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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. *looks at birth certificate*Hey look! I'm 29! Wow... this is probably the only time in my life where I've fit into the "norm". *gasp* NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Well, at least I'm a girl gamer. That still makes me somewhat weird. Muso: Hey, chill... I was just responding to what you wrote. Clearly there was a miscommunication somewhere. To be quite honest, at this point I'm not entirely sure what we're arguing about. Must be the old age kicking in.
  2. And THIS is what you base your opinion on? You know, just because the people on the gaming forums are under 30 does NOT mean that there are so few 30+ gamers. What you're actually saying is that most gamers who post on gaming message boards are generally under the age of 30. That, I will agree with. In fact, none of the gamers I know post on any gaming message boards. Hell, I've been gaming for years and this is the first gaming forum I ever visit. We're still THERE! You just don't know about us because most don't go around sporting shirts that read "I am 30-something gamer, hear me roar!"
  3. Weird Al rules all. Well, all, except for maybe: Genesis Depeche Mode The Pixies Nine Inch Nails Muse The Shins Marilyn Manson Stabbing Westward REM Billy Talent As well as a few others, including a band nobody here will have EVER heard about, the Eric Eggleston Band (who put on a wicked show last night).
  4. Yeah, I've come across that glitch many times... As far as I can tell, there's not much you can do except wait for it to start working properly again, or load a saved game.
  5. *raises eyebrows* Erm... that won't be necessary... I'm immature enough to continue writing my fic of my own volition.
  6. Ew. Give me some credit, here. I may write fanfic that adds to the romantic aspect of KOTOR 2 (or lack thereof), but I do not write rubbish like that. Have you even READ my stuff? I can guarantee you, you will not find Atton utter the word "thee" anywhere... or even Mical, for that matter. If it was my dream to turn Atton into a sappy, romantic, spineless prince charming who makes me want to hurl, I would have done so in my fic.
  7. Good heavens, I can't possibly imagine why she would say such a thing!
  8. Well, I did have to put it in terms they would understand, you see... Honestly... saying I'm too old to be a gamer... Hahaha! What a joke! Next they'll be telling me I'm too old to write fanfic!
  9. Why? Because I was born a year and a half before A New Hope was released? Goodness gracious me! I guess I can just expect to drop dead any day now. Trust me, kid, I actually wouldn't want to be any younger than I am. Those people who say that your teenage years are the best years of your life are on crack.
  10. Not to mention that she's away until at least Friday, so there's no point in anybody whining about it anyway. I guess Mr. T is interfering with the fanboys' fantasies...
  11. That's kind of what I did... Well, actually, I randomly generated names until I found a first and last name I liked -- Jena Shel -- and started playing the game. It was only after playing for a little while that I started thinking about writing fanfic... so the next logical step was to use the name I was already using in my game. If I were to make a suggestion, I would tell you to stay far away from "Mercury Darkstar". For one thing, the planet (and likely, the deity) Mercury doesn't exist in their galaxy, so the name doesn't make a hell of a whole lot of sense. For another, Mercury is actually the very MALE Roman god of communications (amongst other things). And no offense, but to be quite honest, if I were to start reading fan fiction, only to discover that the heroine's name is Mercury Darkstar, I would likely cringe and contemplate not reading the rest. It's a bit TOO romantic of a name. Unless, of course, you're planning on turning your story into a KOTOR Harlequin romance novel... "Mercury swooned and Atton swept her up in his big, manly, strong arms. 'I love thee, dearest,' he murmured into her ear..." *reaches for barf bag*
  12. This is the best Carth anybody's come up with so far! ...And she does kind of look like my Revan as well! (And thank you for reminding me that I've been meaning to pick up the Office Space DVD. )
  13. Same thing I do every day, Pinky... try to TAKE OVER THE WORLD! Seriously... I love how it's always assumed that everybody on this board is male.
  14. If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say it's now "Let's try and stay as far away as possible from the original topic." Though Lord Satasn kind of ruined THAT plan by answering the actual question a couple of posts up.
  15. 12th birthday? Does it really have to be twelve? I think I'd rather throw myself under a truck than go through my teenage years over again. Well, let's see... that would make it 1987 and I'd be in grade 6 at the Casablanca American School in Morocco. Gods. *shudder* Well, first I'd change my entire wardrobe, because my fashion sense was horrible even for the 80s. Then I'd probably get to work on writing Harry Potter before JK Rowling got a chance to.
  16. Well, I'm finally done reading McLendon's Syndrome (I would normally have been done a week ago, but I got distracted writing my own fiction...) I suppose I will now be tackling that small collection of SW novels I have sitting in my room... and the sequel to McLendon's Syndrome when I get my hands on it. (I forget what it's called...) This was a most entertaining book, and contains what is probably the best ironic line uttered by a main character I've ever read: "You have obviously been reading too much science fiction!" Gold! That book was honestly very witty, and combines everything from sci-fi to murder mystery to vampires to war to comedy. In fact, I was getting funny looks in the subway yesterday when I came across a passage where I just couldn't stop laughing. I would definitely recommend this one to a friend. (Well, unless said friend happens to be my best friend, who hates sci-fi.)
  17. seems so, now just give us its name :ph34r: kidding , but seroiously whats it's name <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *tiptoes back out of thread*
  18. Well, I wasn't complaining... I was merely stating. It's not like it hasn't happened before! This is a lot more fun than talking about which KOTOR characters we are, anyway.
  19. You are "he", yet in your sig is a quote that would imply you are a woman. "-1 STR/+1 CHA" I had that on my MSN name a couple days ago. That's from a girl's shirt you can buy online. (And which I will likely be acquiring over the next little while.)
  20. Yeah, I totally didn't rip that off from metadigital by copying and pasting what he wrote...
  21. You have a sense of humour? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, I know... What is THAT about?
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