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Everything posted by Kalfear
Im interested in what plot holes there were in K2? Im replaying it and found if you follow a specific patern it all comes togather nicely and is explained pretty much fully! Dant -> Onderon -> Nar Shaddar -> Onderon -> Korriban If you listen to the Jedi Masters stories, they all fall into place snuggly following this route. PS: Also, since Goto and Mandalore can by fully influenced with only couple encounters and Mira requires NO encounters to be fully influenced, you also get the full story from them doing this route, plus max bonuses for lightsabre crystal. K2 was NOT an epic story, it was more about the person then it was about the republic, but it was well crafted until the end. If anyone has examples Id love to hear them as I cant think (off top of my head) any plot holes in the game honestly. Or this just a case of bashing K2 for the sake of bashing K2?
Admitingly never tried it before (HK to enjoyable as blood thirsty droid) so this game I picked it up but when I went to install it I couldnt? Do I need to install it BEFORE activating him?
Visas Handmaiden Mira THEN Bastilla LOL, still dont understand the fanism of Bastilla! She was good but theose 3 were far far far better in every catagory!
Never saw this one before. Just doing a reply (like the 15th or so time) of KotOR2 on xbox and ran across a bug that Ive never seen before and made me laugh. I went a different route with character design this time and loaded up early on Int and non combat skills (repair, security, demolitions, pursuasion, computers, ect) so I could mostly solo game. So by doing this I had the skill to completely fix T3 by the end of Telos. So fixed him up and got the Bastilla hologram and all that, great. Then I noticed afterwards the hologram of Bastilla was standing at the exit ramp. You could target her but not speak to her (damn). What ever I figured and continued to play, suddenly Visas appears and starts to kick the bejesus outta me cause I dont have a high str/con/dex and limited combat skills. Its all I could do to stay alive was keep pumping myself with med packs and getting in an attack every 3-5 rounds. Suddenly the hologram of Bastilla comes running into room and wipes the floor with Visas!!!!!!! I was like "what the hell????". Then later when Red Eclipse attack AGAIN theres Bastilla running around killing them on the ship! LOL No idea if someone else ever got this bug, I figure I only got it because I got to the end of T3s story so fast! Was really funny to see though! To bad you cant interact with her! Would have been a nice easter egg type surprise for players in the game.
Is revan stupid or smart for leaving his friends
Kalfear replied to Masta Revan's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
LOL I think HE'S smart to leave them behind! I mean, hes looking for the "true sith", who needs to hear Carth whining about his son and betrayal, Bastilla whining about if shes strong enough to ignore the dark side, Mission moaning about her brother, Zal saying the exact same thing over and over for entire trip, and Jollee giving only vauge answers. In story wise though, it was a mistake by the writers. No way Revan gets to go with out Zal (because of life debt) and Mission (following Zal). I suspect Juhari would have also followed regardless of his wishs as for all intensive purposes, he is her teacher now, and she is his padawen with the Dant academy being destroyed. It was him that brought her back from the dark side and him that she was assigned to, to continue her training and learning of the light side. Regardless of actual power, she wasnt mentally ready to become a full jedi yet by the end of KotOR1. He did take T3 with him (other wise he couldnt have sent T3 back to find the Exile. Which made sence. Also makes sence Jollee not there (hes got his answer about Revans destiny already) Carth not there (leading republic) and Bastilla not there (to unstable and lacks self confidence for such challenges into the dark side). -
If you could have added one feature to KOTOR2.....
Kalfear replied to Topaz Quasar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
LOL, well its better then K1, in K1 your choices would have been 1) talk them outta collecting 2) Attack and kill them! Least K2 added that option that was worth a laugh and different -
KOTOR 1 and 2 Comparison..which is better?!?!?
Kalfear replied to droidean's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
[quote name=' -
While I agree K2 didnt feel as Star Wars as K1 did, K2 was more a personal story then a save the republic story. When all was said and done, the Exi;e had his redemption but none of that really had to do with Republic and wouldnt be widly known, Where as K1, Revans redemption came when he saved the republic from the sith. However, I just dont understand the complaints about influence. It makes perfect sence that to get a NPC to open up to you, you have to play to their own personality rather then force them to play to yours. The influence system makes the game far more realistic then K1 or Jade Empire was in gaining the back stories. I personaly found it great that depending on your group make up you could gain influence with one character and lose influence with anouther because of your choice at that specific time. Really made you think about group make up and how to handle each situation. I really hope Bioware saw this and incorperates it into Mass Effects! Just a over all positive aspect to the game.
Malak by a mile! Lets see, you have revisited all 4 star maps, destroyed the academy on korriban, defeated the One and his followers, cleaned out the temple (thats filled with droids). So whats his answer to this? Lets send out more droids to stop you! Malak was an idiot!
Who had the best backstory
Kalfear replied to Jedi_hunter101's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Visas has a great back story! I voted her Followed by Atton, Handmaiden, Mira, Jollee Rest fall kinda flat really. -
KOTOR 1 and 2 Comparison..which is better?!?!?
Kalfear replied to droidean's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Story-KOTOR 2 More epic Story: K1 Party Members-KOTOR 2 (not even a contest even with the failed Gotot, disciple, and hanharr) Locations-in my opinion 2, Nar shaddar and Dunx were awsome. (Please note, both K1 and K2 should be ashamed for small areas that needed drastic enlargeing) Content- K2. K1 is close cause of side quests but doesnt add up over all. Diffuculty-KOTOR 2. The Academy on Malacor and Vrook were harder then anything K1 had to offer NPC's : Ill go with K1 because of exchange chick on Telos. Both kinda had flat NPCs though. Quests (by funness)-Silly topic, who cares how funny quests are, what quests had more detail and content? Ill actually give K1 this one. Non confusiongness..(whether you know what to do or not)-1, Anouther silly and meaningless topic. You do what YOUR character would do. Simple as that! If you mean more linear and laid out for you, then yes K1 wins. Enemies(non-sith)-KOTOR 1, In K2 you are fighting sith, period (other then exchange). In K1 you fought sith, Manaan things, Mandalorians, The One, Sandpeople, and generic monsters. Enemies (sith)-definatly goes to KOTOR 2, Keria, Sion, and Nimbus were more interesting then Darth Vader....errrr I mean Malak. K1's so called "twist" was obvious for anyone with a grade 3 reading skill or higher. Party memeber story-KOTOR 2. K1 had nothing to compare to Visas, Handmaiden, and Mira. Bastilla was one dimensional, Jollee was good but to seperated from actual story. Carth and Misson were whiny. Misc- K2 again because of the BONUS force powers you learn which really added to the over all game and your character. Also the influence system thats 1000000 times better then the stop and talk when ever of K1. You had to work for the back stories rather then more linear K1 style of being handed them through no effort or thought. -
How do you convince carths son to leave the sith
Kalfear replied to Jedi_hunter101's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Security works fine on the door! -
I loved the K2 dialog personally. Ive always taken the complaints about K2 with a grain of salt at the best of times though. People wanted K1 and got in a huff when it wasnt exactly the same game redone. Thats the downside of doing a sequel, no way you can ever satisfy everyone out there no matter how good a job you do. Also, although they will never admit it, majority of gamers today are apart of the instant gratification crowd, more words means less action, less action means less instant gratification. Just take a look at the other mega hits out there like Halo. Linear to the degree of mind numbingly insulting, no thought required, just bang bang shoot them all and move to next stage. Yet its spoken of as some sort of holy grail of gaming.
Who's your favourite Star Wars wookiee?
Kalfear replied to Styur Voln's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
You forgot the "Other " option! Other = any Wookie that ISNT shown, ISNT mentioned, and DOESNT speak would get my vote! -
If you could have added one feature to KOTOR2.....
Kalfear replied to Topaz Quasar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Catfight for the win! Since "only" the women fighting you could probably add Disiple to the mix! -
Who would you rather have killed?
Kalfear replied to Darth_Onivega's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
LOL! Carth, Goto, Disiple, Hanharr, and Zal should all be thrown into an arena and made to fight to the death! The winner gets to be thrown out an airlock as a prize! GOTO by far the worst but all 5 were terrible characters! My first play through of K1, Carth annoyed me with his whining so fast I was seriously hoping by telling him to leave that he actually would! Damn Bioware for teasing me like that. Wookies are usless! Hated them both! As I said in different post, you should be allowed to kill Disiple the very minute he does that fruity curtsy when you meet him first time! And Goto, well Goto was just a really really really reall really really bad idea!!!! What the hell was Obsidian smoking that day? -
Who's your fave KotOR 1 character?
Kalfear replied to Styur Voln's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
LOL no kidding Hild! I liked Bastilla but I just dont get the fanatical fans regarding her to be honest. She was just so one dimensional and predictable to me. -
[quote name='
Spartans the Model for the Mandalorians?
Kalfear replied to DarkAngle's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I always veiwed Mandalorians as more Romans with some Norsemen qualities to be honest. Tactically the closest comparision would be to the old Roman Empire. Following one grand leader who had to prove their ability in war, ect. (Ceaser era). After they are defeated and split up they become more nomadic like Vikings. Seperate clans following the strongest of their specific clan. -
Handmaiden all the way! 1000% ! They should allow you to kill disiple when you meet him soon as he does that fruity curtsy to you! (LS or DS)
Who's your fave KotOR2 party member?
Kalfear replied to Styur Voln's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Visas ----- YUM! Handmaiden ---- YUM Mira ----- Yum Rest dont matter -
Who's your fave KotOR 1 character?
Kalfear replied to Styur Voln's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Story wise 1) Canderous 2) HK - 47 3) Jollee Grouping wise 1) Canderous 2) Juhari 3) Bastilla Canderous just had a great and interesting back story created, he was hands down the most interesting character in K1. HK is humor, nothing more nothing less Jollee was kinda a throw away but needed a 3rd choice hehehe -
Reposting this here as other was locked. Thanks Fion for new thread, now just need spam removed Finished playing K1 for tenths time and some things became appearent about game that were missing in K2 and could be the cause of some of the complaints about it. So since Obsidian has said they WANT to make K3, here are some suggestions (general stufff, not storyline related) for them. And the fact the K3 thread is to long and unweildy to keep posting in now. -K1 had a epic feel to it that K2 was missing. Playing K1 you felt as though your PCs actions actually did impact the rest of those around you. In K2 you had more a personal acheivement feeling. Your actions impacted you and your party members but didnt impact the republic as a whole. Even when your actions were on behalf of the republic, they felt more like personal victories and game lacked that EPIC feel to it that you found in K1. - NPC side quests. I personally loved K2 npcs (or most of them) but the NPC party member side quests in K1 did infact add alot of depth to the game. Turning your party members to jedi in K2 was great but there should have also been side quests that effected them so you could grow your bound with them become more attached to them. - Murder trial - After replaying this one side quest, it occured to me how deperately needed something like this was needed in K2. It was well written and created a awsome diversion from the main storyline, and unlike Bastillas or Missions side quests, it was involved and not just go kill something to be victorious. The depth of this is what made it special. -Side games - Welp what can I say, they annoyed me personally in K1, and K2 making the swoop bikes even harder made iut that less fun. Unlike many players I dont have the hand eye co-ordination to complete the swoop side games. Both K1 and K2 need difficulty settings so people of all skill levels have a chance to complete these. Personally speaking though, I think both games needed more arena combat spread over different worlds and less pazaak and swoop racing. Also I desperately wanted to see how Nico quest turns out but as I said, dont have the hand eye co-ordination to win (even on easy setting) the swoop races so had to give up on that quest. These just a few generic things you mi ght wanna keep in mind for any upcoming RPGs but specifically K3.
Made new thread as old one filled with spam and pretty much useless. Course Gab, if you actually read posts rather then just flame you would have realized this. Ahhh well, anouther thread sinks to the pits of spamdom. Tis a shame! Congrats on spamming yet anouther thread rather then doing the mature and decent act of shutting the * up for a change!
Finished playing K1 for tenths time and some things became appearent about game that were missing in K2 and could be the cause of some of the complaints about it. So since Obsidian has said they WANT to make K3, here are some suggestions (general stufff, not storyline related) for them. And the fact the K3 thread is to long and unweildy to keep posting in now. -K1 had a epic feel to it that K2 was missing. Playing K1 you felt as though your PCs actions actually did impact the rest of those around you. In K2 you had more a personal acheivement feeling. Your actions impacted you and your party members but didnt impact the republic as a whole. Even when your actions were on behalf of the republic, they felt more like personal victories and game lacked that EPIC feel to it that you found in K1. - NPC side quests. I personally loved K2 npcs (or most of them) but the NPC party member side quests in K1 did infact add alot of depth to the game. Turning your party members to jedi in K2 was great but there should have also been side quests that effected them so you could grow your bound with them become more attached to them. - Murder trial - After replaying this one side quest, it occured to me how deperately needed something like this was needed in K2. It was well written and created a awsome diversion from the main storyline, and unlike Bastillas or Missions side quests, it was involved and not just go kill something to be victorious. The depth of this is what made it special. -Side games - Welp what can I say, they annoyed me personally in K1, and K2 making the swoop bikes even harder made iut that less fun. Unlike many players I dont have the hand eye co-ordination to complete the swoop side games. Both K1 and K2 need difficulty settings so people of all skill levels have a chance to complete these. Personally speaking though, I think both games needed more arena combat spread over different worlds and less pazaak and swoop racing. Also I desperately wanted to see how Nico quest turns out but as I said, dont have the hand eye co-ordination to win (even on easy setting) the swoop races so had to give up on that quest. These just a few generic things you mi ght wanna keep in mind for any upcoming RPGs but specifically K3. -