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[Disposition] Issues Collection Thread



Are they aware of this in Obsidian team?

-Dispositions reach max level in few hours of play, in each category. Hazily. Since all are at maximum it has no sense anymore.
-Disposition between certain characters doesn't work as well.

No one noticed during beta...? Did it work at least once in the past?

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@Multihog: PoE1 was a great game when I did my playthrough approximately eight months after it was released. We do have a precedent.

I've encountered far more bugs in Deadfire than Pillars 1 but that's the nature of bugs I suppose. You're not necessarily guaranteed to get them.


To be honest pretty much everything about Deadfire seems worse than Pillar 1 at release to me but the presentation and the mechanics. And even the mechanics I have to take on faith because the game balance is so terrible. Everything that isn't 3 levels above you or more on PotD is trivial. Fights are either a cakewalk or like a Dark Souls meme. It's like almost all the effort in development was spent on either mechanics overhauls (which do look promising) or the relationship system (which seems to have been a ton of work to implement a complicated system that nonetheless gives exactly the same results as companion interactions in Pillars 1). Granted I haven't finished the game yet, but after 30 hours I think I have some idea of how things are looking.

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From the Korean basket weaving forum.


Currently when choosing dialogue options that reward disposition points, the player receives the same amount of disposition points regardless of whether the choice should reward a Minor or Average number of points, ultimately rewarding more disposition points than intended.


In the game file Minor and Average change strength components having the same value 4. The Minor change strength value should probably be set to 1 ?




"$type": "Game.GameData.ChangeStrengthGameData, Assembly-CSharp",
"DebugName": "Average",
"ID": "71c858fe-7c4b-432a-a105-c518319eaed7",
"Components": [
"$type": "Game.GameData.ChangeStrengthComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
"ChangeValue": 4,



"$type": "Game.GameData.ChangeStrengthGameData, Assembly-CSharp",
"DebugName": "Major",
"ID": "e19a6f92-2165-4e34-be10-c65e8de970eb",
"Components": [
"$type": "Game.GameData.ChangeStrengthComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
"ChangeValue": 8,



"$type": "Game.GameData.ChangeStrengthGameData, Assembly-CSharp",
"DebugName": "Minor",
"ID": "54772c0d-cf3f-4589-8cab-9f3601d575c2",
"Components": [
"$type": "Game.GameData.ChangeStrengthComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
"ChangeValue": 4,



Please include fix for this in todays patch.

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That does look like it should be 1 or 2 for minor but who knows, maybe average should be 6.

Wonder if we could get a reply on intention so we can change it ourselves until it's patched.

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I hope devs don't forget that Xoti reputation is still bugged in the same way (increase insanely too fast).


That does look like it should be 1 or 2 for minor but who knows, maybe average should be 6.

Wonder if we could get a reply on intention so we can change it ourselves until it's patched.

Also hope this would be addressed in todays patch so far it's a simple thing. Also would like to know what were the value imagined by devs in the first place.

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Hello all! 


Thank you for posting and compiling all this information it is greatly appreciated! We currently have this bug logged and are actively working on it for a fix. Apologies for the inconveniences and thanks for bearing with us as we moved this thread over. Keep an eye out for a future patch!





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I like big bugs and I cannot lie...

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Currently playing as a bleak walker but now seriously regretting that decision. So far i have multiple dialogues which just lock you into using a few dispositions to progress (for me, non of which i was particular wanting my character to use). I was playing this character trying to limit myself to 3 dispositions (cruel, aggressive, clever) but that's simply impossible. After coming across a bunch of dialogues where i just couldn't progress otherwise, i decided to add another disposition even though it doesn't fit the character i play. 


Well that also doesn't work since i now progressed the story to the point where i had my second meeting with Eothas and the subsequent discussion with Berath about it. That conversation with Berath forces me to be diplomatic which is disfavored for bleak walkers. It literally became the only choice after trying every other choice available. 


I know the penatly is minor overall but it's still a penalty which i can do nothing against and it's forced on me for no good reason at all. I am guessing (hoping rather) this is not intended and will be fixed sooner rather than later. 




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So I haven't done extensive testing yet but from some preliminary testing it appears that a Priest's disposition has absolutely no effect on any of his spells or his Holy Radiance. 


I've gone from 0 to max in the favored dispositions of both Eothas and Berath and there seems to be no discernable effect. There's no indication in the tooltips either. 


Am I missing something or is this a bug? 

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From the sound of it("Player Dispositions should change less drastically for small decisions.") they may have only fixed the bug with the minor strength changes. Does anyone know if they fixed the real problem and changed the thresholds for reputation levels?

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From the sound of it("Player Dispositions should change less drastically for small decisions.") they may have only fixed the bug with the minor strength changes. Does anyone know if they fixed the real problem and changed the thresholds for reputation levels?


I don't know what they changed exactly yet, but they did not make any changes to the ChangeStrengthData or DispositionGameData objects, so the Minor/Average/Major change strengths and rank thresholds are unchanged.

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I've been working hard to avoid shady answers. I know I've made one reply that was coded as Shady (to Rust the assassin). I'd be hard put to recall any others, but I guess I might have done a couple without knowing.  This has given me Rank 2 Shady already, and it's being remarked upon.  I know I have answered far more questions as pretty much every other option besides Shady or Cruel and I'm only Rank 3 on Diplomatic, Rational and Honest (which form the majority of my responses).  So rank 2 seems like a heck of a steep ramp up.

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Hello all! 


Thank you for posting and compiling all this information it is greatly appreciated! We currently have this bug logged and are actively working on it for a fix. Apologies for the inconveniences and thanks for bearing with us as we moved this thread over. Keep an eye out for a future patch!






Assume this is the best place to report about 'faction' reputation issues too? Noticed something mighty weird in my save in the reputation with Tikawara village.

  1. Upon loading the save, the reputation with Tikawara is 2.
  2. Unlock the crate and steal whatever is inside.
  3. Now the reputation is 3 (!)
  4. The tiny, tiny arrow does move to the left, so something is working right, but shouldn't the value decrease as well?

Honestly, I've no idea how this is supposed to work, but it doesn't seem very logical right now.


Savegame: https://we.tl/0F9EbbUctG

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When you meet on the Pirate ship after meeting Remaro, and have a high disposition with the Pirates (4+), the dialogue seems to suggest that this would make the boss back off, but instead the conversation just loops back to the beginning of the conversation as if the prior had never happened




Incidentally another bug with this quest, resisting Serafen's mind during the Remaro cutscene causes the the 'purple blur' to remain on screen until save is reloaded. Also, music is gone until facing off with boss as above.

Edited by PX1player
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