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  2. It's very on theme for Disco Elysium to go down in blazes of war between corporate greed and creative collective. I'm okay with it never getting any sequels, it was obviously a lightning-in-a-bottle kind of game.
  3. Huh. I'm now kind of wondering if Ann Way was Matt Smith's grandmother or something, because that's an uncanny resemblance.
  4. The only one which is in the least bit surprising, and not much considering its geographic position, is Serbia. Though they'd also be pretty surprised to find that they're now in the EU...
  5. No, you got them confused with ZANU. Though you have to differentiate between ZANU-PF and ZANU-Ndonga nowadays. Or you are thinking of ZUM. That doesn't exist anymore.
  6. InspiringPhilosophy, a Christian has actually done a lot of videos dealing with claims that Yahweh was a Pagan clone or not. Not trying to kick a hornet's nest but I think a lot of people tend only follow the trail on one side and not the other and then find the other side as zoomers dismissively as "cope". I was one of those teens just using different terms so if you want look at his defenses on this and I think you will get a more balanced views, especially since a lot of Christians weirdly say pagan influences on holidays exist when they didn't
  7. Today
  8. Nah, it's what the average person says when you show them a south african url and ask which country it's from. Sounds like the company is now managed much the same as Zimbabwe though.
  9. I am way too proud of this joke I have heard: Knock knock who's there? Ike Ike who? Ike farted
  10. Funny how this song is more theologically sound than probably 95% of Christian Contemperary Music
  11. I have not had any problems since you posted here. I have not ever had any 2FA enabled on the Obsidian fourms, though.
  12. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969). I wanted to watch at least one non-Harry Potter Maggie Smith film, and this did not disappoint: though I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the complicated and sometimes ridiculous titular school teacher that she played in the film, there's no doubt that Maggie Smith did play her most wonderfully and I very much enjoyed the film because of her. However, the much more pressing issue cloaking this film in shadow is one Miss Gaunt, whose blank and dead-eyed stare will forevermore haunt my nightmares. If anything, the name "Miss Gaunt" doesn't nearly do this spectre justice. I looked up this actress in other films and I guess that's just how she looks, and a good thing too: the world of film always needs more unique and frightening faces. Hollywood in particular has always been so dreary with all its wretchedly ugly beautiful people, never more so than now.
  13. Hey, The Sisters of Mercy is the Goth band. Listened to them a lot in my formative years. Anyway, here's the lady who belongs in the 70-ties in the best sense of the world. (The video almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter for some reason though)
  14. Some info on this: The tables are the same, it's just part of how the seed calculation - specifically how the player hashcode is calculated - differs from Unity 4.7 (.NET 3.5 equivalent) to Unity 2019 (.NET 4.x equivalent). Some versions of the game (Game Pass), may already use .NET 4.x that is now currently used with the Steam/Retail version.
  15. I feel the burnout begins for me the moment you branch off into livestock. While it doesn't really take much time compared to crops, the gameplay is much more repetitive and shallow. If I ever start a game fresh again (it's probably years away, maybe with the fan expansion?), I'll probably just skip that element and use cheats to spawn the required animal products in. 1.6 has added even more micromanagement, in that you now are actually incentivised to close the barn/coop door every night to maximise animal happiness. (Prior to this patch, it was a common urban legend that you needed to do it, but it actually did nothing) To be fair, I haven't used the super-popular Automate mod yet. Maybe if I was going to seriously try to grind out for the late-game items that cost seven digit amounts I would, but at the moment I'm thinking of doing the opposite and basically deleting everything but my greenhouse.
  16. I also think berserker/beckoner is better than tactcian/other chanter subclass. I guess berserker can kill skellies quicker than tactcian and you can achieve confusion status more easily. As Boeroer said, grave calling can kill also your CPU, you can check this with any class in "Gul Trouble Endurance Trial" of SSS
  17. I like to read posts like this because it confirms what I was hoping and expecting for Starfield The game had its predicated but still disappointing bad launch but now official updates and mods will change that initial bad experience and Starfield will start becoming a much better game I wont touch it for another 24 months
  18. Wormie !!! No need for racism, this is a forum of tolerance and acceptance But there is a legitimate debate around playing the vanilla game first to understand " what was intended " and I agree with that sentiment But that typically doesn't apply to Bethesda games for several reasons or rather why I mod there games to change . And this includes the following HD textures and graphic mods dont change the narrative or mechanics except for improving on something that didnt exist at the time of development. So they become " must have mods " in the interests of enhancing the visual experience A game like Oblivion had some incredibly bad designs like level scaling, the idea that a rat can challenge you when you level 20 makes no sense and there should always be monsters that can defeat you on early levels like in Gothic games. So loading mods that change this is about the immersive experience and that for me is very important I dont load mods that change the fundamental narrative and all my mods are lore friendly And of course loading chainmail bikini mods is all about gender equality. I am a feminist and I always support a liberated and confident women and we must never tell any women what they can or cant wear. Even @HoonDingwill agree on this But in summary the mods I use improve bad designs and development shortfalls but they dont really change the vanilla experience because the vanilla experience isnt suppose to be a bad or a lazy design Of course there are exceptions to this, when I play Skyrim for the first time I am going to play Requiem but thats more the exception because thats a major overhaul mod but its the type of game I want to experience from the beginning
  19. Yes but the Council of Europe, European Commission, the European Council are just 3 examples of the 78 who signed it Its easier to understand when you see the list and its definitely not mostly EU countries. There are African and South American and Asian countries "Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cabo Verde, Canada, Chile, Comoros, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Council of Europe, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Estonia, European Commission, European Council, European Parliament, Fiji, Finland, France, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kosovo, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Palau, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Romania, Rwanda, San Marino, Sao Tomé and Principe, Serbia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Somalia, Spain, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Timor Leste, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay" But I do find it interesting how Russia's EU " allies " that include Slovakia, Hungary and Serbia signed it I would have assumed they wouldnt have signed it?
  20. Taffers gonna need some taffin'! I mean, there's references all over the place to everything 0451 anyway. But Chapter 4 in Fallen Aces is basically ripped straight outta Thief. It's not even subtle about it. It hits ya like a, wait for it, blackjack! Then again, WHY THE HELLZ NOT? It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's Thief, not Thi4f. I don't want this to end. But at five Episode 1 levels so far, it's gonna. Even if you're playing this like me rather than if you'd be heading headfirst into M1E1 of your last favourite Boomer Brawler: sneaking around, exploring every airduct and cranny, eavesdropping on all the dialogue, reading all the documents, listening to the radio programme apparently updating alongside to the storyline (and your pursuits) -- and still missing out on some secrets for some reason. I want this poster. Plus the soundtrack on Vinyl.
  21. The Swiss list includes the Council of Europe, European Commission, the European Council* and the European Parliament. Technically of course that's only the EU three times over, plus each individual country, but it's lol time anyway since the Swiss claimed they were- direct quote- "countries" who supported the communiqué. Of course population wise the combined 70 are dwarfed by those who turned up but didn't sign, let alone those who didn't turn up at all. They couldn't even get the Vatican to sign it. *yes, there is a Council of Europe (this is the one not quite the same as the EU, eg it has Norway, UK and others) and European Council for anyone wondering.
  22. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/80-countries-at-swiss-summit-agree-ukraines-territorial-integrity-required-for-peace Not really, the EU consists of 27 countries and 100 countries attended. And 78 countries signed it So the outcome definitely wasnt just an " expected " EU response. And its based on the UN view around respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty That hasnt changed and never will, you cant just invade a country and create your borders and the support for this document is more or less the same as how UN votes go around the war where Russia gets very little support but countries abstain But it wont stop the war, Putins committed to his warmongering and the invasion. Its more symbolic
  23. I'm playing some more user modules for Solasta, which are a bit hit and miss in terms of quality. Currently I'm running through the "Depths of Darkness" module, which is a re-creation of the old "The Sunless CItadel" PnP module for DnD. It's a pretty decent effort compared to many of these user creations, so I'd recommend it if you like Solasta. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2860765207
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