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About Life_Taker

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  1. Please do more about the pets, for they are pretty garbage. Mine gets stuck everywhere, and If I die he goes on his merry way to who the hell knows. You should have him go home, like most good pets should do. Additionally, there are no bag or luggage upgrades, which needs to be fixed, but my point is here, you barely gave the pet any space. There one function and they suck at it.
  2. This should totally be included in the game, and I am baffled by the fact it was not. Also, I should be able to craft vehicles. You can keep that closer to end game, but I want a submarine and a motorcycle. A chopper would be pretty cool too.
  3. I understand there maybe difficulty representing rain faithfully at this scale. But, hear me out, could we not have a toggle option for rain, treat it like a light rain or mist, in the options, as well as, making the rain effect in the world the same as if they were normal size so to not overtax any computers or make any complicated physics equations? This is mostly to just give the world a little more dynamics? Rain, Lightning, Fog, Snow, f*ck it, throw in an eclipse.
  4. I think there should be water features in the, e.g. small aquariums, large aquariums, fountains, constructible ponds, sinks, etc. Also, why is there no base building under the water?
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