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Everything posted by Kalfear
Most games in last decade, I havent found really made you think all that much to be honest, odd item here (K1 had the floor puzzle and T3 on the Leviathon, K2 had the key pad in warehouse, ect) and there but by and far developers seemed more interested in linear stories, lots of action, and better graphics. Only 3 games (be it any genre of gaming) that stand out to me as thinking games were. 1) Necropolis (multimedia game based on a fictional comic) 2) Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within (this game was TOUGH, but awsome) and 3) Phantasmagoria All 3 are multimedia puzzle/adventure games but really make you use your grey matter to complete them Some older RPGs like Wizardry (think it was 5, been to long) and others had good puzzles in them as well but thats pretty much a lost art form in todays gaming.
Yeah, that's too true. Any way, This is what I am going to do Takes place after KOTOR II Bastila is on Corescant to try to track down some info for Revan after he sent her an encoded transmission to try to look for something. Revan is on the last world he needs to find the clues to the Sith empire. I am going to put in some back story about Bastila and Revan, such as they get married soon after KOTOR I, but Revan's memory starts to come back, and he remembers what drove him to the darkside in the first place, and has to leave. Five and a half bloody years later, Revan is close to his goal, along with his new side kick, Fey Alisto. Bastila has a child of five years, and he is at a secret location, but is kidnaped by slavers, and Bastila is forced to do two things at once. Well, she is a woman, so she can multitask! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmmmm, sounds like you wanna make Bastilla the focus of the main story to be honest, with Revan and his side kick as the back drop story. Gut feeling is, when it comes to choosing between Revan as the main story line hero or Bastilla as the main storyline hero, most folks would coose Revan. My own "personal" opinion is Bastilla should remain as a supporting character to Revan. Thats NOT to say a woman/female CANT be the main hero, they can and are in many stories, just these two characters (Revan and Bastilla) rather well defined already in their roles. Only mention it as by posting here im assuming your asking about general appeal and not just something you can personally be proud of (writing hard and hats off to anyone that can do a good job of it, published or not).
aye thats the guards, quite humorous
Where you HAVEN'T played enough kotor
Kalfear replied to atombom2005's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
y ou know you HAVENT played it enough when SWG starts to once again look entertaining and fun -
Nope I mean the long exchange between Atton and Handmaiden when that guy just before refugee sector approaches you about giving him the Ebon Hawk. Reload game and check it out, its priceless and nothing in K1 even compares to it PS: but Baos comment was damn funny as well <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Atton & Handmaiden? It seems I have been missing that one. I always had the impression that NPC-NPC interaction while walking around was almost non-existant in KOTOR2 unless at special places with "forced" characters. Do you guys know a link/walkthrough where these places and involved people are stated? I'd really like to go on a "hear them talk among themselves" voyage next time I play Kotor2. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> a link, no, but the ones off the top of my head I can think of are: 1)Atton and Handmaiden when your approached about giving up the Ebon hawk (first time) on Nar Shaddar 2) Goto watching you use your force powers on the guards on (planet by Onnx, lol been so long forget name) 3) Atton and Handmaiden/Visas (more so Handmaiden) when the x bounty hunter discribes the bounty hunters after you on Nar Shaddar 4) Bao Dur to Atton when your attacked outside your ship by bounty hunters 5) Goto and HK 47 when you kill the droid merchant on Dantooine There is many many many more but its been along time since I played K2 so forgetting them. Im actually going to keep track of favorite K2 saying the next time I play it but have to revinish K1 first
If Obsidian will make KotOR3, you will purchase it
Kalfear replied to Luke77's topic in Computer and Console
Will buy it in a heart beat if Obsidian or Bioware makes it makes it, no questions asked. Will wait for a reveiw if anouther publisher makes it and then decide from there. Will not purchase if made by SOE or Blizzard. Thats my stance on topic. -
When you have been playing to much kotor
Kalfear replied to atombom2005's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
weird, I never got that bad for KotOR 1 or 2, even though I played both games non stop. Starcraft however was my doom when it originally released! After about 2 weeks of staying up way to late and barely making it through work just to come home and play Starcraft a friend called on my day off to go for lunch. My reply was simple: "Sure and by the way I have turrets up around your entire base". Which of course lead to "Kal, are you awake? Repeat after me if your actually awake so I know your actually coming". -
Juhani <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Was speaking SW as a whole. Games really the only place you can find gay matchs if you play the female characters. So if speaking of turning characters into cannon, its an aspect you would have to take under concideration. Just because the games allowed female on female in K1 and K2 (visas and female exile) doesnt mean it would be allowed in SW Cannon. Which kinda also proves the point! LOL
Dell did that to me as well. Ordered 2 256 meg ram sticks, get 2 128 meg ram sticks. Replace order, same thing replace order, same thing replace order, same thing cancel order and decide to never deal with Dell again I did hear shortly after all that they moved their late night cust support and tech support back to States. To little to late though.
who knows, Obsidian has already said they want to do K3, LA hasnt responded so take that for what its worth. Far as will Revan make an appearence, IF there is a K3, you can bet your bottom dollar he does make a appearence. Now is he the PC, is the Exile the PC, is it a new PC all togather is also anyones guess. Personally I hope they use the exile and continue on with K2 storyline which will send the Exile in search of Revan. But thats just me, just see far more opertunities and storyline twists doing it that way then just having using Revan to explore the revan storyline.
Oh I know Lao, I dont actually expect it to happen but think it would make for a better story then playing Revan as the PC in K3 and being limited to the open and shut romance/interaction that already has been detailed and established. Revans a great character, but as a PC hes rather boring. You already know going in hes destined to be "IT" and "ALL THAT". The Exile is much more complexed far as backstory and what drives him and what he will do in the future then Revan is.
LOL, ummm correct me if im wrong (maybe im just reading what you said wrong) but you do realize the romance being spoken about is with Visas and Handmaiden competeing for exile, not Atton and exile? Right? The Atton romance was just a add in like the Carth romance was with female PC in K1. Just thought id ask heh and again, SW doesnt deal with gay issues, since the force sharing between Visas and Exile is a important part of the story (and paramount to having sex, just stylized), right there you know that Exiles gender was precieved originally as male. LOL, like it or not there are certain topics that have been taboo from day one in the Star Wars Universe, this is one of them.
Your Type is ISFJ Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging Strength of the preferences % 11 1 12 22 Qualitative analysis of your type formula You are: slightly expressed introvert slightly expressed sensing personality slightly expressed feeling personality slightly expressed judging personality
heh I originally came here when I learned Obsidian was doing K2, now its just a bad habit to drop by!
Hey, I'm upset. Not only did I not pick Kovalchuk for that very reason, I also made a point out of laughing at everyone who did for the first week. Now, sadly, I sit in 5th and 11th place in my hockey pool edited for spelling Kovalchuk Kovalchik... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> god I miss Oilers and Calgary hockey. Moved out here to Toronto 6 years ago and its just not the same! All these die hard leaf fans with no idea what good hockey really is! hehe And finding a decent hockey pool is next to impossible!
Nope I mean the long exchange between Atton and Handmaiden when that guy just before refugee sector approaches you about giving him the Ebon Hawk. Reload game and check it out, its priceless and nothing in K1 even compares to it PS: but Baos comment was damn funny as well
me to Gab, even in movies I find the cut content usually adds greatly to the movie and should have been left in!
heh, id love to see Handmaiden attacking Visas!
Welp its obvious you have a thing (not sexual) for carth so we never going to agree here. Suffice to say Atton has more imo. huh? Sorry what game did you play? Thats just wrong! Even personal opinion cant support your claim here. huh? Lets see, mission has zal being captured storyline, her brother storyline and welp thats really about all. Mira has being turned jedi storyline, hanharr storyline, mandalorian storyline. Hmm actually seems Mira has more! Jollee tells you about his past, the war, his wife, her death, and then the trial storylines. Handmaiden tells you about her past, Atris, her jedi training, and then the atris side quest. seems about even to me. Handmaidens effect storyline much more directly though.
NO they dont! Im playing K1 right now (for the gawd knows how many time) and K1 npcs definately do not have something to say in every convo. In fact K1 has glaring mistakes! For example, when i finished romance with bastilla (prior to temple of course) I got Jollee speaking about wife and love. I intentionally had Bastilla in group (after she told me we shouldnt have done that) and had Jollee do his big love is good speach. Bastillas responce, stunned silence! Not a freaking word said! Even though every single word Jollee said was directly related to our storyline (I was disappointed, was hoping for great things there, a arguement or debate between jollee and bastilla at a min). Thats just one example but they are endless in K1. Every NPC does NOT have something to say in conversations! Not by a long shot! And NO K1 npcs have the involved interaction that you can have between Atton and Handmaiden on Nar Shaddar when approached about giving up the Ebon Hawk. I have explored every communication line in K1 number of times over, seems to me your just imagining things in game that were not there. Perhaps its time you reloaded up the game again to see whats actually in it.
When you have been playing to much kotor
Kalfear replied to atombom2005's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
heh aye, learned that lesson the hard way. I let a friend take my Phansatmagoria game and Gabriel Knight (the beast within) and never got them back. I had wanted to replay them recently much to my disappointment. Never lend out yas games -
I think when discussing the game stories and how they should be reflected or treated its pretty much common agreement that the following holds true: Revan = Lightside Male Exile = Lightside Male The darkside options were a great addition that added replay value but dont think any writers/game designers seriously going to treat future stories or expansions as either of them being Dark Side. Whole story just doesnt flow and play out right if you do.
For Mandalore I would continue to have him rebuilding the mandalorians (basically use K2 storyline for immediately following K1) BUT Id have the mandalorians all but wiped out in a huge Republic vrs the Sith battle after that. With of course Revan leading the republic (based on outline you presented). At some point the mandalorians need to become all but extinct for the SW movies to work. I think dieing in a grand battle would be the perfect segway to that for their race. Personally speaking, I still think any stories and K3 would be more interesting if Revan went looking for the true Sith (as stated in K2), found them and was again turned to the darkside. Setting up the Exile to be the hero vrs the ultimate villian (Revan). Thats just me though, I find the Exiles back story to be much more interesting then Revans and you dont pre judge him as the grand power of what ever side hes on. Also, far as love stories go, I think the 2 way battle for the Exiles affections (Handmaidens and Visas) creates alot more interesting options then just Revan and Bastila bumping ugly do. Throws in some drama and allows for twists the writer can explore and expand on. Heck, if you wanted to get really creative you could also add Mira to the mix because she never actually said no in K2 and you get the feeling there might be something there.
heh, id greatly prefer playing the exile in a K3 but with a group of NPCs from both games (your choice on which NPCs). Playing Revan I find boring as you know your the be all, end all power in the game story line. I think K3 would be much more interesting if you as the exile went in search of Revan only to find out HE had been turned to the darkside yet again. The possiblilities for NPC interaction are endless that way. You could have a group of Carth, Bastilla, Visas, Handmaiden all fighting each other over what to do and how to do it as Carth and Bastilla would be wanting Revan saved and turned back to the light (rather then defeated and killed) while Visas and Handmaidens loyalities would soundly be in the Exiles corner. Would make for much more interesting senario then just playing Revan as the ultimate evil/savior yet again. Through in Mandalore and HK and you could have a real situation as Mandalore would follow Revan over the Exile with out question and HK is loyal to his master only, which will always be Revan until Revan dies. If Revan is turned back to the darkside in K3 (as a NPC ), the story options are just unending. Really hope Obsidian goes with the Exile as the PC if they do K3. Just be a better game over all. Or if your DS, how about a group with Hanharr and Zal having to interact!