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  3. The harpies illustrate the difference between the two of them in another way too: You encounter them exactly once (I did anyway.) It's wholly optional. Not even encountered somewhere along the main path through the map, but the periphery. Plus, they still recorded even vocals for their "Luring song" ability, seamlessly blending in and out of the soundtrack when it is activated/deactivated. That's another bunch of money spent on stuff some people may never see... Any other project would have guaranteed you'd encounter them. Say, by making them a non-optional gatekeeper kind of boss fight you need to get past to progress. That said, it's a bit harsh to compare BG3 in that way. There's not a single CRPG developer who has that kinda budget and can blow it like that. However, Owlcat for me still take the cake when it comes to stretching their campaigns a tad far. That you can at least attempt a quality over quantity approach even on a budget was to be seen in Solasta. That's a largely combat focused game -- yet even in some dungeons, there's but a handful of encounters at best. As argued though, I suspect this may actually be Owlcat's business model. There aren't that many companies pumping out releases at that pace, in particular not that big ones (even discounting all the DLC...). They've released 3 big games in the same amount of time that Electronic Arts was pondering what at all to do with their RPG division aka Bioware next.
  4. I completely agree. The drop rates on the cards is ridiculous. I spent 4 days farming the waft emitter trying to get rank 2 of the mutation. Iv pretty much gave up on getting rank 3 cause the grind is just stupid. A little grind is ok but 4 damn days just to get a few cards is truly ridiculous.
  5. So I often have the issue when playing with friends where you load into the game and they don't have the little player icon above their head. This makes it very difficult to locate them when playing. If they leave the game and rejoin occasionally this fixes the issue. Does anyone else get this problem?
  6. Razmirin Darkness confirmed. When I think about the encounters that really stick out for me it's how silly some of the bosses are kitted out and how I defeated them with spreadsheets and cheese rather than tactical challenges. After that it's getting killed by a mob whose archers gun down the back line and make me reload or red, and finally it's the small number of encounters that made me think and play tactically... which seems to go away when the party gets more spreadsheet stuff and cheesey strats. I think BG3 really knocked WotR on it's ass for me, because the Harpy fight alone is more interesting than the vast majority of non-random fights in WotR and too boot does a substantially better job at non-combat gameplay.
  7. Supposedly the latest patch has good feedback, we'll see what Rhykker tells people to repeat later on today I guess I'll have to give that a go, for now I am skipping Wing Commander 2 and tackling 3, just beat Ariel by being cowardly and lowering the difficulty from ace to rookie for the second missons (useless wingman in Wing Commander as usual). Pretty fun, downside is this game led us to have the somehow inferior Wing Commander movie.
  8. Blizzard are the true kings of never learning from past mistakes. Diablo 4 is transitioning to the new season, it says. Patch it as soon as possible, it says. Yes, oops, something went wrong. Well, at least 1.32MB/s is better than the 3.6KB/s from last season's patch, I guess. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother. Game's not even that good. Or actually good.
  9. Given that the combat (and toying with builds for that) is like 90% of their games, that'd indeed take things a tad far. It's never only about the sheer amount of combat though. Occasionally, they can even do decent set pieces -- the defense at Oleg's trading post in Kingmaker always immediately springs to mind. But still they'd rather prefer to **** mobs all over their maps, it seems. That's also much cheaper. Meh.
  10. Hello!! Big fan of the game, and use it as a way of relaxing, something I find would make the game more relaxing would be weather: by the addition of rain you could add worms, snails and things that come out during the rain which can give you snail shell armour that gives extra blocking ability and a bio that reads something like “no need to leave the house” as a play on shells being homes you could use snail slime as some sort of healing ability or as a bomb to slow down enemies attack. adding on to weather, say you have an extra sunny day, butterfly’s come out, all types of species and colours, which butterfly wings you could frame them like you do in real life like taxidermy, but because we’re so little could be 1 wing in the frame as we can’t fit the whole thing. These butterfly wings can be made into various things like curtains? Bed sheets? Or as a decor for armour like skirts? Even so, simple things like gathering small materials to make a vase that you can place water in to preserve certain elements like clovers, flowers, even mushrooms for a short period of time before they die: could give good role play fleshing for those that role play love the game keep up the good stuff!!
  11. The Outer Worlds. Game was decent until ca. the Groundbreaker. Now at Monarch, it's taking a dive. Hopefully it picks up thereafter, but the area is focusing on everything the game isn't particularly great at: - combat (enemy variety, difficulty or lack thereof, the ever present bullet sponge replacing better AI on increased difficulties) - exploration (too many reused assets for budgetary reasons -- the environment on Monarch is rather bland in general, which is a bit subjective) - looting (extra paragraph and rant added below) I guess I could just sneak around all those copypaste enemy mob grinds, but that'd just take longer. To be fair, Emerald Vale already is in parts Monarch, just compressed and (thankfully) smaller: Settlements connected by wilds filled with enemy mobs -- and a faction quest you eventually need to fiddle with to advance. That's what somebody told me before: After the first planet you'd seen everything, and then the game was on repeat. Then I went to the independent Groundbreaker station first, and was surprised that wasn't the case. Fav location so far. I'm actually not at all a fan of Bethesda games (wide as the ocean, deep as a toilet). But Skyrim you want to explore some (without that, there's not much of a game, as systems are shallow and combat basic). Don't get that on Monarch, as every corner looks (assets) and acts (loot, enemy mobs) the same, so focusing on these areas does more harm than any good. Additionally, Monarch does away with the one thing unique to the game, which is toying with the idea of how corporations governing people may treat them. --- Speaking about the loot, this isn't unique to The Outer Worlds -- general rant incoming. But I wish games would stop with randomly allocating loot and/or conveniently placing a box behind every rock. Firstly, it harms the game's fiction to have money lying around literally on the streets, the same goes for weapons (unless the game portrays a universe of total anarchy perhaps). Secondly, it turns the process of looting into something rather braindead where you routinely scan every corner as you could find something (and you WILL). Even oldschool Ultima games did that better. Or Thief, for that matter: Breaking into a castle, you were guaranteed to not find jewels in the servant quarters (unless it was stolen, which a document or dialogue would hint at). So you could think and plan ahead. Actually engaging with the game world, basically, rather than randomly checking every corner, toilet and bucket for brain goodies like a zombie. Outer Worlds is a mix: In a bar, you'll mostly find stuff to drink. But then there's randomly sitting a box containing money right on a table, and on a chair near to the bar there's lying a hacking device. Meanwhile, on a toilet, there's a gun. Reason? Unknown. It's as if there's an RNG at work tweaked to trigger pack rat instincts in players rather than a world designer working alongside to the narrative guys. It feels lazy and cheap and only put in to further stretch playing time -- e.g. wasting yours in the hopes you won't notice the "quantity over quality" approach to things.
  12. Not sure if you know it already but it's easily solved (on PC) by tabbing in and out of the game while waiting for it to load. It instantly loads for me when I do that.
  13. Probably preaching to the choir here but below is a link to my New Players Guide for Deadfire. Seems like Avowed will have some tie-in's with that game so I think there will be a lot of people experiencing it for the first time. If you have corrections or feel something should've been explained better please leave a comment on the video and I'll add it to the pinned thread. Thank you! Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire (New Player Guide)
  14. Whenever is someone in Russia charged by corruption, it means, that he had dared to steal from a booty of someone above him
  15. Whats with all these recent arrests in Russia, I heard its something to do with corruption within the Russian arms industry and the state being overcharged and the economic impact on the fiscus? Shoigu's replacement is an economist?
  16. Another Shoigu’s lap dog has been arrested. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/05/14/7455684/
  17. StarCrawlers 2 out of early access. I had a lot of fun with the first game, so I can only recommend it. They are only a few people, and the lead guy has been talking to me whenever I have reported a bug in the first game to him, even few years after it's release. And of course, he fixed it in a timely manner. https://www.gog.com/en/news/out_of_early_access_starcrawlers_chimera
  18. While they are cutting off results of ****ty decisions, they should get rid of the focus on NFT nonsense as well
  19. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/05/13/square-enix-is-done-with-playstation-exclusivity-after-profit-drop/
  20. I'm having the same issue, thought it might be in the hedge lab but that molar is lying broken on the floor with no core. I've gone through the maps multiple times and that's the only one missing. Is there anything that can be done about it? Xbox on solo Thanks!
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