta pretty loudly and nobody even asked... But at this point I think they just don't want to know anymore...
  4. Have you ever read a SW novel? Cause really, that's basically what it is... fanfic.
  5. In a manner of speaking. I just calculated how many pages of Atton fic I've written since I first started in late March, and I'm not sure if I should feel proud of my achievement or really shamed.
  6. I don't know about you people, but I find nothing at all wrong with LadyCrimson's sig.
  7. Addictions/Obsessions? No, none whatsoever. And now if you'll excuse me, the fangirls (and some boys) are demanding chapter 16 of my fic, so I have to get back to proof-reading, reviewing and editing. "
  8. No, Battlewookiee's right. It's on Nar Shaddaa from that female Rodian.
  9. You're saying that like it's a bad thing. That coffee mug is way better than mine. I bet I'd drink even more coffee than I already do if I had that on mine.
  10. Hot da-amn! That Joe is almost too gorgeous. And that uniform he's wearing is NOT helping. Nicky's still my favourite, though... (Thank you very much for that pic, Royal. Even though I'm definitely not a fan of the facial hair, it's still... And if you shave off that growth on his face, I think he definitely looks like Atton there. As a side note, that tattoo he's got on the neck must've hurt like a mother when he had it done. Either he's incredibly brave or incredibly stupid, or has a high pain threshold... I bet I know which one of those options the guys in this thread will be likely to pick. " )
  11. *hangs head* Noooo!! It took me long enough to get AWAY from his site earlier! Now I'm back on it again! This one is definitely very Attony:
  12. Because it's more interesting than explaining yet again why Revan can't join your party?
  13. Ok, now THESE ones look more like Atton: (I really have to stop looking at pictures of Joe Flanigan now...)
  14. Mmmh... Actually he kind of does look a bit like Atton... Even the hair. He looks a little too... happy, though. Even when he's serious. (Seriously hot, though. ) Atton: Which one do you want? Bao-Dur: I
  15. I laughed WAY too much over that one. My co-worker must've started wondering about me.
  16. Suuuuuure... that's why we're all Atton fangirls... because he's SENSITIVE! (I'm just teasing... I actually have no idea why I thought you were a chick. It's okay. I thought Arkendale was a chick too. *shrug*) On a more on-topic note, I think the reason why so many people don't think Katt looks like Atton is because they're just comparing still images with still images. A lot of the resemblance I find is more noticeable through Katt's body language. He often comes off as "Attony".
  17. Pixies, In julianw's defence, both Launch and I thought you were a chick too (until recently). julianw, I wasn't responding to you specifically, but more to the general feel this thread was starting to have. It's okay. I'm not actually upset. And I don't really care that other people say Nicky Katt doesn't look like Atton... I mean, I don't think Atton's his doppelganger or anything, but yeah, Nicky Katt does remind me of Atton a lot, and he's the best look-alike we've come up with so far, IMO. And for the record, I like Katt for many reasons that have nothing to do with Atton. ...But yeah, you are alone in that Penelope thing.
  18. My sincerest apologies. I didn't realise you were all just waiting for me to turn into a gushing fangirl who takes it personally anytime someone disagrees with her about the fictitious character she's crushing on. *clears throat* omg icant' believe how meen you are to poor atton he deosnt deserve all this hate from the fanboiz. he is the besst. ps i love you nicky ktat. Is this more along the lines of what you were waiting for? (I mean, I wouldn't want to disappoint you all... and I suppose I do have to live up to my reputation as a Nicky Katt stalker.)
  19. I feel as though people are now expecting me to jump in and make a comment along the lines of "Your meen boyz! Atton is the gratest!!!!11LOL".
  20. Of course! What was I thinking? Though I'm not entirely certain that's what Flatus had in mind when he said "deathmatch"... But I'm sure he won't complain...
  21. I really can't picture myself doing that, though... sorry to disappoint. I'm so not violent. I'd probably be a lot more likely to look horrified, point at something behind her, and yell "What on earth could THAT be?"... and run off with Nicky Katt while she's distracted.
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