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Everything posted by Kalfear
Level up???? Im replaying K1 right now and you dont need to level up, do a couple combats and they open right up after you have exhausted previous lines. Leveling up plays no part in the equation (tho persuade skill opens up new reply lines occationally, nice but not needed for getting full backstories) As I said, I was completely outta backstory content by the time I finished Tant. In K2, even on 8th play through, I was well past Dunx, Nar Shaddar, and Dant before I ran outta npc communications between them and yourself. Carth has less to say then Atton does for starters (less in content and less interesting to boot), far far far less then Kreia. No clue where you getting this from (that carth has more to say then all K2 npcs) as its just not true (and thats including Carths side quest communication options). In fact, unlike Bastilla (who you can get whole story from fast) Kreia has set markers where you have to be there and do the encounter for her to open up, which spreads her communications over a much much much longer time frame! Lets see: Who has more communication. Carth or Atton: Atton by far Bastilla or Kreia: Kreia by far Mission or Mira: Honestly they about equal (but Mira more interesting..personal opinion) Hanharr or Zalbbar : Hanharr by a mile (as Zal has none other then Wookie home world side quest) HK or HK : HK from K1 was more interesting and had more IMO T3 or T3: T3 in K2 hands down Handmaiden or Jollee : This one tough, they both had great back stories. Jollees might have been abit larger but Handmaidens had the better pay off, call it a tie Mandalore or Canderous: I gotta go with Canderous here Cat Woman or Disiple: Cat woman, Disiple should be shot Goto or no one: Guess its goto by default So thats K2 = 5 K1 = 3 tie = 2 seems the odds in K2 favor.
I had issues with this as well to be honest. But in hind site much of it makes sence EXCEPT for 2 characters. 1) Jollee: Probably just not interested in exploring. He admitted from get go he wanted to see how your destiny played out and with the immediate threat gone, he had his answer. 2) Canderous: It makes sence that rebuilding the mandalorian empire would be first on his list of priorities. 3) Bastilla: She has already been turned to the dark side once (easily). Taking her into TRUE SITH territory wouldnt be the smartest move. 4) Carth: Hes a republic hero. It makes sence he would return to leading the republic forces now the threat of Revan and Malak done with. 5) Droids (HK and T3): Well he took T3 with him somewhat on his journey otherwise T3 wouldnt know where h e went (which is obvious by K2 story line). No real reason not to take HK to be honest. That part doesnt play out well. 6) Mission and Zalabbar: Okies, Revan WOULD have taken these two since Zal owes him a life debt and wouldnt let him leave with out him anyways. Mission follows Zalabbar so she would have gone as well. Thats a definate mistake made by Obsidians writers. I guess they could come up with some storyline that required Zalabbar to return to his home planet and mission followed him but as it was left in K2, it just didnt make a ton of sence.
Ive just gotten to that in this replay but if memory serves me correctly (it might not) I think you can find a sith conspiricy that frees him from blame and punishes the sith. Its all very vauge right now in memory so ill post after I do it again
door sequence to jogga's warehouse ?
Kalfear replied to Shard's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I haven't played the game in a while, but I've done that puzzle so many times it's become instinct. I'm not 100% sure, but try the following in order of how I put them: Middle - counterclockwise Bottom - counterclockwise Top - clockwise If that works, then good, if not, oh well. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Been awhile since i played K2 but isnt that the one where you can just blast the command pad to open it? -
I liked the influence system over K1 (and JEs) just speak to them system to be honest. Made replays alot more enjoyable over all as your almost guarenteed to run into new communication lines from party members. I just missed the NPC side quests that you had in K1 is all. Eventually your going to see and do everything of course but I replayed K2 8 times before figuring out completely how to get everyones story in one play through. Conversely, Im replaying K1 right now and had everyones story by the end of Tant (went immediately to Tant from Dant with one quick stop to get Jollee on Wookie world). With out the influence system you just run through the stories far to fast and run outta npc story content.
Your reaction to HK-47's appearance in Galaxies?
Kalfear replied to Sikon's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Having played SWG and seeing how poorly Sony runs it. I still think this is MORE a reflection on Sonys failing then LA. Sure LA had to approve the idea but Sony had to request it first. SOE has mishandled SWG since day one. hense why they have remade it from ground up basically 3 times over (and still havent got it right) -
Whats up with all the short games ?
Kalfear replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Computer and Console
Bah, there was cheat books even back then. So it was possible (even with out internet) to get your hands on walk throughs and not figure out the problems yourself. Also you assume everyone uses walk throughs and cheats? I personally dont, refuse to as whats the sence of playing the game if you do. After initial game I might go read some to see if I missed anything but my time quote was based on first run through game. And those in recent times have come in at 20-30 hours. Substancially down from playing times for older cRPGs -
Whats up with all the short games ?
Kalfear replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Computer and Console
Don't take this as a flame, but you have to be the only person I've ever come across to complain about long games in general. I mean we'll all beat the bukake out of the NWN official campaign for being long and tedious. But when we say long we mean long and full of stuff. Not just chests. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Agree Wals, RPGs have definately gotten shorter over the years. The gold box games, original might and magic, wizardry games all took in area of 40-60 hours to complete and they were the standard for many years for the rpg genre. Today your lucky if you get 30 hours outta a game (or like JE, 21 hours). -
The droid on Dantooine...
Kalfear replied to Jedi Master Dakari's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Good points! All I can say is I learned to TRUELY HATE Vrook after watching the Droid replays. Course I didnt like him much in K1 either! Damn Sith Lords pretending to be jedi anyways! -
Tell me more about the destruction of Visas's home
Kalfear replied to x1Predator's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Yas know, id LOVE to know more about Visas's homeworld. I have opened all the convo options and backstory and its just really really fasinating. Hell, Id actually love a KotOR game (after this story finished of course) that revolved around her world and race as the PC Just simply the best character to come outta K1 or K2 -
A few questions concerning DS playthrough.
Kalfear replied to cerealkiller's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Aye, reaching Mastery with the Exile is doable by the end of Telos. However, Atton will not be full light side. Which means you have to use Atton on Nar Shaddar (he reachs mastery....or close to, IF you use him in every "gain lightside" quest on Nar Shaddar. Handmaiden can not be made full Mastery by the end of Nar Shaddar because you get her at the END of Telos, so gain no lightside points at all before Nar Shaddar. Same goes for Visas. Bao Durs availability is limited before Nar Shaddar because the light side increases are limited on Telos once your on the land and at hidden academy. So right there you have to choose, Do you take Atton and Handmaiden? or Visas? or Bao Dur? Your group can only have 3 members counting yourself so its impossible to get the required Lightside increases for them all. Then you get Mira at the END of Nar Shaddar. Yes you can turn her into a jedi almost immediately, but there is no Lightside increases to be gotten to get her to full Lightside mastery. Just isnt doable! Great, but if shes still level 6 and your 18, that means shes WAY WAY WAY off from lightside mastery. Unless you use the ship exploit and run the same sentances over and over and over gaining lightside points, but if you do it legit shes no where close to LS mastery if not played in group. False (unless you use exploit I listed above). Party NPCs gain Lightside influence by you doing good deeds during the playing of the game (free the child, save the queen, ect). Just converting someone to jedi requires influence over them, thats just choosing proper dialog choices, has nothing to do with gaining light side bonuses. No you cant. You get Mira at the end of Nar Shaddar. Through conversation you can gain the influence needed to turn her to jedi, but again, character influence and light side gains are two drastically different things. hehhe its doable but a pain! Again false. Party NPCs gain Lightside influence by you doing good deeds during the playing of the game (free the child, save the queen, ect). Just converting someone to jedi requires influence over them, thats just choosing proper dialog choices, has nothing to do with gaining light side bonuses. This one is doable through dialog but Ive never seen it done in the time period of one planet. Usually spread out to 2 planets min but maybe thats just me. Give yas benifit of the doubt there. Well lets say your right (your not but we can run with it). You left out Bao Dur. You DONT gain light side points from just speaking to him so how you raise him so fast? What about Atton? Again, through convo you dont gain LS points. See above. Sorry I have tried myself on multiple different games and its not doable if your not useing exploits or cheats. You run outta content when you do it straight up. Lets not forget, K2 forces characters into your group alot more then K1 did. There are times in game when your getting huge Lightside bonuses but forced to have Mandalore and Kreia with you. The entire ending planet is basically solo so you lose out on any LS points from there on as well. Much of your time in the hidden base on telos is solo as well (both times there). During all these times you DONT influence your party members when you gain LS points. Anyways, when ever I play, if im not using conversation bug/exploits (same question/statement over and over for LS increases) I run outta content in game when trying to get everyone to LS mastery. Getting them to jedi and getting their whole story is easy. Getting everyone to LS mastery isnt. And you still face the issue that you get Mira at the end of Nar Shaddar so where all these LS points coming from for her if its the first planet you goto? I mean there is NO LS bonuses to be gotten on Gotos yauht. No LS bonuses to be gotten in the hidden base. So where are you influencing her light side points? Conversation alone will get her to jedi but not LS mastery. -
C++ for complete and utter beginners
Kalfear replied to Kaftan Barlast's topic in Developers' Corner
Can also pick up the book C++ for Dummies. Thing actually is rather well written and helpful in learning the language. -
A few questions concerning DS playthrough.
Kalfear replied to cerealkiller's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Not enough content?? Playing LS i can have them all 100% influenced and jedies before leaving Nar Shaddaa. My first planet btw. Seems to me its this buggy-ass game. I feel like i'm beta testing kotorII half the time rather then playing it. <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not speaking about turning them jedi, that easy speaking about getting them to LS Mastery (thats not so easy) As I said, I basically run outta content before I can get all the turned to jedi characters LS mastery. If your saying you have them all at LS mastery before leaving Narr Shaddar (with NS as 1st planet you goto) then your lieing im afraid. Its not doable what so ever. -
EB games here in Toronto has it at 29.95 as well! but Toronto probably doesnt count as canada either I guess!
Aye Alan, but Id argue that if JE signifigantly missed its projected salls figures as Shadow suggested (selling 600k when predicting over a million is a huge miss by any math) a sequel would not be forth coming. More then likely JE achieved or beat its projected sales figures and thats why we are being graced with a sequel to it. Which in any form of reasonable logical thinking makes it a success.
Sorry! Even I cant state something THAT obvious
A few questions concerning DS playthrough.
Kalfear replied to cerealkiller's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
A sport is a compitition where the winner is not predetermined. So Proffessional wrestling is out Figure skating is also out (as has been proven in the past many many times, the judges are bias and baring a huge accident have already decided on the victor). NOW, it you say Proffessional wrestling is fake or not demanding ill call you a moron. Proffessional wrestling (even though its scripted) is one of the HARDEST and most rigerous activities a person can put their body through. Much tougher then baseball, hockey, or even football on a day to day basis. One could even make the arguement its tougher then MMA and boxing because in those sports you compete once maybe twice a month (rest is training). Todays wrestlers participate 3-4 times a week. In the 70s and 80s they participated 5-6 times a week. Ric Flair one year had 350 matchs. You do the math. Thats alot of impact and damage on your body no matter how you look at it. Also, golf is alot more demanding then people give it credit for. I know because I use to golf 2 times a week and then when my back went out it became harder and harder to even swing a club to the point now that I cant even do one hole physically. Sure it uses different muscles and techniques but you still need to be in shape to compete.
Im going with XBox 360 but it really just depends on what games you interested in that are created for that platform only. For me, Mass Effects, JE2, and the hope of KotOR3 makes XBox 360 a done deal.
My finest moment was back in NWN (the original on AOL). I was playing my drow character and was heading to some RP meeting with the house leader when we were jumped by 6 other players. Now NWN PvP was different then todays games in that it was real turn based combat (on a 20 seconds per turn timer) and required ALOT of quick thinking and stratagy. Unlike todays MMORPGs, to initiate PVP combat you had to initiate a monster combat and then fight them and the other PCs (which brought a whole new dimension to the PvP fight since you had limited spells and mellee combat didnt work vrs Player characters). Anyways, Mav died instantly almost which left me facing 6 fresh and full power opponents. Through master monster manipulation (blocking their access with a stink cloud or cloud kill, getting outta range of other players so monsters would attack them rather then me) and careful use of my limited defence spells, I managed to defeat all 6 opponents and creatures. Was a grand fight that lasted 30 minutes and the opponents all sent me tells thanking me for such a excellent combat even though they lost. Its so rare in todays games but its a real feeling of pride to have unknown players congratulate you on your win with no screams or whines about cheating and such, as is so common in todays MMORPGs. They later posted on guild forum thanking me again for the combat and saying that they learned more about NWN PvP in that one fight then they had in the 6 months prior to that, that they had been playing. The other one that comes to mind wasnt on such a grand scale and to the casual onlooker wouldnt have meant anything at all. I was very active in NWN PvP Ladders and gained some what of a rep (good rep)even though I never actually broke into the top 10 listing for singles pvp. However my partner and I were ranked 3rd for the doubles ladder in the game. When we faced the first ranked team (excellent pvpers who also were BOTH in top 5 listings for singles) we had a good fight which we eventually lost. After the fight we were just chatting and the Arks mentioned how they planned and stratagized for us saying they knew it would be a hard fight since all 4 players had E-cloaks (rarest item in game and could only be won via multiple GM run events). Thing is I didnt have a e-cloak but my use of spells was so good that everyone thought I did. Small thing but was a great compliment in a round about way
Most difficult game you have ever played
Kalfear replied to kumquatq3's topic in Computer and Console
Most difficult game i ever played was a little known games called Knights of Legend back on the old C64 set up. Was a cross between a indepth RPG and a FPS (combat was K1 style of turn based but with out the pause button). To advance levels you had to fight in a arena and those fights were just insanely hard to win. -
and most of those countries with universal healthcare cannot afford it, and, what they do provide, is substandard compared to US provisions. canadians that can afford better healthcare come the US and pay for it out of pocket (they aren't allowed to do that there...). socializing healthcare will ruin it. there will be no incentives for medical professionals, no competition, and the quality of care will bottom out. HMOs have already damaged the level of care we get now. the medicaid drug benefit, IMO, is the second worst travesty ever inflicted on the people of the US. first is social security. taks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The biggest problem with Canadian healthcare is that the USA doctors pay alot more so our trained doctors and nurses look to there for jobs rather then stay in Canada creating a doctor shortage. Which stesses out the system. Thats not to say our doctors and nurses are poorly paid, they are not. Just why make 200k a year when you can make 2 mill? Canadian health care also shouldnt be looked at as the model. Our taxes are high but not high enough to afford the coverage we want. If you look at Sweden and countries like that, their health care systems are top notch and running well but they also pay a HUGE % of taxes (much much much higher then canada or the US). Simple answer is USA taxes are very low, if you want Universal Health Care (that fully works) you are looking at jumping up to a 60% tax bracket minimum accross the board. Dont take my reply as complaining about Canadian Health care though. I have a heriditary back disease and am lucky to live in Canada. In the States this disease would have no costed me something like 3 million dollars in treatments outta my own pocket vers the free treatment I get here. Canadas health care is good but its not perfect!
Yeah, well, tough luck. You like wrestling. I'm sorry the NHL doesn't have any chairs to throw on the ice or fake blood to drool on yourself, but that's just the way it is. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Im not enjoying the new NHL either, they have taken the physical play (not to be mistaken for fighting, hooking, slashing, or chair swinging) outta the game. Games now just feel like the All Star score fests they have each year. No contact, just back and forth scating and shooting. Rather drab to be honest. It lacks passion over all now. Course Ive always been a fan of the Cam Neely's, Gary Roberts, Shane Corson's style of play, gifted but physical. They worked for their points and the game was better off for it.