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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. Oh gods, that was wicked. That look of complete shock on Atton's face is priceless.
  2. This is mine... Samsung SPH-a660 (Only the cover is black instead of blue) My last phone was a Samsung flip-phone as well, and it lasted me four years and never let me down (well... until it stopped working 2 weeks ago), so I'm rather partial to the brand now.
  3. *raises hand*A bunch of us voted for Carth. The question was which was our favourite romance, not who was our favourite romance subject. I thought the Carth/Revan romance was sweet, and definitely a lot more... well... existent than the Atton/Exile romance. So as far as the romance in itself goes, I voted Carth, even though I much prefer Atton. BTW... That line just about killed me.
  4. Are you implying that Launch is like Kreia? Cause I think she might object to being compared to a frighteningly ugly old woman...
  5. That cupboard's gonna start getting really crowded...
  6. I am SO wired right now... I had three coffees in the past hour or so. I may be irritating to my co-workers, but at least I'm no longer falling asleep! (That's what I get for staying up too late writing) Well, it's still less than one of my friends used to drink... He says he used to drink THIRTY cups of coffee a day.
  7. I'm at 6 posts per day, apparently. Sounds about right. Nice round number. No decimals for THIS girl.
  8. Um... do you mean MY Revan or Revan in general? Poor Liah. She's one of my favourite characters... I can see how people would be annoyed with her, though, as they only see the bitchy side she reserves for Atton.
  9. Quiet, you! (I knew that... but you had to spoil my fun anyway!)
  10. Yeah... well, at least I can breathe easy knowing that I won't be put down in December when I turn 30. *whew!* Well, THAT's a huge load off my back. I suppose I can now start looking forward to becoming less chatty (or more so, depending on who you talk to).
  11. Wait a minute... Is this a cupboard under the stairs? And you live in England... GOOD GODS! BALEY IS HARRY POTTER!
  12. Mwahahahahaha!!! I actually kind of like DS Disciple. But that's just because it makes him look less goody-goody.
  13. Talkative for his... age? That's kind of an odd statement... Are you implying that 38-year-olds are not supposed to talk as much? Cause I hate to break it to you, but...
  14. But gizkas are so cute! (I never said I didn't like Carth... I just don't squeal over him. )
  15. And yet, SOMEHOW, people still make fun of me and Darth Launch.
  16. For the record, I wasn't squealing. I was merely cuing Darth Launch's squeal. I do not squeal over Carth. ...Just Nicky Katt.
  17. Hey, wait a minute... How come whenever I make a mundane comment about Atton, all of a sudden I've got the entire OE board accusing me of stalking Nicky Katt, but some guys are arguing over who's the bigger Bastila fanboy, and nobody says a damn thing? *narrows eyes suspiciously*
  18. I'm not sure why that made me laugh. Disciple must feel so... used! So to sum things up: Disciple: useful and nice Atton: not as useful, but snarky and hot () I actually hated Disciple for my first two or three games... but then I warmed up to him and started to really appreciate him. Like I said in the romance thread, he's just misunderstood (and needs dental surgery).
  19. Bastila has many fanboys and fangirls. I'm at the top of the list. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not higher then me <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh gods. Are you actually arguing over who's the bigger fanboy?
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