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Everything posted by cRichards

  1. After investigating, we found that this is actually related to a larger issue with talents that modify abilities, and is a known issue. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Keep up the great work!
  2. Thanks, Sensuki. Our team is aware of this inconsistency. Keep up the good work!
  3. Thanks for the insight, guys. The team is aware of the issue, and your help is greatly appreciated. Keep on hunting!
  4. Nice find, CottonWolf! This issue has been reported now. Keep it up!
  5. Thanks for reporting this issue, Litany. We've been made aware of this so it can be made more consistent. Keep up the good work!
  6. Another nice find, Draffutt. This may actually just be a lighting change as the weapon shifts, but either way the team is aware of it. Keep the bugs comin!
  7. Very nice find, Draffutt. This issue has just now been reported. Keep it up!
  8. Good fine, Draffutt. This issue has been noted. We really appreciate the reports. Keep it up!
  9. Nice find, Draffutt. This issue is reported. Keep it up!
  10. Hey Draffutt, nice find! We are aware of this issue, so no worries. Keep up the good work!
  11. Nice find, Hormalakh. We're aware of this issue and it has been reported. Keep it up!
  12. Hey illathid, nice find! That's only noticeable with certain color combinations, but is known to our dev team. Keep up the good work!
  13. Hey YunikoYokai5. Thanks for all of the issues you've found. Most of these are known to our team and have been written up. In the future, please make a separate thread for each individual issue, it makes it easier for us to respond and track. Keep up the good work!
  14. Hey Sensuki. We are addressing the framerate issues occurring when resizing the combat log as well as the current limit on the combat log. Thanks for all of the reports, we appreciate it.
  15. Nice find, Sensuki. This is an issue we are aware of and has been reported. Keep up the great work!
  16. Thanks for the extra info, guys. The misaligned skill ranks has been reported, as well as adding an extra visual with skill rank increase. Keep up the great work, and thanks for all of your help!
  17. Nice find, samm. This has been reported. Keep up the good work!
  18. Hey IndiraLightfoot, I believe this may just be an effect of the 3rd person isometric camera view the game uses. A lot of games have used this camera view with 2d art, so with 3d art it has to be shifted to look right in the camera. Here's an example from the recent Legend of Zelda game on the 3ds. We appreciate the feedback. Keep it up!
  19. Hey Sensuki, this has been reported. Keep up the good work!
  20. Hey IndiraLightfoot. The accuracy being slightly shifted to the right has now been reported, but I don't quite see what you mean about the numbers displayed for Skill points being off. I think the 7 might just appear that way due to being slanted. If this is not the case, could you reply in this thread with an image showcasing the skewed skill point numbers? And keep up the great work!
  21. Nice find, Osvir. That issue has been reported. Keep it up!
  22. Nice find, MoonWolf. Our dev team is aware of this issue now. Keep it up!
  23. Hey frogdown, this is a known issue. We appreciate the effort. Keep it up!
  24. Nice find, Headbomb. This has been reported now. Keep up the bug hunting!
  25. Nice find again, Headbomb. It has now been reported. Keep up the solid work.
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