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  3. Neither Serbia nor the Dutch are close to being the worst. Luis Suarez probably wins the title, solo, for Uruguay. Diego Garcia and Kosovo, obviously. There's even an ICJ ruling for Diego Garcia, plus one of those embarrassing UNGA votes where the noes are close to single digits (six).
  4. As the title states, I am not able to import my PoE1 Save that I completed today into PoE2. I believe it has to do with completing PoE1 with the new patch that the game received recently, as other saves from previous versions still appear in PoE2. Has anyone else run into this roadblock? I would prefer to import the save I spent 150 hours on than creating a legacy from scratch or using a save generator.
  5. Atlanta is like the Borg I noticed even if one star falls they can replace them easily. That's how they won the WS in '21
  6. I would bet it has to do with licensing. Obsidian probably already had a license agreement for Unity 2019 and Unity pissed everyone off last year with their ill-advised attempt to revise their licensing fee structure so I wouldn't blame any developer for having second thoughts about renewing that license under new terms.
  7. I suppose no one is surprised that Serbian football fans have been chanting for Vladimir Putin on the streets in Germany. (Hah: Serbia is a country I always want to lose a football match; I've been to enough international matches in my life to conclude that Serbian players take the lack of sportmanship to a very ugly level, way beyond what other countries generally do. The only other football country I always want to lose is Holland, for their players' long history of completely unnecessary violence on the pitch. As for the obvious question that this arouses, I haven't witnessed a match between Serbia and Holland, so I don't know.)
  8. But once you killed one of them (which isn't that hard) the resulting Chillfog, in combo with Confusion, will kill another one, resulting in another Chillfog and so on. Also, the Skeletons from Ancient Brittle Bones are stronger with the Troubadour, that's right - but the skeletons from Many Lives Pass By are similar for Beckoner and Troubadour. And those are the ones that make the build a lot more playable at the higher levels because you don't have to manually summon them and "waste" a good amount of action and recovery time. In the earlier game Beckoner's skeletons are easier to exploit though, that's correct.
  9. Haven't really been paying attention to it so much last few years. Atl is above .500, so that's good.
  10. In Storm of Zehir, after you enter Dragon Cave to confront the dragons, you would run into the fake escaped Tarmas the Wizard. At this point, if you go back to West Harbor to kill the dragons first and then go to Dragon Cave again and rescue the real Tarmas the Wizard, you won't find Goodwife Aruna after you go back to West Harbor again. In fact, you won't find all the NPC there expect for the real Tarmas the Wizard and the half-drow. Therefore, you can't turn in Goodwife Aruna's quest and can't buy stuff from her and the male merchant anymore. Is there a console code for fixing this bug?
  11. Lunin is a Russian asset
  12. Israel’s unrecognised annexation of Golan, the completely unlawful invasion and annexation of the Kingdom of Hawaii, China’s annexation of the country of Tibet… I’m sure there are more, but it shows the different standards of “international law” (I.e. might makes right)
  13. But what other countries or examples would that apply to because Im missing the point you making?
  14. https://www.thetimes.com/uk/defence/article/why-are-arms-dealers-hiking-prices-for-ukraine-92hqdtlx2 https://archive.is/IMaDq "For some, it was a time of terrible sacrifice and loss. For others, it was a time of great opportunity"
  15. This is what happens when you let The Ultraliberals run things. That's cool and all, but it's perplexing to see the bolded as a core element that you detest in BG3 given your excitement for Dragon Age, a series that has been very much about cinematics and full va since 2011 and where the gameplay trailer for the upcoming title in the series is at least a quarter cinematics.
  16. Hello, I 'm going on with my current playthrough with this mod on. I just updated the french translation with a slight change: (Compagnon vigoureux) => "Octroie également l'inspiration Vigoureux" changed to => "Octroie également l'inspiration Vigueur " I'm attaching the file to this post with the corrected translation (current version of the mod). Also concerning the priest holy radiance cooldown. the 90 seconds might be a bit too long imo. All the combat I've had so far ended before the 90 seconds and before I could use the ability a second time. The cooldown could be reduced a little for a healing ability that is alwready kinda weak, I will make some tests. (maybe reduce the cooldown but makes it only 3 use peer combat or 2 ?) It should not be reduced to much in the other hand, because this is also an offensive tool agains vessels, and having the cooldown too low could becomse overpowered against such ennemies. Of course that is just my opinion that could change depending of my tests, I don't know what you think about it. And I can tweak the ability according to my likening anyway. Also I'm not a druid player, but the cooldown for Spiritshift enormous as well. abilities.stringtable
  17. Ukraine sucks, the West has failed by not donating their best players. Good goals by Romania though
  18. I am experiencing something similar. I need 2 regular milk molars and 5 gold ones, the places they "should be" they aren't. I can't find any more molars, which is locking me out from 100% in the base game. I've been playing since early access.
  19. I would really love to see the US government publicly take the position that henceforth the United States' policy on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries will be exactly the same as their policy towards Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
  20. It's very on theme for Disco Elysium to go down in blazes of war between corporate greed and creative collective. I'm okay with it never getting any sequels, it was obviously a lightning-in-a-bottle kind of game.
  21. Huh. I'm now kind of wondering if Ann Way was Matt Smith's grandmother or something, because that's an uncanny resemblance.
  22. The only one which is in the least bit surprising, and not much considering its geographic position, is Serbia. Though they'd also be pretty surprised to find that they're now in the EU...
  23. No, you got them confused with ZANU. Though you have to differentiate between ZANU-PF and ZANU-Ndonga nowadays. Or you are thinking of ZUM. That doesn't exist anymore.
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