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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/24 in all areas

  1. I was today years old when I learned that Bon Scott actually played the bagpipes.
    3 points
  2. Ah, yes. That... Sorry, could not resist.
    2 points
  3. Actually, that's what I call a good in-game shop. No need to buy anything from it to not spoil my game, but if there is anyone who for whatever reason wants to throw his money out of the window, who am I to judge, if it does not impair my experience from the game. Bamco has such microtransactions in som of their games as well. You could buy XP and money, but I have never ever felt in any of their Tales of games, that the balance of the game was skewed to force people to buy this ****
    1 point
  4. Trofiphobia? I think loss of appetite in general is called Anorexia (not to be confused with Anorexia Nervosa) but is usually a symptom of other things. I would think as long as you're getting enough calories when you do eat and everything is going through your digestive system fine and you're also not dehydrated, the only worry would be if it persists since weight loss is tied to some cancers and other illnesses (but also to more benign sources like stress and reactions to CBD).
    1 point
  5. I'm completely fine and normal in every other way. I'm weight lifting like I always have, going for bike rides, I have energy, I'm active. The only thing "wrong" with me is that I have no desire to eat.
    1 point
  6. I have a theory. My theory is that there is one ***hole at Capcom... Capcom is a large company, there's almost certainly more than one ***hole, but this particular ***hole is in a high enough position of power that he or she cannot be ignored. This ***hole has a hard-on for microtransactions and insists that they are present in every title. The other top execs have the devs just whip up some quick online shop, it doesn't really matter what's in it, no one will use it, slap it in the game, have the devs do all of ZERO work to balance the game to entice the player to use the shop, and shove it out the door. They're just doing this to appease that one ***hole high level exec so they are putting no effort whatsoever into it.
    1 point
  7. Lamentable, yes, but I would argue that it was not a sign of the times. The history of the press is not a particularly edifying subject to study. Oh and @BruceVC: I rarely visit the CNN website and never watch it, so I can't comment on that at all. The BBC I am not especially suspicious about, but it does have its share of even fairly recent crises, so it's not as if it's a paragon of journalism. (And I never watch the BBC, either.)
    1 point
  8. Our equivalent of the BBC is decent enough most of the time, and our biggest newspaper isn't too bad. I have worked in the printed press, starting from the 1980s, and have, in my view, a decent combination of trust in and scepticism of it.
    1 point
  9. Yes I do think its confirmation bias but I cant assume that is what everyone thinks, thats why I am asking the question. In the context of South Africa and how some commentators dismiss the media reporting on Ukraine but believe the same media in Gaza is inconsistent and strange to me I do believe the international media is generally reporting correctly, like this link, in both Ukraine and Gaza and the IDF has killed many civilians and the stories about the kitchen being bombed is true and egregious. I just dont think it was done on purpose because of the obvious negative media coverage this creates but that doesnt change how the IDF military approach is heavy handed and unacceptable But the point I was trying to make is if the war in Gaza hadnt happened there will still be some people dismissing the media reporting coming out of Ukraine yet many of those same people dont question the media reporting from Gaza And I was looking for an opinion on that so thank you for responding
    1 point
  10. There can be a whole lot of reasons, and you have one good answer to your question right above this post. Your question implies that "one war" and "another war" are comparable, but it isn't necessarily so: there is a potential fault in the comparison you are making. Untrustworthy sources aren't always untrustworthy, either. I would not trust, say, the Daily Mail, but if I happened to walk past a newsstand and Daily Mail was reporting that the Pope is dead, I would believe it. You can't really overstate the importance of context.
    1 point
  11. In a slightly similar boat... waiting for the GotY version before buying it
    1 point
  12. I suspect you know the answer to your own question, if you have to be honest about it. Not sure why you need other people to bring up "confirmation bias"? Personally, I don't trust governments much, but I'll take the Australian governments words for it when they tell that Australian citizens were killed in Gaza when IDF airstrikes deliberately targeted international aid workers to chase them out... Those same attacks on aid convoys has led to a political **** storm in the UK and the US as their citizens were also killed by the IDF It was so bad Biden got on the phone with Netanyahu and made ultimatums... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68737846
    1 point
  13. Just a suggestion, the first 4 episodes were released together as a "prologue" to kick the season off, introduce characters and the basics of the world. The story doesn't really start until episode 5 with a declared goal... Edit: Just some amusing trivia, it took Madhouse 3 years to make the anime and in some instances elaborated considerably on the Manga, like the "eat your heart out Disney" dance sequence, which was a 1 minute long scene with custom written score and real dancers doing motion capture to be hand animated, was a single panel in the manga. A fight towards the end was two panels in the manga and Madhouse made it a 3 episode fight, seriously flexing in the animation and choreography department while doing so. Edit2: I'm obviously biased as I liked the show very much, even if it took me a few episodes to get into it.
    1 point
  14. Man, I'd have gone to the doctor yesterday and you should go tomorrow. I know you love good food and we need to get you back to that. Think of the food thread if not yourself. The people need you.
    1 point
  15. Ukraine's Devastating Thermobaric Drone Wipes Out Russian Target (newsweek.com)
    1 point
  16. 0 points
  17. I have an anecdote to share here, although it is, of course, only directly applicable to the media in Austria, and it was over a decade ago. Back then, the company I worked at, was robbed. Goods worth five million Euro were stolen in a matter of hours. The robbers brutalized the workers of the night shift, bound them with gaffer tape and threatened to shoot them if they made any sudden moves. They grabbed their access badges to unlock the fenced off section of the warehouse where the exact goods they were looking for were stored, loaded the pallets they wanted onto their truck, and left. Perfectly orchestrated, it was fairly evident that it was an inside job, particularily since they took nothing else. The media reporting was fraught with errors. All of it. Not a single one that I read, and I checked a lot, seem to have put in the effort to do some fact checking. The most egregiously wrong accounts came, as expected, from the yellow press, but our public broadcasting company (ORF) made massive mistake in their reporting: they filmed a camera overlooking the entrance of the warehouse and wondered why nobody checked who rang at the door late at night. The cameras at the warehouse were part of the CCTV surveillance system in place, and labour law clearly states that the captured footage is only to be accessed by specially designated people and only in case of initial suspicion. It would be downright illegal to check the CCTV surveillance footage with no good reason, and they should really know that. One yellow press article wondered how the truck managed to move past the security checkpoint at the entrance to the warehouse. Why and how was the gate opened for the truck? Indeed, how? Oh, right, that was because that particular warehouse had no security checkpoint and they simply looked at a different branch of the company. How utterly detestable can you be to not even go to the right address for your footage to generate more buzz/clicks? It is really hard to believe that this was a simple mistake, the two locations are not even in the same vicinity (entirely different cities, even). Articles from outlets with better reputation got most of it right, but still openly wondered how and why the night shift workers could be overwhelmed and how nobody noticed it for hours, and why they even opened the door when someone rang at 02:00. Yes, why indeed. They could have just asked, you know. The entire night shift consisted of only two workers, both of which were beaten up and bound. They opened the door because of regular nighttime deliveries for a special project of one of our largest customers, who, at the time, due to irregular shipping schedules, could not properly advise of inbound shipments ahead of their arrival. It was the perfect moment for the robbery, and the robbers, who were later actually caught, turned out to actually be the very same people who made the deliveries. Conlcusion: for at least this one instance, it was shown that our public broadcaster does not know or does not care to check labor laws, the yellow press outright lies for effect and even quality media outlets rush to get their headlines out without due diligence. Ah, sign of the times, I suppose.
    0 points
  18. Frieren, episode 1: This episode did not make me want to claw out my eyes, chew off my tongue, cut off my ears, burn my nose hairs, tear out my spinal cord, or excavate my brain from my skull. So, that's an improvement over the last one...that gosh-awful food one. Though it also didn't do that much for me either...interesting concept, but I'm kind of lukewarm on it so far. Both Frieren and Fern have annoying voices/mannerisms, so that's not helping. If I hadn't noticed this was made by my guys Madhouse, I don't think I would have checked this out at all.
    0 points
  19. I've been feeling kind of weird lately and barely eating anything, I pretty much have to force myself to eat. This has been like this for almost a week now. I don't think it's COVID, which supposedly makes you lose your taste. My taste is fine, things taste exactly how I would expect them to taste, I just have zero desire to, even the thought of putting food in my mouth is off-putting. I can keep the food down and it tastes fine, great even if it's something I particularly like, but at the same time the food tastes good it feels bad going into my body. I don't know how else to describe it. I haven't been to a doctor to get it checked out because I am completely normal otherwise. If it lingers for much longer I guess I'll bite the bullet to get it checked out. Silver lining: This is doing wonders for weight loss.
    0 points
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