I went back to Dondoko Island and redesigned the entire island from the ground up. The island is effectively split up into 4 sections that you can build on, 2 large areas and 2 small areas. I sacrificed one of the small areas and put all the unsightly passive resource generating buildings there, stuff like the garbage dump, metal working sheds, a chicken coop, gardens, stuff the guests don't need to see. That stuff is in its own little area off to the side and out of the way. That left me 2 large areas and 1 small area to work with. One of the areas is on the sleazy side but balanced, there's plenty of more wholesome stuff to do. I have another large area that's very family friendly, that's for the more puritanical sorts. The remaining small area is super sleazy. If you're booking a room in that area then you're here to have a really really good time. No worries, we here at Dondoko Island make sure that we don't specify the area of the island you stay at on the billing invoice so you have plausible deniability. What happens on Dondoko Island stays on Dondoko Island.
I like that you can invite people you meet during the game to the island, plus there are reoccurring characters from previous games. It's kind of weird, though, because you can invite Kiryu, but it's not current Kiryu, it's young Kiryu. It's neat inviting characters from the series to vacation at my tropical island resort. At this point I have no need for anything on the island, I have everything I planned to build built, so I can mostly hang out with the guests and watch them chill at my resort. You can have a big ol' bonfire on the beach because why the **** not?