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  1. Past hour
  2. I tried giving Fallout 4 another chance but I loath the settlement thing so much that I just can't play this. Uninstalled and moved from the RPG category to the Junk category in my Steam Library. The terrible writing about the Minutemen didn't help. WTF would I want to join an organization that is non-existent so I can do things that I could do just as easily without this organization that in fact I am the only person doing cr@p for? Classic case of writers deciding people need to care because the writers want them to, not because they gave them a reason to.
  3. I mean since you know what effects Serafen gets with Wild Mind you can plan ahead to get the most out of it while ameliorating the downsides. + 5 PLs for 3 secs means having Frenzy and Sprint up and access to Mind Blades. Blades crits also proc Raw bleeds from Blood Frenzy BTW. Good idea to take Spell Pen passive. - PLs for 3 secs means time to attack with your weapon. Full Focus refill makes Greater Focus passive better. Focus empty just means time to attack. Tier 3 Affliction all upside, Tier 3 Inspiration usually just cancels an Affliction. Easy to remove. + 1 Empower point encourages being liberal with your Empower usage (refilling Rage from Blows maybe). Can’t lose one you don’t have. Invisibility a pain but not gamebreaking. The nuke encourages keeping Serafen away from team where he belongs to trigger Bloodied and Lone Wolf items. Give him Shock AR and Deltro’s Helm and hit him with Tekehu’s Bolts and you’re good. Good place to set up Echo. Nuke’s gravy. That wasn’t so hard.
  4. Today
  5. IDF hit Hezbollah in Beirut. Doesn't really seem Hamas and Hezbollah are this existential threat to Israel.
  6. The key with Rebuild is to just repress your traumatic memories: that way, you'll remember...maybe only 5% of it.
  7. Well, it's a lot less sexual than I expected it to be. Of course they can't help themselves and have to add a bunch of scenes where the camera slips under the skirt. Also beach episode, because yes. Still think it could be a lot worse. Note: I never played the game(s) and know nothing more about it. Was lol when they explained the blindfolds are actually "special visors" ... yeah, right. Story is pretty generic 2010-ish, I guess.
  8. Full interview with Josh S that's been used not so long ago for Avowed's promotional paned during Pax West. Didn't watch it yet, but from the title it seems that Josh's Pillars Tactics game is still being thrown around:
  9. good digging! yeah i haven't had much time to dive into this more, but one thing i was going to try is just renaming the files boeroer found taht were being altered outside the save. edit: like i wonder if the act of loading my save alters some sort of game object reference in your local install, which causes it to break in other saves. but the mystery to me is why your save still has targetable twin stones at all if you load it first? my game is completely borked, no save i can reload lets me target that spell anymore. i wonder if stag's horn does something weird with game objects, using a similar type of targeting, that unstucks the targeting for twin stones. i should give it a try with stag's horn like you did. edit 2: i wonder if i start a completely new game, if that would also unstick twin stones.
  10. is the fan service still good in later episode
  11. Watched the NieR Automata anime. Actually wasn't that bad, but at some point the story got so confusing, I kinda checked out.
  12. Any guess on price? $2500?? https://videocardz.com/newz/nvidia-geforce-rtx-5090-and-rtx-5080-specs-leaked
  13. fyi after me finally learning about blunderbusses and stunning strikes from this build, in this current run i picked up mirke (as a streetfighter/monk) to do a similar such build and heilige Scheiße she is absolutely carrying my party now. she's only been in my party for one character level and i think she's already party damage leader. can't believe i slept on this combo for so long.
  14. user review are less reliable more popular a game become while listen or read what reviewer say doesn't mean one would agree with everything they say a few hour of uncurated playthrough are more useful for judging quality of game
  15. I would definitely agree with this, and I don't pay any attention at all to so-called pro reviewers or streamers. However, unfortunately, I now feel that in today's society most ordinary people reviewers (in all media, so also TV shows, movies, restaurants, etc.) engage in unfair reviewing, icluding review bombing, as a way of making themselves feel important and relevant.
  16. Yeah, I tend to get a lot more out of steam reviews than any 'professional' reviewers, or those terrible people that make videos. I have a pretty small list of friends on Steam (maybe a dozen people) but if they review a game, it pushes them to the top. They tend to share my interests, so that's nice. Plus it is easy to scroll through a few and get a feel for if the review matches what I'm looking for. They are typically short and simple. The only games that tend to get skewed Steam results are usually the big AAA titles. All of the smaller indie stuff, which is what I tend to browse Steam for anyways, is pretty accurate when it comes to the positive to negative scale.
  17. that sound like victorian age insanity maybe doesn't allow usa citizen to carry gun into other nation when ever they want would be considered violation of second amendment next
  18. https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/23/tech/elon-musk-brazil-court-compliance/index.html "In the US Congress, Florida Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, a Republican, mentioned Musk and de Moraes by name last week when she introduced legislation that would punish foreign officials who violate the First Amendment rights of Americans by denying them entry into the United States. " I guess Americans should be ok to violate other countries' hate speech laws?
  19. I seem to have a thing for tea parties, huh? The tea party in Noir was my favorite bit of the series too. That was a really good scene, at least until Rei just dissolved into goo to drive home a point which retroactively ruined it for me.
  20. Melkie, you clearly not spending enough quality time with your cat Your cat has spoken
  21. Pretty pls elect Drump so he can pardon himself. He doesn't want to go to jail
  22. I know it's satire, but dang it's funny!
  23. What I did today: Tried to figure out why I didn't have no internets. What my cat did today: Disconnect the network cable.
  24. Unusual, Ubisoft normally takes care to create AC games that are woke and inclusive and historically dont offend people outside of things like inaccurate gender or racial representation. They clearly made a mistake here and overlooked certain things " Moreover, Ubisoft has been accused of disrespecting Japanese culture and its history with its Assassin's Creed Shadows merchandise, which depicts a structure that appears to be based on the Sanno Shrine and the One-Legged Torii Gate. For those that don't know, the One-Legged Torri Gate is located just 900 meters from the center of the blast created by the nuclear bomb that struck Nagasaki. Following the blast, the One-Legged Torri Gate was the only thing that remained in the area."
  25. Im 60 hours into Kenshi and its time for my first detailed " newbie Kenshi review " Firslty Im loving the game and its highly recommended. You just need to learn mechanics and what the game is and what it isnt I was considering quitting after 2-3 hours because I didnt really understand the design, mechanics and point. When people say its " open-world and sandbox " I misunderstood what that really means and how effectively that is a part of the game But you can choose a myriad of different roles, professions and activities and this applies to the decisions you make. So you can decide to be a slaver, bounty hunter, trader or get involved in factional wars. You dont have classes and whatever you decide to do there are several things you have to do and always be aware of and the 2 most important considerations are raising your combat skills and finding ways to generate money because everything costs money Combat for me is the best and most rewarding part of the game, especially as you become more skilled and you can defeat powerful enemies I am focusing on exploration and bounty hunting. I have a 12 man party and I have dedicated teams of 2 people to skills like lockpicking, crafting and healing. Everyone in my party can fight but not everyone is an effective healer I have bought a property in Worlds Edge, I like the ethos and views of the Tech Hunters and they control this city. I also use this property for research, training and crafting, I havent really got into crafting in a detailed way but I imagine I will My focus is finding ruins and looting them and then completing bounties. The exploration part of the game often yields random, interesting and rewarding places to discover . I came across the hidden HQ of the Flotsam Ninjas, the creatures and forgotten ruins of the Leviathan Coast and other sites that make exploration worthwhile In one ruin in one building behind a locked door I came across a high level NPC who I could have extorted for money but instead he joined my party and he has become an invaluable combat addition because his melee attack is 60 and my party was around 35-45. This is just another example of how exploring gives you Easter Eggs and outcomes that are very beneficial to your party Im not sure if I will try to build a city, maybe I will. But right now Im really enjoying my current activities
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