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  1. Past hour
  2. I thought this was a good recap if anyone feels as if they were jumping in on season 23 of the walking dead
  3. Probably shouldn't have submitted that forum poster romance fanfic to the Community Blog Gorth anonymous Blog submitter.
  4. The 2001 live action Tick series with Patrick Warburton, or the 2016 live action Tick series with Peter Serafinowicz?
  5. Today
  6. @Guard Dog checked in a longer while back and talked about some serious health issues. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd really want it just him being happy and busy and all that jazz, but... you know. Never been an optimist.
  7. I gave up on Fallout 3 super quick, so I decided to load up Fallout 4 and give it a try. I hadn't played it in like 6 years, I guess. It does look way better than FO3. There is color, and the HD texture pack is new to me, I think. So it's more fun to just walk around the wasteland. I never really go into the building a base stuff when I played it back in the day, so I think I'll just hang out in Sanctuary for awhile and see if I can make it look decent. I put up functioning lamp posts, and it does add a nice vibe to the place.
  8. I was going to ask if he isn't around because things worked out with the veterinarian.
  9. Gromnir hasn't logged in for a couple of months as well. My suspicion that we're all just one person's alt accounts has never felt closer to the truth...
  10. Also the "recover pet" option in the menu did not work when we tried to recover them that way
  11. I agree that the pets need more work. My partner and I lost 3 pets because they fell through the map. One of them being the baby black ant who we had stored multiple charms on. Now we cannot get any of it back because by the time we noticed there was no saves going back far enough, and even if there were we made too much progress to go back. Another issue we have with them is the collision. Our pets will send us flying because they will teleport under us while we are climbing things.
  12. After the new update I've been running into the issue where the waft emitter won't actually trigger a raid. The raid horn blows and then a few seconds later it says "Base defended" without actually spawning anything, and gives the materials back. I've tried summoning multiple things and it does the same thing no matter how many or what type of tributes I put in.
  13. Only until they are published
  14. Shamefully, I actually only finished New Vegas today. My two main playthroughs is this one, where I left a bunch of stuff not done nor explored, and went with the wild card ending. The other one, over 10 years ago, I did about everything except for some straggling quests and, critically, the actual ending. It would have been an NCR ending. Next I'm considering Tyranny which I've restarted a dozen times but never finished, Storm of Zehir which I also never finished, an evil MotB run, or a new NV playthrough with only Arcade Gannon and a robot as companions. Or something non Obsidian. My backlog is humongous.
  15. Is that the Assassin's Creed where you stab your son to death in the first hour or so? Man, I hated that one based solely on that. Ubisoft is like, "let's force people to stab their sons and then deal with the trauma of that by stabbing a bunch of other people." Great storytelling.
  16. ATACMS Volley Strikes Mass Of Russian Troops Training In Eastern Ukraine (twz.com)
  17. Finaly Ukraine received western weapons, with which, they can hit targets inside Russia. https://www.eurointegration.com.ua/eng/interview/2024/05/2/7185053/
  18. Yes, then Soviet Union decided to "liberate" them, and annexed Moldova from Romania. The results were tens of thousands executed and deported Romanians to Siberia.
  19. Mamie what is the historical connection between Moldova and Romania, did they use to be one country?
  20. Yes, I am looking at it with a pinch of skepticism as well, but I am glad, that at least someone opened this topic, and I am pretty sure at least Poland, Baltics and probably Romania joins this initiative soon. I am pretty sure, this notion might have something to do with the danger in Moldova as well. Some time ago, Romania planned to change their law, which should give them right to send some kind of direct military help as well. Moldova has now Romanian language as official state language.
  21. https://archive.org/details/DontBeaS1947 "Don't Be A Sucker" - A 1947 short film made by the US Army, in an attempt to teach US Citizens how to avoid falling for a certain type of people....
  22. Heh, tried to use a few scrolls and they actually work pretty good. I wonder, do proc on kill abilities work with scrolls? Like if i kill someone with a fireball, that does count for that Bleak Walker talent that causes aoe fear?
  23. I personally didn't like the wiz/chan build, i think its too slow and only blooms really late. But i love the DoT builds with combusting wounds for sorcerer role play. If you need a guide try this one.
  24. I forgot to mention that I have 27031-27036 also forwardxed for TCP and UDP.
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