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I also felt it had very little bugs. Always hard to notice ones that have to do with numbers etc, but I'd say for games in general, it was very stable. I'd prefer a PoE3, but I'd play Avowed2 as well.2 points
Pretty simple trinket idea: a lucky clover that increases the chance of getting rare loot from bugs and resource nodes. It would be relatively rare drop from clovers. Some drops, like beetle horns and widow fangs/venom are so rare that collecting them for crafting or upgrades can require clearing the entire yard multiple times. And certain trinkets are so rare that I've still not encountered them with several hundred hours in the game. Just having a trinket that can be equipped when farming for a particular resource would be a good trade-off to help reduce the grind, without making things too common.1 point
If there's one saving grace for the situation, it's that it happened while I was working, so I technically got paid for it. Now whether I should get paid for it is another question, but it's not one I'm going to ever raise with my superiors.1 point
1 point
You don't really need to be a tactical genius to tell your men to attack once news media is reporting that Trump has cut all ties. Sure there's still a little bit of risk involved, but it's Trump, so....1 point
I still have a bunch of old boxed wargames in my closet: 1940, Triplanetary, Trailblazer, Dragon Pass, Third Reich, Greyhawk Wars, WW II, Imperium, Russian Campaign, and Objective: Moscow. There were a bunch of others that I gave away some time ago. I haven't touched any of them for years though, not since wargames appeared on PCs. I subscribed to Strategy & Tactics for many years, but almost never had the time to play them. Eventually I couldn't justify the cost.1 point
Yeah, as far as polish Avowed is in a very good state. I encountered one irritating hickup - if I attempted to summon a weapon and got interrupted that spell would become unavailable until a reload (I think what happens is: when you summon it the icon is greyed out, and when weapon summon time ends the icon changes into countdown till is usable again. If you attempt to summon it and get interrupted the skill still is greyed out, but because weapon was never summed the countdown never triggers.). I also felt through the ground and died once or twice, but that's about it. Vast majority of playtime was silky smooth, the game run mostly great (raytracing on), and I had no stutter which is rare for UE5 game. When I mentioned Ubisoft I didn't mean the quality of the story, just playing experience. Running around open world, killing repetitive mobs that don't pose challenge, ticking off boxes by collecting stuff. The pacing - no spikes in difficulty or excitement, just same interactions with same enemies, be it side activities or main story. I am still trying to figure out how I feel about Avowed - because there are quite a few things that I thought were well done. I found it very unimmersive, so I didn't enjoy it the way I am enjoying the Indiana Jones game right now. And combat, crafting, skills trees and items were too shallow for me to be engage with them as gameplay systems. The narrative has a promising outline, but it felt underdeveloped for me to care about character, events or choices. Avowed is consists of story, combat and exploration, I don't think neither of them are strong enough to carry the game alone, and I don't think they combine into a greater whole. I can imagine Avowed being a game that I really love, but it's not there for me.1 point
There is a work around. Before entering the area where the door is that needs to be dispelled, to the left, there are some crumbled columns next to a set of archways. Climb up the crumbled rock and stay left over the top. Keep hopping rocks to the left until you reach a drop down into an area that is past the sealed door. You can continue the mission now and enter Ryngrims domain. It worked for me... I was frustrated with the same issue and found this work around.1 point
I didn't get the impression that Avowed was overly buggy. I had one quest out of around a hundred that was a bit wonky. Other than that, it was the least buggy Obsidian title I've played. Outer Worlds was also pretty stable, so I suppose the engine deserves credit. FO:NV is still a buggy mess. As for @Wormerine comparing it to a Ubisoft title, that's crazy. Ubisoft games have forced narratives and completely shallow storytelling. I don't know how you can even compare the two. I could not disagree with you more on that. If you want to call it a Disney+ show, I guess I get that more. Not that all Disney+ shows are the same, but the fan service and stretched out concepts make sense. As a fan, I tend to enjoy fan service. I do agree the game feels stretched out in places. It's like they created a foundation, but they weren't able to build out the whole house. That being said, I absolutely loved the foundation and the parts of the house that they built. I expect to see them continue to expand on this type of game. It's like Outer Worlds was the prototype and this is V1. Anyways, despite the lukewarm feeling of the posters here, it seems to be doing very well. It looks like it is outperforming Outer Worlds, so we should see some plenty more content to come. I enjoyed PoE 1 and 2, but Eora really came to life for me in the Living Lands, and I look forward to exploring more of it this way.1 point
I think I wouldn't put her into Patinated Plate but rather Reckless Brigandine - and give her Tuotilo's Palm. Alternative to SC Mortar Monk: Mirke as Shadowdancer with dual mortars (+modal) and dual blunderbusses is also very good. Instantly unlock Heating Up with Powder Burns and unlock Sneak Attacks and Deathblows easily with Blinding Smoke. Stunning Surge is also great here. Toxic Strike with +10 INT and in an AoE is also devastating, as is Arterial Strike on combat start on a group of lured enemies.1 point
It will last 15s. And if Fighter will use Tactical Barrage again, the new one will last 18.75s1 point
Doctors are strange man. They get numb to it and kind of get emotionless and that I feel is the best case scenario, the worst is when they get bitter and burned out. Doubly so for nurses, so infuriating that in your biggest moment of weakness people can be so ****ty and the only thing that works against that seem to be causing fear...1 point
Ok guys, I won't give you anything you haven't seen already within this topic. I AM JUST SO PI**ED OFF, as I payed to play Avowed but cannot do that anyhow! I'm constanty getting this hellish Fatal Error Alabama bla bla bla. There isn't even any message included, so have no clue what is going on. It happens when I complie shaders, it happens in fric*ing main menu and most importantly it happens when I play few minutes (2-5 mins usually), so I cant even leave the first area. Settings don't matter at all. Everything on epic or high or super low? Still exactely the same. I tested the issue on several various AMD drivers, up to the newest 25.2.1 - nothing has changed but I'm not sure if it is even related to the GPU and its drivers anyway... Bought game on Windows Store. I'm sorry but I haven't seen worse release in a while. Completely unplayable.1 point
Same...I'm 27.5 hours in Game Pass, havent had any issues, then all of a sudeen I keep getting fatal error ue alabama crash every 2 minutes for the last hour...I've tried all the recommended online fixes, and still happening. This some b.s....can we get some help/word from the devs on this please?1 point
I found that the best way to avoid such experiences is to simply mimic their behaviour. Just breathe through your mouth and mutter to yourself while walking around in public and people will avoid you.0 points
Today, I was cornered by an old homeless woman who had an Irish accent talking about anything and everything that popped into her brain for an hour and a half. She was perfectly nice, but she would not let me leave. I really need to learn the art of being rude. Strange that it happened on my very least favorite holiday, too.0 points