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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/24 in all areas

  1. Speaking of Ken Russell, I saw Lair of the White Worm recently for the first time. As is often true with Russell's films its a better film than its reputation would lead you to believe, even if I think Russell's final joke at the end doesn't really pay off.
    3 points
  2. Midnight Suns is free on Epic I grabbed it but may still never play it for free because of the cards
    2 points
  3. They fixed DX9 a while ago, it is now supported natively in the drivers and no longer emulated. GN retested Arc every now and then.
    1 point
  4. Finally managed to find some time to finish the first season of Invincible, which I started way back when it came out at the recommendation of a friend. Except for the plot twist of the first episode, the first three episodes of the series were so dreadfully boring that I put off watching the rest of the season for a while. The following episodes got a lot better, but there are some problems that ended up gnawing at my brain while watching. Well, I've watched worse. On the other hand, I've also watched much better series. Onwards to season two then.
    1 point
  5. Pretty much this. My most expensive was the first Voodoo generation MiroHiscore 3D with 6MB rather than the then standard 4MB for over 400 DM,- back then. This was followed by Voodoo 3 (200 bucks upon launch). Even a GeForce 4ti I got for 99 Euros (a year after initial relase, brand new). And until ~ten years ago, only enthusiasts really ever NEEDED to spend significantly more than ~250 bucks in general. There was a WEALTH of viable options even for ~100-150 for many years. So making that jump AND just getting GPUs with 2016 mid-range (RX 480) / minimum requirement amounts of VRAM, I dunno. I'm not gonna run out of games for the forseeable future as such. Plus, I bet even the 2500 Dollars RTX 5090 ain't gonna support CTX (Commodore-Tracing) anyway, so meh. Lovely bunch of pixels brought to you by: SKALD: Against The Black Priory.
    1 point
  6. Yeah, I don't play new AAA games basically ever, so last year I bought an RTX 2060 from EVGA for a hundred bucks and called it good. I haven't run into any games where I needed it to be more powerful than that, so... It's not as if I can't afford it, but I don't know, I've never paid more than $200 for a GPU in my life and I'm kind of inclined to keep it that way what with my faded interest in current AAA games.
    1 point
  7. Looks like it all worked out fine this time. Hope we'll see an actual secure landing next time.
    1 point
  8. When clicking the video above, Youtube greeted me with the ultimate irony: Playing a credit loan kind of ad first. So, basically NextGen advertising: The more you loan, the more you buy. The more you buy, the more you save. Still running my 1050ti. Likely until it's run into the ground. Mind you, it's only in because I don't play much graphical blockbuster kind of games anymore. KCD II may be the first time I genuinelly want to upgrade. Rest of the system is a Zen 2 Ryzen, so a tad fresher and capable of running faster CPUs, including the 5800x3D. 5, 6 years ago you could get a fairly decent RX 580 for like 200 bucks, eventually below. For the same amount of money, you still but get a RX 6600 -- and that's but ~70% faster and still has the same 8GB. Things have really stalled in the entry level in particular. Current gen RTX 4060 / RX 7600 cards still ship with the same 8GB the RX 480 shipped with in 2016 as well. Even for Full-HD, you can't run higher textures anymore in every game. If the likes of 5060 and RX 8600 ship with 8GB still, they can keep those. Before I'm ever going to pay the price of a console just for a GPU, I'm opting out of blockbuster gaming for good. For KCDII though... we'll see.
    1 point
  9. The Devils (1971)...by the ever incorrigible Ken Russell. It's difficult to put into words exactly what makes Russell's films so...is "on-putting" a word? It should be: it's basically the same as "off-putting", insofar as that there's something bizarre and disconcerting experienced, except that it's interesting and entertaining instead of being unpleasant or tiresome as you would rightfully expect given the content. The man has this inexplicable superpower of making films that don't really have any right to be good...exactly that. I would say this is his best film of the ones I've watched, and I was rather enthralled by both characters, story, themes, and performances, though I think I still ultimately liked The Boyfriend a little more for subjective reasons. The Exorcist is widely remembered as one of the best films of all time while The Devils was heavily censored and disavowed by the media: it perhaps seems a strange difference in reactions, given how many similarities you might notice between the two and that they were released at close to the same time (1971 vs. 1973). I suppose The Devils has a more...dual nature, in that the audience has to grapple with the fact that it walks a very fine line in being comedic, nearly parodical, in how outrageous (though never unintelligible) it gets - in grave contrast to its all too real messaging on the harrowing and dangerous intersection of politics, religion, and human nature, among a number of other things. I could see that offending many political and religious sensibilities where The Exorcist didn't, as The Exorcist always played it straight, always treated the religious and supernatural elements very seriously while keeping any commentary it might have on them quiet enough, while The Devils most certainly did not. On the other hand, I wouldn't dream of The Devils giving up on its funnier, more sociopolitical side if it meant the film forsaking the scene where a carefree and whimsical King Louis XIII lounges around in the raving throng of "demonically possessed" nuns. Who else is going to dispel the demons from all of them with an ancient vial of Jesus' blood inside of a relic container before impishly revealing that the box was in fact completely empty, causing the possessions to resume as if they hadn't ever paused? I was quite saddened the king didn't show up at either the trial or the stake burning, but I suppose His Majesty's delightful presence there would've rather undercut the film, so it was probably all for the best.
    1 point
  10. Sorry, double-post (kinda.) Still yesterday there was a SKALD AMA on Reddit with a few decent info. - Launch successful accross every metric - Postlaunch support will bring a new bard class and improvements - SKALD 2 a developer wish - The engine already supports deeper systemic interactions for more emergent gameplay (as can be seen already in the light sources you can manipulate, e.g. for stealth purpose) ALSO: Love. Love never changes.
    1 point
  11. As far as I can tell this isn't a bug on PC, however it can be seemingly replicated using the "Kill" cheat command on the Messenger so thelee's theory that the Dracolich dying too quickly seems the most likely explanation for the bug. When that happens one or more of the Luminous Revenants that should emerge when the Dracolich reaches a certain hp threshold will fail to trigger. Which is seemingly what the game is waiting for before moving onto the next state. Assuming it is the last final Luminous Revenant that is set to spawn at 25% HP you can trigger in the town square using the following console command (IRoll20s required) then kill it: EmergeStart 3a922618-1aa9-4c60-b8ae-a0f9b92e9eb6 However it's probably simpler to just trigger the next steps of the quest and cutscene that plays after with the following command (IRoll20s required) while in the town square: SetGlobalValue LAX2_n_Dracolich_Attack_Stage 2 & StartCutscene Cutscene_Dracolich_PostAttack
    1 point
  12. This is a fake trailer, btw. Or as Screen Culture terms it a 'final trailer concept'.
    1 point
  13. If this forum were a robot/mecha anime, you could merge @Gorth and @Gorgon to create the Super Moderator Mega-Gorthgon. Just an observation.
    1 point
  14. Some Vikings inspired music... the show, not the culture Edit: Saw Heilung had put up a new live video on their channel. Warning, light nudity involved...
    1 point
  15. Crazy stuff https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/full-scan-of-1-cubic-millimeter-of-brain-tissue-took-14-petabytes-of-data-equivalent-to-14000-full-length-4k-movies
    1 point
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