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Big patches after release?

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It is so interesting how different people perceive that kind of stuff. I never really got into Penderecki, but Cage instinctively makes sense to me.


Apparently the following isn’t supposed to be funny.


But apparently it isn't supposed to be serious either. In the beginning the showmaster says "I take it seriously. If you are amused, you may laugh". I think that describes it best. Personally I consider it music and really enjoy listening to it. Even the laughter of the audience adds to the whole experience. It is not totally random and one can hear that, the whole performance has a clear structure and rythm which I find quite calming. As if the natural sounds of an environment were somehow magically ordered, but in a not obvious way. It's as if he searches for the minimum amount of order necessary to consider something music. Well, I don't really know how to put it. I guess, either you dig it or you don't.

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We're all doomed

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It is so interesting how different people perceive that kind of stuff. I never really got into Penderecki, but Cage instinctively makes sense to me.


Apparently the following isn’t supposed to be funny.


But apparently it isn't supposed to be serious either. In the beginning the showmaster says "I take it seriously. If you are amused, you may laugh". I think that describes it best. Personally I consider it music and really enjoy listening to it. Even the laughter of the audience adds to the whole experience. It is not totally random and one can hear that, the whole performance has a clear structure and rythm which I find quite calming. As if the natural sounds of an environment were somehow magically ordered, but in a not obvious way. It's as if he searches for the minimum amount of order necessary to consider something music. Well, I don't really know how to put it. I guess, either you dig it or you don't.

Yeah, different things for different people. I had some real issues with Cage's approach to "art" but after I digged into him more and his philosophy I just came to conclusion Cage and I value completely different things. He was fascinated with noise. He lived in New York and loved the sound of it. A lot of his work was about breaking boundaries of what music is. The most famous example is 4'33, where performer just sits on stage for 4 minutes and 33 seconds and sound of confused or astonished audience IS the music. He clearly put a lot of thought into his works though they were not conventional efforts. Pieces written with RNG (flipping a coin), using unpredictible patterns like throwing ball inside piano etc. Prepared piano was a really neat invention.


To me personally he is someone I prefer to read about rather than listen to. The moment when you can buy 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence on itunes is when I roll my eyes and say: "enough is enough"

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The moment when you can buy 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence on itunes is when I roll my eyes and say: "enough is enough"


I burned it on a CD once, together with rather normal music (Tom Waits and stuff). Everytime I listen to the CD, there comes this moment of silence, when you realize, that you didn't actively listen to the music anymore. Then I think "There it is" and just listen to the silence for a short time. I think, I even would buy it. I should. I mean, even if his intentions were different: He created this moment.

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Pigeons are funny creatures, and there's a whole flock of them here. The only thing you have to do in order to attract them is bring in a chessboard. they think they're good at the game. ^^


After you've attracted the initial flock, they'll bring in others who are too afraid to play but they love to watch and comment.


I'm kind of on your side on the vision topic, but man: You are an arrogant son of a bitch.


Regarding your argumentation style you are the pigeon here. I even took back a like yesterday, because I didn't wan't to support that anymore.



Who is the arrogant one, the man who knows and states what he knows, or the man who doesn't know but still demands his opinion to be treated with the same reverence as real knowledge? If you validate the ignorant and their positions, you're obscuring the truth. And the truth quite frankly doesn't give a **** whether people 'like' it or not, neither do I. If you cannot accept reality just because you don't like it, then you're not worth much anything. All thoughts and opinions are *not* valid, no matter how much people who don't know anything about anything want them to be. Thare's only one 'side' that matters, and that is the Truth, not 'my side' or 'their side'.

The most important step you take in your life is the next one.

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Who is the arrogant one, the man who knows and states what he knows, or the man who doesn't know but still demands his opinion to be treated with the same reverence as real knowledge? If you validate the ignorant and their positions, you're obscuring the truth. And the truth quite frankly doesn't give a **** whether people 'like' it or not, neither do I. If you cannot accept reality just because you don't like it, then you're not worth much anything. All thoughts and opinions are *not* valid, no matter how much people who don't know anything about anything want them to be. Thare's only one 'side' that matters, and that is the Truth, not 'my side' or 'their side'.


Derek Kruger already gave you an answer.

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We're all doomed

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Pigeons are funny creatures, and there's a whole flock of them here. The only thing you have to do in order to attract them is bring in a chessboard. they think they're good at the game. ^^


After you've attracted the initial flock, they'll bring in others who are too afraid to play but they love to watch and comment.


I'm kind of on your side on the vision topic, but man: You are an arrogant son of a bitch.


Regarding your argumentation style you are the pigeon here. I even took back a like yesterday, because I didn't wan't to support that anymore.



Who is the arrogant one, the man who knows and states what he knows, or the man who doesn't know but still demands his opinion to be treated with the same reverence as real knowledge? If you validate the ignorant and their positions, you're obscuring the truth. And the truth quite frankly doesn't give a **** whether people 'like' it or not, neither do I. If you cannot accept reality just because you don't like it, then you're not worth much anything. All thoughts and opinions are *not* valid, no matter how much people who don't know anything about anything want them to be. Thare's only one 'side' that matters, and that is the Truth, not 'my side' or 'their side'.




Edited by algroth

My Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/alephg

Currently playing: Roadwarden

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Who is the arrogant one[...]?

Wait... trick question... ummmm... the one who behaves arrogantly? I'm pretty sure that's correct.



Well, it certainly fits you, you're the most smug and arrogant person I've encountered on these forums. Must have something to do with your insecurities.

The most important step you take in your life is the next one.

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Yeah... Maybe you should do a forum poll?


I don't have to, your only 'contribution' to this whole conversation have been your sad attempts at mocking me with your empty bravado. You've got some major chip on your shoulder there buddy. You've been quite hostile towards me ever since you lost your marbles in your unsuccessful attempt at trying to prove your manhood to me in another thread.

The most important step you take in your life is the next one.

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@algroth: 100% agreed.


And you'd be surprised learning how many of the best creative works, innovations and inventions have come about by pure chance, mistakes, the use of contingency plans, or just ad-libbing.

After reading this the first thing that pops into my head is .... Robin Williams. Awesomeness.

No matter which fork in the road you take I am certain adventure awaits.

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What if the chessboard got shart on by a peac0ck before? Isn't the pidgeon's droppings an improvement then? I mean pidgeons' poop it less stinky that a peac0ck's - so maybe it doesn't annoy the people playing chess as much.


Also, a peack0ck sitting on a chessboard might be even more annoying for all the chess players than some pidgeons that drive that fat, arrogant peac0ck away. Imagine playing chess with all those pomptous feathers in your face...



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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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This thread has certainly been a magical journey. On some level, I have to admire the passion that it must take to be relentlessly outraged about made-up numbers in a made-up video game. On another level, seeing threads consumed by it gets a little old.


Concerning the actual topic, I agree that there will be post-release patches and that they're a good thing on the whole. Games have always had features that needed changing - the difference is that today the developers can quickly and easily deliver fixes. It becomes a problem if the game is evidently not finished on release and the early purchasers are effectively playtesting it. Which, to be fair, we've seen many examples of, so I won't blame anyone for being concerned about it.

Edited by MortyTheGobbo
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