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Everything posted by Silvershadow

  1. I can almost hear the crowd now... "CAT FIGHT! CAT FIGHT! CAT FIGHT!"
  2. Unfortunately for Royal, I grew up with two older brothers... I've learned how to fight dirty to survive.
  3. What? I'm just saying! It's not like I think we have a Force bond because we're wearing the same brand of headphones! It was just something I noticed... But yeah... I mean, really, was there ever any doubt that I have Nickyism? Though I will point out that Royal is the one who always brings up new Nicky Katt pictures or random facts about him. (...as Silver desperately tries to steer the attention away from her fangirlism...) Oooh!!! Look! Behind you! *runs away*
  4. As a dog person and a Nicky fan, I thought that was pretty cool. That pic of him reading his lines is... well... I was looking at it thinking, "Man, those headphones look familiar..." Yeah, I'm wearing identical ones right now. They're my work headphones.
  5. I think you forgot to tell him to go to Dantooine. "
  6. *sigh* Yeah, it's true that Nicky Katt rarely smiles, even for pictures... and when he does, it's generally just a smirk. (And yeah, I agree he doesn't look much like Atton there, what with the glasses and all. I was demonstrating the smirk.) Anyway, yes, he most definitely is attractive. I mean, I watched an entire movie of him portraying a jerk of an actor dressed as Hitler and still found him hot. Though I will say, I do much prefer him Hitler 'stache-free. (Wow, I go away for one weekend, and this thread goes out of control!)
  7. Yes, it must be because of my Jedi mind trick... [Force Persuade] Only Nicky Katt looks like Atton.
  8. Exactly. What kills me is that people who hated the game are still posting on the board. If you hated it that much, WHY are you still here posting about it? They won't redo the game without the bugs and with extra content just for the 360. It would be a waste of time and money on their part. Sure, the game is popular, but it's not THAT popular... The majority of gamers wouldn't re-purchase the game just so they could play it on 360, no matter how improved it was.
  9. Mmmmmmh... *thinks* No. I can almost see it, but no. Maybe it's because he's wearing a suit and tie and is way too cleaned up... I can't see past that.
  10. Yes, yes, yes... I'm well aware of your opinion of Nicky Katt. I have no idea what type of character he played... I never actually watched the series myself. *searches IMDB for info* Anyone know what kind of character... "Sean Donovan" was? Anyone? Bueller?
  11. I suppose I wouldn't be helping my reputation as a Nicky Katt stalker if I were to mention that he apparently was in V... (He must've been in his early teens at the time)
  12. Oh yeah. In fact, I only bought the game because of Atton, even though I'd never even heard of him before. (I suppose I should probably start using emoticons indicating that I'm being sarcastic, otherwise I'm sure *someone* out there will think I'm being serious.)
  13. Um... Yeah... that's it... Don't believe everything you read.
  14. Ron and Carth do look freakishly alike in those pics. Even I'm impressed.
  15. Yes, because Atton is absolutely, 100% the only reason I play.
  16. It was on for 3 seasons starting 1990. I think I only watched the first season, to be quite honest... and only vaguely remember the show. But I *do* remember it being funny. Corin Nemec (Corky, whatever... I think he was referred to as Corky then, and later changed to Corin... or maybe Corky was just a nickname given to him in teen magazines) had his face plastered all over teen mags then. I remember his name just because at that time pretty well every other teenage heartthrob was named Corey, and his name was close to "Corey", but not quite. Oooh! Here's another one I used to watch... My Secret Identity!
  17. Well, I get that feeling a lot too. Silver: Hey, remember "Parker Lewis Can't Lose"? Friend: Do I remember who what now? Silver: You know... that show... with Corky Nemec? Friend: With who? Actually, I'm a little shocked that somebody else on this board actually remembered it. I thought only my brother and I ever watched that show.
  18. As always, you and I see things the same way, Royal. :D
  19. Music director for on an Internet radio site. I program music I really don't like, but somebody's got to do it.
  20. Sure you can. I missed it the second time I played. Only I remembered from the first game that the code had been reversed, so I manually entered it.
  21. Me too. I was terrified of the things. Oooh!! Ooooh!! How about these shows? My Two Dads Parker Lewis Can't Lose
  22. ...AGAIN. Too much of a pretty boy?? I guess we don't share the same definition of "pretty boy".
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