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Posted (edited)

I'm sure you might have heard that Quest Mode is possibly going away in  Rather than lamenting its demise, let us remember some of the more enjoyable or silly moments it provided us.


Quest mode, you were our imperfect companion, but you were always fun.  When times were dark between AD3 and AD4, you were there for us.  Perhaps, we shall meet again someday... goodbye my friend.   :(



P.S.  Make sure to play a round or two of quest mode between now and when it goes away.  There's loot to be had!  Check out the above link for details.

Edited by Ethics Gradient
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I suggest everyone screenshot their Quest Mode characters.  Based on previous experience, there may be issues with the automatic reward distribution.  Quest mode already had trouble making sure characters were sync'd to the cloud, so best to be safe.



Sucks for people (like me) who liked to test new character/party ideas in a less predictable enviroment. A well it was fun while it lasted.

Also having just recently whiped my questmode chararacters feels like really bad timing now.


Replaying Story Mode over and over is not very compelling for me.  When Quest Mode is removed, I will most likely stop playing the game for the first time in almost a year. I'm very disappointed in this decision.

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Posted (edited)

What an odd decision! Having put the time and effort into creating something, why remove it from the game when it could simply be left as it is, thereby giving people more content and therefore (presumably) make them more likely to keep playing the game and spend money? Fair enough to either not develop it further or revamp it, but what is the logic behind taking it away?


My thoughts essentially echo the sentiments of kurtalb1 and Jaesun above.

Edited by Assussanni
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Posted (edited)

Quest mode is a blessing and a curse...

I like it better than story mode, but it has Also been source of more bugs than story mode.


I really hope Also that it will come back, but it has to be ready and bugfree or it will cause in general more Angry words than thanks from new customers.


Maybe They will release it as a completely separate app? So that They can modify it more freely. Leave off all the staff that cause most bugs. In story mode They have to follow the original game more or less, but quest mode allows more freedom to add new and remove old. We can only hope!


We are in the works on leveraging as much content from Quest Mode as possible and potentially creating side stories that allows the player to use their campaign characters.

So some part may come back Sooner. Edited by Hannibal_PJV
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Replaying Story Mode over and over is not very compelling for me.  When Quest Mode is removed, I will most likely stop playing the game for the first time in almost a year. I'm very disappointed in this decision.

Actually, replaying Story mode is rather compelling to my group... then again, between RotR, S&S, WotR and Class Decks (still didn't get MM) we have close to a 100 different characters we can use for our game without ever needing to repeat a party.


Hopefully, they'll add up Skulls & Shackles soon... and that once they do we'll be able to use characters from either AP to create a party.

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The main reason Quest Mode was removed was because of all the issues that arose that made the game unstable or unplayable. It really was like supporting two different games.


I personally love the idea of Quest Mode and we are looking into a way where it supports the Story Mode game characters instead but leaving both types of characters in the game... bad juju.

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I personally love the idea of Quest Mode and we are looking into a way where it supports the Story Mode game characters instead but leaving both types of characters in the game... bad juju.


Considering you'll remove the Quest characters, any chance we get a boost to the Story mode Party/character limits? The numbers now are really insufficient (yes, I do NOT want to delete my characters who have already completed the campaign :D

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You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.



I personally love the idea of Quest Mode and we are looking into a way where it supports the Story Mode game characters instead but leaving both types of characters in the game... bad juju.


Considering you'll remove the Quest characters, any chance we get a boost to the Story mode Party/character limits? The numbers now are really insufficient (yes, I do NOT want to delete my characters who have already completed the campaign :D



Very much this. Especially if there are goblins in the offing. I am going to have to complete the campaign with all goblins , after all.


And I do mean 'I have to'. My psyche leaves me no choice in the matter. Every day that there are goblins and I haven't goblined all I can goblin with them will gnaw at my mind.

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Makes the "no Treasure in Story Mode" option somewhat moot, doesn't it? Personally, I now have no use for Treasure Chests, or repeat runs on Legendary in order to collect gold, I'll have enough gold to never need to  pay for an expansion when it releases. Once the story is run through with every character on Legendary, I'm done. Actually I'm done anyway as for me QM was where it was at.

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So... let me get it straight :

There is no playable content on the horizon - except new characters, but playing Poison Pill the 100th time don't interest me - AND quest mode will be removed most likely permanently. Wow.


I almost purchased one of the Valentine Day specials (the bigger Valeros bundle), but I don't want to support decreasing content. At least I can keep the money. ;(

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Posted (edited)

Actually, that blog post says that We Be Goblins (an adventure path with 2 adventures in it) will be coming soon.  In that adventure path, you can play as a goblin class-deck character, or play as a non-goblin who gets transformed into a goblin (thus the character art of goblins resembling Amiri, Lem, Merisiel and ... the cleric whose name is escaping me at the moment).



So... let me get it straight :

There is no playable content on the horizon - except new characters, but playing Poison Pill the 100th time don't interest me - AND quest mode will be removed most likely permanently. Wow.


I almost purchased one of the Valentine Day specials (the bigger Valeros bundle), but I don't want to support decreasing content. At least I can keep the money. ;(

Edited by mjkoopman
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Posted (edited)

It say actully

some "We Be Goblins!" content will be coming soon.

It does not say anything about releasing We be Goblings adventure path, but I like how you Are thinking :)

So most likely some Gobling characters and some Goblin items / other stuff.

Edited by Hannibal_PJV
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You could be right. I'm choosing to be optimistic though. :)  


To me, the goblin-ified heroes seemed to point at the We Be Goblins AP, otherwise what is the point in creating them?  Might as well just create new goblin characters.

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To me, the goblin-ified heroes seemed to point at the We Be Goblins AP, otherwise what is the point in creating them? Might as well just create new goblin characters.

Creating the goblin version of existing characters is just creating new artwork/images and reusing everything else for the character that's already been created. Creating a full new goblin character will require creation of powers for that character, which is a lot of work

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I personally love the idea of Quest Mode and we are looking into a way where it supports the Story Mode game characters instead but leaving both types of characters in the game... bad juju.

I don't know if this applies to anyone else, but using the story mode game characters negates some of why I liked quest mode:


- incremental progress- when I discovered that I wanted to rebuild my Lem after Roles became available, in quest mode I just took a new level 1 character into the party and continued. The other experienced characters kept gaining experience and boons while helping the new Lem level up. When I tried to do something similar in story mode, the old characters gained nothing from running through old scenarios, and even prevented new Lem from gaining loot rewards. Maybe this could be solved with the future character editor.


- Loot. Some loot cards benefit specific characters a lot, and some characters don't get nice loot. In quest mode this becomes equal since loot is not available. Maybe this could be solved by having improved treasure cards.

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Posted (edited)

Creating the goblin version of existing characters is just creating new artwork/images and reusing everything else for the character that's already been created. Creating a full new goblin character will require creation of powers for that character, which is a lot of work

It requires even more character interactions! What each character says to eachothers. The combinations increases very rapidly...

Edited by Hannibal_PJV

Well, having played the story mode to death, the quest mode was more than welcome and it's random aspect interesting to test builds. Ether you jump to S&S transposition quickly ( that would be great ) or you need an idea to get this app running ( branching level 7 type of scenario ). I did suggested a list of scenarios were loot is limited ( think ad&d old crashed flying saucer scenario where most of the drop like phaser could only run close to reactor, or underwater Cthulhu Mythos with relics only active till the old one are not destroyed. )


and it's random aspect interesting to test builds.

Not that random... I had six consecutive games with same setup (locations, wild cards, villain and henchmen) and same locations in 8-out-of-10 games.



and it's random aspect interesting to test builds.

Not that random... I had six consecutive games with same setup (locations, wild cards, villain and henchmen) and same locations in 8-out-of-10 games.


Quest mode was never truly random.  It was always a "constrained" randomness.


In short, when you fire up quest mode, the game does something like:

- Identify the highest level character

- Use that level to pull a couple matching pre-generated scenario templates off the virtual shelf

- Select one of those scenarios, and mix it up a little bit, as much as the template allows


If it were entirely random, there would be a lot of terrible, non-challenging, or non-fun combos.  Templated randomness was the solution the game eventually went with.  That is why you occasionally have a string of similar quests.  The virtual coin-toss just came up "heads" several times in a row.


What likely killed quest mode (permanently or temporarily), is that they never really found that good balance between random and fun, and it was only going to get harder to manage as the adventure decks increased in difficulty.


If it ever comes back, it will be because the devs finished up all the ADs and now have a chance to consider the game as a whole, rather than trying to build out quest content on a tier-by-tier basis.

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