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  4. Bought a Narwhal in Starfield, my first class C ship. It is pretty fancy. I don't love the 3 deck setup, but it has a ton of reactor power. Now I need to level up my command skill so I can have a full crew. Oh and my wife Sarah died. So sad. I guess I'll just cry on Andreja's shoulder for a bit. Also Mickey Caviar is my favorite NPC.
  5. ZA-UM continues to be a mess, with Disco Elysium spinoff canceled, and more people fired. I don't think ZA-UM owners are helping their case, at least as far as publc perception is concerned. Have no clue how their legal battle with Disco Elysium creative leads progresses. https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-industry/game-development/for-a-while-it-seemed-like-miracles-were-possible-and-with-them-redemption-a-follow-up-to-the-legendary-disco-elysium-might-have-been-ready-to-play-within-the-next-yearzaums-devs-loved-it-management-canceled-it-and-laid-off-the-team/
  6. Indeed. I sometimes use the class combination (Berserker/Beckoner) with very high INT and Amra (and a backup Morning Star to cover all types of physical dmg) instead of Grave Calling. Just because using Grave Calling makes the game stutter and sometimes even crash - bc. of too many stacked VFX effects.
  7. I particularly like how the list of "countries" supporting the proposal includes the EU, 4 times. Probably the only theoretically Russia leaning country to turn up that supported it was Serbia, the others (Brazil, KSA, India etc) did not. Almost exactly as expected in every respect really, though Ukraine's energy infrastructure must be in a real mess if item #1 is them getting the ZNPP back.
  8. Reading this thread I just realised something: I only really like one Obsidian game, Fallout: New Vegas. I do like it a lot though. I've played a few others but only South Park: Stick of Truth and Outer Worlds held my interest for very long, and none of them are memorable. Alpha Protocol was a fantastic idea, but the jank killed it for me. I have no idea why I'm here. Maybe I'm still waiting for another one-hit-wonder from them. Maybe nostalgia. Who knows.
  9. Unfortunately you're not wrong, The Boys very much stopped being satire and just being depiction (with superheroes) a while ago. Perhaps the most unrealistic thing is that the feds are trying to put a stop to supe nonsense...though that can largely be explained as business interests from the existing military industrial complex (as it was in the comics). But it is a good show and so far is holding up. I think it is how adaptations should be done, in the sense that the material is adapted both for the format and to update references, because hot damn does the Vought Cinematic Universe as the big superhero thing made by Vought hit closer to home than Vought comic books would.
  10. I'm the same. I see people install mods like, "make you run 300 times faster and fire a thousand Fat Man's at the same time!!1!".. like.. what's the point? Sure, if someone has made a "high res textures" mod I might install it. But even those are usually "we updated 80% of the textures in the game" and then you get into the game and the same house has two different styles of textures on it, completely ruining the art direction.
  11. It’s definitely an interesting time in tech. I’ve been studying JavaScript for the past couple of years in my free time hoping to switch into web or software development. The rise of AI tools have been both a blessing and a curse. I don’t have any friends or contacts who actually work as programmers but a lot of the YouTube channels have been buzzing for at least six months now about how programmers are coding themselves out of a job, it’s too late for new developers to get into the industry because they’re about to replaced with AI ect. I don’t know how true that is but right now certainly I and a lot of other people are finding it hard to get work coding. Hopefully a lot of that is just fearmongering and people trying to write catchy headline for views though. There are plenty of other YouTubers, articles, LinkedIn posts ect saying that the job market will recover and that AI is just a tool that will help and change the way developers work, but that developer roles will likely evolve in the coming years. Regardless I think a lot of the stuff we’re seeing is really cool and it’s getting quite impressive what even common AI tools like ChatGPT can do. Career prospects aside ChatGPT has been a huge help to me when coding for all kinds of things like help with designing how a website might look, image generation, copywriting, advice on libraries ect. It’s not at the point right now where you can just tell it to code an entire website and it’ll be able to do that but it can definitely assist with coding so long as you know your coding language well enough to be able to modify and fix any problems.
  12. I think we already talked about it, but when I play the game for the first time, I always play vanilla - maybe outside unofficial patches if the game benefits of it. To me devs have same authorship over their work, as writers or film makers, so in general I am not interested in mods, and prefer to consume media “as it was intended”. Not that you are wrong. I do think Bethesda games are more of a platform than a game, and therefore I have no interest in what they sell.
  13. You're missing out, it's delicious. It has it's own flavour, it's not like chicken or anything.
  14. More logs and savefile. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bWHctb8DURwnsukVemo8qzBQ4QDCL7Yk?usp=sharing
  15. Hello, my game keeps constantly crashing after recent update. I can't even finish a single fight. Sometimes game just crashed to desktop without any information, sometimes I get notification that Unity stopped working and once my computer completely frozen. I can't play more than 5 minutes. Game worked smoothly before that. I have my drivers up to date. Files integrity checked, game reinstalled. Nothing helped. Cheers. DxDiag.txt Player.log
  16. Playing Stardew Valley for the first time in several years due to the massive 1.6 update. I know the last time I played, multiplayer was not even officially supported and required a user mod to play. Looking that up, it was mid-2018, so it's been at least six years. Funny thing is that the major content patch was probably mostly in the 1.5 update, which was effectively a free expansion with a brand new major zone, but that passed me by for whatever reason. Realistically the new zone only becomes accessible in the second in-game year, so there's a bit of an issue where by the time it was unlocked, I felt like I'd almost had enough of the game already. Regardless though, I pressed on so I could at least see some of it. I'd never really bought into the idea of the game as a whole being an exemplar of the "cozy game" genre. There's far too much pressure in terms of both time and inventory management for that. But I could see where the argument comes from, and for most of the game's existence the argument has been fairly reasonable. That ceases to be the case with each piece of new content that's added though, mainly in the sense that it rapidly becomes overwhelming if you're the type to stick with the game's central theme of being a farmer. Instead you're very much incentivised to completely abandon most of the base game mechanics in order to even have time to engage with the new content. An element of this was already hinted at in the base game with the somewhat-optional Skull Cavern, the endgame dungeon that required you to heavily optimise an entire day's play to it in a pretty literal sense. To give a bit of context, the intended approach for it pretty much involved kitting yourself out the night before, praying the game's RNG generated a good luck day in the morning, then using a teleport at 6am and start mining with explosives until 2am, when you passed out from fatigue (which is optimal play, the 1000g penalty for not going returning home manually is trivial). But to be fair, this is something you only had to pull off a couple of times in an average playthrough before being set for resources. The new zone takes this approach and dials it to eleven. Every single day your new goal becomes to get yourself to the new zone as soon as possible at the sacrifice of everything else, and engage in the new major grind there. I admit that after a few days of this, I gave up and installed a cheat mod that allowed me to freeze time, turning the game into a more traditional RPG in which I could explore the content at my leisure. I thus wave farewell and good riddance to the game's central time management conceit, but it nonetheless feels bizarre that the intended approach seems to be to stop farming altogether, sell all your animals, ignore all your friends and their quests, etc. Now in mitigation
  17. This season is already interesting since every star player is out it seems so All-Star Voting is going to be wonky. I genuinely think Profar is going to be an All-Star this year based solely on that. Also man the prospects are crashing and burning. Cringes in Baltimore's direction
  18. The Boys Season 4: Satire Is Over So, the first three episodes are out, and one thing I took away from this is that, in the five years the season ran so far, the world has gone to hell in a handbasket in such a way that The Boys stopped being satire and is now just a pale reflection of actual events, just with superheroes. Still pretty entertaining, but then... I was one of the two people on the planet who thought season two was better than season three, so take my opinion with an unhealthy dose of sodium chloride.
  19. https://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home/das_eda/aktuell/dossiers/konferenz-zum-frieden-ukraine/Summit-on-Peace-in-ukraine-joint-communique-on-a-peace-framework.html Very productive summit.
  20. Dread Delusion I've added spoiler tags for the areas outside of the starting one (and some random island), though the screenshots are rather spoiler-free as is and do not show the main story or dialogues. The Endless Realm. Fully upgraded the manor. The Clockwork Kingdom. The Underlands (aka the late-game).
  21. Enotria and Flintlock look good. I also cannot run them on my main PC and will not purchase for the full price to run on the spare one (which should be able to run them). https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/our-9-favourite-demos-from-the-summer-steam-next-fest
  22. I suppose, bundles count as sales. https://itch.io/b/2506/queer-games-bundle-2024-with-10-option There are quite a few jam games (i.e. very short to play and fast to develop), but also some decent VNs, point&click adventures, and puzzles. I went for the pay-what-you-can option and ~£20. --- https://www.humblebundle.com/games/future-games-show-discovery The bundle has Gloomwood and and En Guade!. --- https://www.humblebundle.com/games/stories-pride
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