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The US Election 2016, Part VIII


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Pfeh, i wish Trump had some serious bunga-bunga videos like Berlusconi, but no, just some lame accusations. If Hillary wins, the downwards spiral in making the US into Brazil economically, demographically and socially(meaning less trust and more apathy) will continue.


People will think it will be a good thing.

You comparing the crash of the Brazilian economy to the current structures of the US economy?


How are they similar if you dont mind sharing?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Pfeh, i wish Trump had some serious bunga-bunga videos like Berlusconi, but no, just some lame accusations. If Hillary wins, the downwards spiral in making the US into Brazil economically, demographically and socially(meaning less trust and more apathy) will continue.


People will think it will be a good thing.

How do you figure that?

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Bruce you must be wondering why Hillary is not walking away with this thing? Trump is an arrogant know-nothing who treats women like objects. But that does not make Hillary any better. No matter what Trump does it does not change the fact that Hillary is sour, unlikable, and worst of all irredeemably dishonest.


As you know I am no fan of Barack Obama. His politics are not mine. Ad he has said things that he knew were not true. But no more than any other politician. If he told me the stove was hot I won't need to touch it to believe him. If Hillary Clinton told me the stove was hot I'd need two sweeps with a laser thermometer and extensive first person testing before I'd believe her.


Any normal, sane, career politician should be able to beat Trump as long as they have a pulse, can see lighting and hear thunder. Hillary is having a hard time of it and that says far more about her quality than his or the voters.

Yeah, I'll be honest ...you know what does bug me sometimes  on these forums. Everytime I bring up another Trump horror story most members feel the need to then compare his latest disaster to Hilary


Why is that ?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Pfeh, i wish Trump had some serious bunga-bunga videos like Berlusconi, but no, just some lame accusations. If Hillary wins, the downwards spiral in making the US into Brazil economically, demographically and socially(meaning less trust and more apathy) will continue.


People will think it will be a good thing.

You comparing the crash of the Brazilian economy to the current structures of the US economy?


How are they similar if you dont mind sharing?


It's not. The US economy is not tied to the price of oil.

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Pfeh, i wish Trump had some serious bunga-bunga videos like Berlusconi, but no, just some lame accusations. If Hillary wins, the downwards spiral in making the US into Brazil economically, demographically and socially(meaning less trust and more apathy) will continue.


People will think it will be a good thing.

You comparing the crash of the Brazilian economy to the current structures of the US economy?


How are they similar if you dont mind sharing?


It's not. The US economy is not tied to the price of oil.


Correct which is why the analogy is flawed 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Because Hillary is a person who laughs at a 12 year old rape victim and blames a 12 year old for her rape  by saying the little girl 'asked for it because she hung out with older guys'. That's why. And, oh, with her 30 years of experience she has been involved with  killing people.


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Bruce you must be wondering why Hillary is not walking away with this thing? Trump is an arrogant know-nothing who treats women like objects. But that does not make Hillary any better. No matter what Trump does it does not change the fact that Hillary is sour, unlikable, and worst of all irredeemably dishonest.


As you know I am no fan of Barack Obama. His politics are not mine. Ad he has said things that he knew were not true. But no more than any other politician. If he told me the stove was hot I won't need to touch it to believe him. If Hillary Clinton told me the stove was hot I'd need two sweeps with a laser thermometer and extensive first person testing before I'd believe her.


Any normal, sane, career politician should be able to beat Trump as long as they have a pulse, can see lighting and hear thunder. Hillary is having a hard time of it and that says far more about her quality than his or the voters.

Yeah, I'll be honest ...you know what does bug me sometimes  on these forums. Everytime I bring up another Trump horror story most members feel the need to then compare his latest disaster to Hilary


Why is that ?


They are not comparable, There are two different varieties of bad. Remember what I said about scorpions and the zika virus. They have nothing in common other than that they are bad. There is only on reason anyone with half a brain would have to vote FOR Hillary Clinton: stopping Donald Trump. There is only one reason anyone with half a brain would have to vote FOR Donald Trump: stopping Hillary Clinton.


That's why that happens. You cannot make an positive argument on either of their merits. They are awful. Truly awful. If anyone have ever been inclined to vote 3rd Party, THIS IS THE YEAR. A vote for Johnson or Stein may pay dividends in 2020. A vote for Clinton or Trump is just choosing between scorpions and Zika.


Our Presidential elections have been about the lesser of two evils for long time. I guess it was inevitable we'd get a choice where there is no "lesser".

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Because Hillary is a person who laughs at a 12 year old rape victim and blames a 12 year old for her rape  by saying the little girl 'asked for it because she hung out with older guys'. That's why. And, oh, with her 30 years of experience she has been involved with  killing people.

volo are you going to constantly make this inaccurate and scurrilous accusation and never produce any links to support your view?


Do  you not ever feel you should try to support these types of comments?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Bruce you must be wondering why Hillary is not walking away with this thing? Trump is an arrogant know-nothing who treats women like objects. But that does not make Hillary any better. No matter what Trump does it does not change the fact that Hillary is sour, unlikable, and worst of all irredeemably dishonest.


As you know I am no fan of Barack Obama. His politics are not mine. Ad he has said things that he knew were not true. But no more than any other politician. If he told me the stove was hot I won't need to touch it to believe him. If Hillary Clinton told me the stove was hot I'd need two sweeps with a laser thermometer and extensive first person testing before I'd believe her.


Any normal, sane, career politician should be able to beat Trump as long as they have a pulse, can see lighting and hear thunder. Hillary is having a hard time of it and that says far more about her quality than his or the voters.

Yeah, I'll be honest ...you know what does bug me sometimes on these forums. Everytime I bring up another Trump horror story most members feel the need to then compare his latest disaster to Hilary


Why is that ?

They are not comparable, There are two different varieties of bad. Remember what I said about scorpions and the zika virus. They have nothing in common other than that they are bad. There is only on reason anyone with half a brain would have to vote FOR Hillary Clinton: stopping Donald Trump. There is only one reason anyone with half a brain would have to vote FOR Donald Trump: stopping Hillary Clinton.


That's why that happens. You cannot make an positive argument on either of their merits. They are awful. Truly awful. If anyone have ever been inclined to vote 3rd Party, THIS IS THE YEAR. A vote for Johnson or Stein may pay dividends in 2020. A vote for Clinton or Trump is just choosing between scorpions and Zika.


Our Presidential elections have been about the lesser of two evils for long time. I guess it was inevitable we'd get a choice where there is no "lesser".

Fully correct. So when u have to decide which u would rather have, to be stung over and over again with scorpions for 4 years or would you want to be infected and sick with the virus for 4 years, of course it's gonna be back and forth.

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Because Hillary is a person who laughs at a 12 year old rape victim and blames a 12 year old for her rape  by saying the little girl 'asked for it because she hung out with older guys'. That's why. And, oh, with her 30 years of experience she has been involved with  killing people.

volo are you going to constantly make this inaccurate and scurrilous accusation and never produce any links to support your view?


Do  you not ever feel you should try to support these types of comments?



Dude, you were given the links to the whole story like two weeks ago.  This is why Gary Johnson stopped smoking pot.

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Bruce you must be wondering why Hillary is not walking away with this thing? Trump is an arrogant know-nothing who treats women like objects. But that does not make Hillary any better. No matter what Trump does it does not change the fact that Hillary is sour, unlikable, and worst of all irredeemably dishonest.


As you know I am no fan of Barack Obama. His politics are not mine. Ad he has said things that he knew were not true. But no more than any other politician. If he told me the stove was hot I won't need to touch it to believe him. If Hillary Clinton told me the stove was hot I'd need two sweeps with a laser thermometer and extensive first person testing before I'd believe her.


Any normal, sane, career politician should be able to beat Trump as long as they have a pulse, can see lighting and hear thunder. Hillary is having a hard time of it and that says far more about her quality than his or the voters.

Yeah, I'll be honest ...you know what does bug me sometimes on these forums. Everytime I bring up another Trump horror story most members feel the need to then compare his latest disaster to Hilary


Why is that ?

Let me answer that with a question. Step back and think, why are u upset about the article of what Trump did but turn a blind eye to what Hillary is bringing with her. Her husband who was president did the same thing except he did it so much that the govt had to step in and make him lose his license to practice law/politics. There are articles from the victims themselves that Hillary intimidated and harassed them to not come forward.

Your okay with Hillary but are outraged at Trumps actions....

Now think why.

Don't go with it's not proven because both Trump and Hillary are equal standing as far of this because nothing's official and it's all hearsay from the victims.

Why do u believe one victim over the other?


Now I'll answer. Because u want Hillary to win and are overlooking and not getting the same disgust because ur piece of **** running for president u want to win. It's the same for people who are behind wanting the piece of **** Trump to win.

So you when u bring up NOTHING but bad stuff about Trump and say good things about Hillary, people who are for Trump are feeling the same thing when they post something against Hillary that u overlook and don't take to heart like u would for Trump.

That's where the election gotten to, both candidates are pieces of **** and when one try's not to look like what they are, the other side is quickly there to remind what a piece of **** they are if u get any crazy ideas lol. It's vice versa.

We all lose with this election because most of the country is stuck in the more of **** and won't get out and wash it off.

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I wonder if it's possible for Trump to withdraw and be replaced by Pence. Not that he'd ever do it. If the accusations are true he shouldn't be president. Of course Hilzilla shouldn't be either, and if she's elected this kind of stuff will continue: http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/10/12/criminal-aliens-sexually-assault-70000-american-women-paul-ryan-mad-trump/

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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Because Hillary is a person who laughs at a 12 year old rape victim and blames a 12 year old for her rape  by saying the little girl 'asked for it because she hung out with older guys'. That's why. And, oh, with her 30 years of experience she has been involved with  killing people.

volo are you going to constantly make this inaccurate and scurrilous accusation and never produce any links to support your view?


Do  you not ever feel you should try to support these types of comments?



Dude, you were given the links to the whole story like two weeks ago.  This is why Gary Johnson stopped smoking pot.



To be fair, the links provided didn't say she laughed at the rape victim; she laughed when remembering a scenario where she lost faith in lie-detector tests (which, lets face it, are unreliable) as part of her job (which she didn't take on under her own judgement but as court appointed council for the defense) to provide the most complete defense to her client she could do within her power.


I understand the appeal to emotion that "OMGZ, Hillz defended a rapist! And then laughed (years later)!" gives.  I understand that Hillary may have even felt her client was guilty - but as a lawyer her client was entitled to the best defense she could offer.  That's the way the US Judicial process is supposed to be.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Pfeh, i wish Trump had some serious bunga-bunga videos like Berlusconi, but no, just some lame accusations. If Hillary wins, the downwards spiral in making the US into Brazil economically, demographically and socially(meaning less trust and more apathy) will continue.


People will think it will be a good thing.

You comparing the crash of the Brazilian economy to the current structures of the US economy?


How are they similar if you dont mind sharing?





Pfeh, i wish Trump had some serious bunga-bunga videos like Berlusconi, but no, just some lame accusations. If Hillary wins, the downwards spiral in making the US into Brazil economically, demographically and socially(meaning less trust and more apathy) will continue.


People will think it will be a good thing.

How do you figure that?



This has nothing to do with the price of oil or the boom-bust cycle of Wall Street. It has to do with the forces currently moving through society.


1. Hillary and her possible upcoming administration have no signs of strength, vitality or lucidity. They exort blandness, banality, pettiness and deceptiveness. You could see it in how the inner dealings were done against Sanders, you can see it in the empty words and platitudes she use in the debates and the low energy of her supporters. Humans are hierarchical and the the leadership reflects the currents of the masses. If the leadership lack principles higher than themselves to look up upon or work against the current virtues in place, indirectly or directly, only decline can follow in society.


2. There is little interest in curbing the current demographical trend in Hillary's camp. I do not even need to point to history like the empires of old, to make it clear out that no majority is destabilising (just look at Putham's study if you're really interested http://archive.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2007/08/05/the_downside_of_diversity/) as it makes cohesion less probable. If the social cohesion goes for the worse, then so goes the trust in public institutions and corruption will be become a serious issue.


3. There's little interest among Team Hillary in averting trade deals like TPP or H-1B and similar visas, where both effectively undermines the middle class, which in turn will cause income inequality to rise and social mobility to stifle as capital will always be more global compared to labour. This will create further balkanization of socities where certain groups climb the ladder faster than others as they have better inner cohesion than others. This sense of injustice of the system being rigged against ones favour will increase the possibility of social decay and even foster militant uprisings at smaller scales at first.


So three different vectors of **** colluding with each other to create an even bigger pile of ****. It will not happen over night, but a slow decline that has been in motion from before and will continue with Hillary. That's why the comparison with Brazil is applicable in terms of societal regression.

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"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Pfeh, i wish Trump had some serious bunga-bunga videos like Berlusconi, but no, just some lame accusations. If Hillary wins, the downwards spiral in making the US into Brazil economically, demographically and socially(meaning less trust and more apathy) will continue.


People will think it will be a good thing.

You comparing the crash of the Brazilian economy to the current structures of the US economy?


How are they similar if you dont mind sharing?





Pfeh, i wish Trump had some serious bunga-bunga videos like Berlusconi, but no, just some lame accusations. If Hillary wins, the downwards spiral in making the US into Brazil economically, demographically and socially(meaning less trust and more apathy) will continue.


People will think it will be a good thing.

How do you figure that?



This has nothing to do with the price of oil or the boom-bust cycle of Wall Street. It has to do with the forces currently moving through society.


1. Hillary and her possible upcoming administration have no signs of strength, vitality or lucidity. They exort blandness, banality, pettiness and deceptiveness. You could see it in how the inner dealings were done against Sanders, you can see it in the empty words and platitudes she use in the debates and the low energy of her supporters. Humans are hierarchical and the the leadership reflects the currents of the masses. If the leadership lack principles higher than themselves to look up upon or work against the current virtues in place, indirectly or directly, only decline can follow in society.


2. There is little interest in curbing the current demographical trend in Hillary's camp. I do not even need to point to history like the empires of old, to make it clear out that no majority is destabilising (just look at Putham's study if you're really interested http://archive.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2007/08/05/the_downside_of_diversity/) as it makes cohesion less probable. If the social cohesion goes for the worse, then so goes the trust in public institutions and corruption will be become a serious issue.


3. There's little interest among Team Hillary in averting trade deals like TPP or H-1B and similar visas, where both effectively undermines the middle class, which in turn will cause income inequality to rise and social mobility to stifle as capital will always be more global compared to labour. This will create further balkanization of socities where certain groups climb the ladder faster than others as they have better inner cohesion than others. This sense of injustice of the system being rigged against ones favour will increase the possibility of social decay and even foster militant uprisings at smaller scales at first.


So three different vectors of **** colluding with each other to create an even bigger pile of ****. It will not happen over night, but a slow decline that has been in motion from before and will continue with Hillary. That's why the comparison with Brazil is applicable in terms of societal regression.


I dont agree with most of what you say as much of your post is subjective but I appreciate the effort and thought you do put into your posts  :thumbsup:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Because Hillary is a person who laughs at a 12 year old rape victim and blames a 12 year old for her rape  by saying the little girl 'asked for it because she hung out with older guys'. That's why. And, oh, with her 30 years of experience she has been involved with  killing people.

volo are you going to constantly make this inaccurate and scurrilous accusation and never produce any links to support your view?


Do  you not ever feel you should try to support these types of comments?



Dude, you were given the links to the whole story like two weeks ago.  This is why Gary Johnson stopped smoking pot.



To be fair, the links provided didn't say she laughed at the rape victim; she laughed when remembering a scenario where she lost faith in lie-detector tests (which, lets face it, are unreliable) as part of her job (which she didn't take on under her own judgement but as court appointed council for the defense) to provide the most complete defense to her client she could do within her power.


I understand the appeal to emotion that "OMGZ, Hillz defended a rapist! And then laughed (years later)!" gives.  I understand that Hillary may have even felt her client was guilty - but as a lawyer her client was entitled to the best defense she could offer.  That's the way the US Judicial process is supposed to be.


She's not obligated to character assassinate the child victim though.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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Every time WoD posts the word Hilzilla I hear that song in my head. Oh no, here is goes again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyT6YF7GeBg

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Pfeh, i wish Trump had some serious bunga-bunga videos like Berlusconi, but no, just some lame accusations. If Hillary wins, the downwards spiral in making the US into Brazil economically, demographically and socially(meaning less trust and more apathy) will continue.


People will think it will be a good thing.

You comparing the crash of the Brazilian economy to the current structures of the US economy?


How are they similar if you dont mind sharing?


Pfeh, i wish Trump had some serious bunga-bunga videos like Berlusconi, but no, just some lame accusations. If Hillary wins, the downwards spiral in making the US into Brazil economically, demographically and socially(meaning less trust and more apathy) will continue.


People will think it will be a good thing.

How do you figure that?

This has nothing to do with the price of oil or the boom-bust cycle of Wall Street. It has to do with the forces currently moving through society.


1. Hillary and her possible upcoming administration have no signs of strength, vitality or lucidity. They exort blandness, banality, pettiness and deceptiveness. You could see it in how the inner dealings were done against Sanders, you can see it in the empty words and platitudes she use in the debates and the low energy of her supporters. Humans are hierarchical and the the leadership reflects the currents of the masses. If the leadership lack principles higher than themselves to look up upon or work against the current virtues in place, indirectly or directly, only decline can follow in society.


2. There is little interest in curbing the current demographical trend in Hillary's camp. I do not even need to point to history like the empires of old, to make it clear out that no majority is destabilising (just look at Putham's study if you're really interested http://archive.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2007/08/05/the_downside_of_diversity/) as it makes cohesion less probable. If the social cohesion goes for the worse, then so goes the trust in public institutions and corruption will be become a serious issue.


3. There's little interest among Team Hillary in averting trade deals like TPP or H-1B and similar visas, where both effectively undermines the middle class, which in turn will cause income inequality to rise and social mobility to stifle as capital will always be more global compared to labour. This will create further balkanization of socities where certain groups climb the ladder faster than others as they have better inner cohesion than others. This sense of injustice of the system being rigged against ones favour will increase the possibility of social decay and even foster militant uprisings at smaller scales at first.


So three different vectors of **** colluding with each other to create an even bigger pile of ****. It will not happen over night, but a slow decline that has been in motion from before and will continue with Hillary. That's why the comparison with Brazil is applicable in terms of societal regression.

Interesting, well other than point 1.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Because Hillary is a person who laughs at a 12 year old rape victim and blames a 12 year old for her rape  by saying the little girl 'asked for it because she hung out with older guys'. That's why. And, oh, with her 30 years of experience she has been involved with  killing people.

volo are you going to constantly make this inaccurate and scurrilous accusation and never produce any links to support your view?


Do  you not ever feel you should try to support these types of comments?



Dude, you were given the links to the whole story like two weeks ago.  This is why Gary Johnson stopped smoking pot.



To be fair, the links provided didn't say she laughed at the rape victim; she laughed when remembering a scenario where she lost faith in lie-detector tests (which, lets face it, are unreliable) as part of her job (which she didn't take on under her own judgement but as court appointed council for the defense) to provide the most complete defense to her client she could do within her power.


I understand the appeal to emotion that "OMGZ, Hillz defended a rapist! And then laughed (years later)!" gives.  I understand that Hillary may have even felt her client was guilty - but as a lawyer her client was entitled to the best defense she could offer.  That's the way the US Judicial process is supposed to be.


She's not obligated to character assassinate the child victim though.


If you're referring to her presenting the defense that the alleged victim fancied older men and couldn't differentiate between fantasy and reality, then it still falls under the "best defense she could offer" if the claim was one that could be substantiated in the court (which apparently it could, since it was allowed in the trial)


I'm no fan of Hillary, but I can't fault her for doing her job to the best of her ability as required by her status as an agent of the court.  And criminal law isn't always pleasant.

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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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2. There is little interest in curbing the current demographical trend in Hillary's camp. I do not even need to point to history like the empires of old, to make it clear out that no majority is destabilising (just look at Putham's study if you're really interested http://archive.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2007/08/05/the_downside_of_diversity/)




I love how the very researcher you invoke in support of your argument basically disses the hell out of your position:



"It would be unfortunate if a politically correct progressivism were to deny the reality of the challenge to social solidarity posed by diversity," [Putnam] writes in the new report. "It would be equally unfortunate if an ahistorical and ethnocentric conservativism were to deny that addressing that challenge is both feasible and desirable."

"Curbing the demographic trend" is truly the only final feasible solution to the problem, indeed.
Edited by aluminiumtrioxid

"Lulz is not the highest aspiration of art and mankind, no matter what the Encyclopedia Dramatica says."


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@amentep It wasn't allowed in court, it was part of an affidavit Hilzilla submitted without proof:

affidavit from Clinton claiming Shelton "is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and to engage in fantasizing" and "has in the past made false accusations about persons, claiming they had attacked her body."


Clinton merely said in the affidavit that she had "been informed" of these things about Shelton, but offered no source or proof.

http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-post-publishes-fact-check-on-rape-victims-story/article/2604360 Edited by Wrath of Dagon

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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Bruce you must be wondering why Hillary is not walking away with this thing? Trump is an arrogant know-nothing who treats women like objects. But that does not make Hillary any better. No matter what Trump does it does not change the fact that Hillary is sour, unlikable, and worst of all irredeemably dishonest.


As you know I am no fan of Barack Obama. His politics are not mine. Ad he has said things that he knew were not true. But no more than any other politician. If he told me the stove was hot I won't need to touch it to believe him. If Hillary Clinton told me the stove was hot I'd need two sweeps with a laser thermometer and extensive first person testing before I'd believe her.


Any normal, sane, career politician should be able to beat Trump as long as they have a pulse, can see lighting and hear thunder. Hillary is having a hard time of it and that says far more about her quality than his or the voters.

Yeah, I'll be honest ...you know what does bug me sometimes on these forums. Everytime I bring up another Trump horror story most members feel the need to then compare his latest disaster to Hilary


Why is that ?

Let me answer that with a question. Step back and think, why are u upset about the article of what Trump did but turn a blind eye to what Hillary is bringing with her. Her husband who was president did the same thing except he did it so much that the govt had to step in and make him lose his license to practice law/politics. There are articles from the victims themselves that Hillary intimidated and harassed them to not come forward.

Your okay with Hillary but are outraged at Trumps actions....

Now think why.

Don't go with it's not proven because both Trump and Hillary are equal standing as far of this because nothing's official and it's all hearsay from the victims.

Why do u believe one victim over the other?


Now I'll answer. Because u want Hillary to win and are overlooking and not getting the same disgust because ur piece of **** running for president u want to win. It's the same for people who are behind wanting the piece of **** Trump to win.

So you when u bring up NOTHING but bad stuff about Trump and say good things about Hillary, people who are for Trump are feeling the same thing when they post something against Hillary that u overlook and don't take to heart like u would for Trump.

That's where the election gotten to, both candidates are pieces of **** and when one try's not to look like what they are, the other side is quickly there to remind what a piece of **** they are if u get any crazy ideas lol. It's vice versa.

We all lose with this election because most of the country is stuck in the more of **** and won't get out and wash it off.



I'll also speak personally and say I've actually found myself tempted to vote for Trump just to stop Hillary. I won't, both because honestly screw that guy and because my vote wouldn't count anyways (last state I lived in is Red as sin) and hell no I'm not making the effort for an overseas ballot that doesn't matter, but it blew my mind to catch myself actually considering doing it.


So why am I quicker to "forgive" Trump (not forgiving, but overlooking faults) and not Hillary? On a very basic level, ok, Trump is sexist. Please explain to me how on earth this is gonna impact the average American woman. If the President of the United States tried to pass a bill that openly harms women, the United States would tell him to shove it up his ass. We've progressed far enough that any overtly sexist legislation would not be taken seriously. The most influence he would have on issues that could be damaging to women are the exact issues where every republican congressman ever already agrees with him: abortion, custody rights, rape legislation etc. He's functionally identical to a republican on those fronts, and while I'm personally not a huge fan, yes, we survive Republican presidencies all the time. It wouldn't be the end of the world for women if he got elected. Hell, the real worry is that he starts asking White House staffers to blow him, and we all know how those kinds of presidents wind up...


Aside from that, Trump's faults were laid out in plain english the moment the idiot signed up. He's some douche that can't even manage his own haircut, let alone the country. We've known that since what, 2008? When was the first time he tried running? Point is, it's been a loooooooong time that we've had to process his faults. All the negative media we see today is just reruns of what we've already known for years. Whether you agree with this as being "acceptable" or not, I do think this is to Trump's benefit, because people such as myself have already been "conditioned" to accept this and I'm sure plenty of voters have long come to terms with his faults. What the Clinton campaign needs to sink Trump isn't more of the same, it's a new scandal that's needed. I don't care about his tax returns cause I've long known he's a fraud. Given that we already know he's sexist, an idiot, a fraud and a hypocrite, I dunno what they could possibly come up with. He'd have to have killed a man or something.


So what about Hillary? What's her problem?


I actually think the Streisand effect plays a role in people's coverage of her. The thing with her is we don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes. We've been through Trump's closet, we've found all his skeletons, and we've had enough time to fly them around on vacation with us and take photos with them before returning them back to him. Clinton? Dude people honestly speculate if she's offed people, and what's even sadder is that you're free to speculate that and be seen as reasonable rather than a conspiracy kook.


More importantly? What we do know about her isn't just a problem for this election or this presidency, but rather it highlights fundamental flaws with our system. Both Trump and Hillary are terrible candidates that have no business ever running seriously as President of the United States. But only one of these candidates threatens to undermine the democratic process as we know it. That is the big sin that has so many people enraged with her. She rigged the Democratic Primary. That's not up for debate at this point, that is fact. You can easily turn on the news and see the media bias, and hell if you browse popular internet forums you'll even see this. You cannot tell me with a straight face that of all the people that would go there, the Trump-Hillary divide is THAT lopsided in favor of Hillary. That doesn't reflect the polls at all. Hell, you cannot tell me with a straight face that both that community and Vox truly can't find anything more interesting than Podesta's risotto recipe amongst the leaks. For the corruption to spread to media outlets and even the moderation of high-traffic online web forums...? That's insane.


I don't want to vote for her because it sets a precident. It tells future candidates in future elections "hey, do this! This tactic worked!!" I want this election cycle to be the exception, not the rule, and the only way to do that is to NOT vote for the candidate supporting such tactics. Hillary is setting an example where Capitalism is more powerful and more influential than democracy. This has been an ongoing battle in the USA for years (capitalism encroaching more and more on democracy), decades even. Personally this is where I draw the line. This is what unchecked capitalism does, and it'll only get worse - not better - if it should continue.


Lastly? For sake of argument, let's all put aside our opinions of Clinton, and imagine for a second that Clinton is a supergenius with the best policies, the best plans and she could give us the best presidency ever. Even if this were the case, how would we know? She lies CONSTANTLY, and she's given us zero indication that the lies she tells us are laced with truth and that the ones she tells bankers and higher-ups are total BS. If anything, she's given us the opposite impression. When she's caught in a lie...? She blames Russia. She pins it on Lincoln. Honestly, she could've fessed up. She could've told us she lied because she didn't think we could handle the truth. I actually agree with her that you need a public and a private speech, because I do agree that Americans would flip out if they knew everything our government does. I'm sure our government makes a lot of very tough, controversial decisions on a regular basis, and if we got to kick out every President or Senator that made one of those...? It'd be a constant revolving door. I agree with her!!! And yet when she's caught having said that, she deflects. She doesn't fess up, she doesn't stand her ground, she lies some more. This implies she's got reason to be ashamed. She could've told us that all politicians do stuff like this and that it's part of the regular election cycle, she's just the first to get caught. But she doesn't. That answer fails her. The fact it fails her implies it's not true and that yes, she is exceptionally corrupt. Even IF I were to agree with all of Clinton's policy plans and even if I matched her ideologically 100%...? How would I even know it's an actual match? How do I know what's BS and what isn't? I don't.


So for me? I care more about Clinton at this point because all of Trump's cards are already on the table. Clinton's aren't, and yes, I have an interest in knowing how terrible my potential future president may be, just like I have an interest in trying to understand to what extent the corruption and all the lying spreads. As things stand now, I expect her to win. She'll either win honestly, or if the gap is less than 5%, I'm sure she can rig it. Unless wikileaks drops an absolute bomb or unless the media polls are REALLY lying to us ala Brexit, I expect her to win. At the very least it would be nice to educate ourselves and figure out if Clinton is more like Stalin or more like Hitler before she's sworn in. (for anyone wondering, Trump is more of a Kim Jong Il)

"The Courier was the worst of all of them. The worst by far. When he died the first time, he must have met the devil, and then killed him."



Is your mom hot? It may explain why guys were following her ?

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Bruce you must be wondering why Hillary is not walking away with this thing? Trump is an arrogant know-nothing who treats women like objects. But that does not make Hillary any better. No matter what Trump does it does not change the fact that Hillary is sour, unlikable, and worst of all irredeemably dishonest.


As you know I am no fan of Barack Obama. His politics are not mine. Ad he has said things that he knew were not true. But no more than any other politician. If he told me the stove was hot I won't need to touch it to believe him. If Hillary Clinton told me the stove was hot I'd need two sweeps with a laser thermometer and extensive first person testing before I'd believe her.


Any normal, sane, career politician should be able to beat Trump as long as they have a pulse, can see lighting and hear thunder. Hillary is having a hard time of it and that says far more about her quality than his or the voters.

Yeah, I'll be honest ...you know what does bug me sometimes on these forums. Everytime I bring up another Trump horror story most members feel the need to then compare his latest disaster to Hilary


Why is that ?

Let me answer that with a question. Step back and think, why are u upset about the article of what Trump did but turn a blind eye to what Hillary is bringing with her. Her husband who was president did the same thing except he did it so much that the govt had to step in and make him lose his license to practice law/politics. There are articles from the victims themselves that Hillary intimidated and harassed them to not come forward.

Your okay with Hillary but are outraged at Trumps actions....

Now think why.

Don't go with it's not proven because both Trump and Hillary are equal standing as far of this because nothing's official and it's all hearsay from the victims.

Why do u believe one victim over the other?


Now I'll answer. Because u want Hillary to win and are overlooking and not getting the same disgust because ur piece of **** running for president u want to win. It's the same for people who are behind wanting the piece of **** Trump to win.

So you when u bring up NOTHING but bad stuff about Trump and say good things about Hillary, people who are for Trump are feeling the same thing when they post something against Hillary that u overlook and don't take to heart like u would for Trump.

That's where the election gotten to, both candidates are pieces of **** and when one try's not to look like what they are, the other side is quickly there to remind what a piece of **** they are if u get any crazy ideas lol. It's vice versa.

We all lose with this election because most of the country is stuck in the more of **** and won't get out and wash it off.




Please explain to me how on earth this is gonna impact the average American woman. 

Well since you asked and you unintentionally made  a point that confirms you have absolutely no idea or understanding of what gender equality is or more importantly why the majority of women in the USA are offended by Trump


Its not what Trump may do, its how he has spoken about women and how he has been very condescending about women on  a  number of levels. Thats the issue, its like if you were gay and Trump said  " homosexuality is an aberration "  you would be  irritated and annoyed   

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Bruce you must be wondering why Hillary is not walking away with this thing? Trump is an arrogant know-nothing who treats women like objects. But that does not make Hillary any better. No matter what Trump does it does not change the fact that Hillary is sour, unlikable, and worst of all irredeemably dishonest.


As you know I am no fan of Barack Obama. His politics are not mine. Ad he has said things that he knew were not true. But no more than any other politician. If he told me the stove was hot I won't need to touch it to believe him. If Hillary Clinton told me the stove was hot I'd need two sweeps with a laser thermometer and extensive first person testing before I'd believe her.


Any normal, sane, career politician should be able to beat Trump as long as they have a pulse, can see lighting and hear thunder. Hillary is having a hard time of it and that says far more about her quality than his or the voters.

Yeah, I'll be honest ...you know what does bug me sometimes on these forums. Everytime I bring up another Trump horror story most members feel the need to then compare his latest disaster to Hilary


Why is that ?

Let me answer that with a question. Step back and think, why are u upset about the article of what Trump did but turn a blind eye to what Hillary is bringing with her. Her husband who was president did the same thing except he did it so much that the govt had to step in and make him lose his license to practice law/politics. There are articles from the victims themselves that Hillary intimidated and harassed them to not come forward.

Your okay with Hillary but are outraged at Trumps actions....

Now think why.

Don't go with it's not proven because both Trump and Hillary are equal standing as far of this because nothing's official and it's all hearsay from the victims.

Why do u believe one victim over the other?


Now I'll answer. Because u want Hillary to win and are overlooking and not getting the same disgust because ur piece of **** running for president u want to win. It's the same for people who are behind wanting the piece of **** Trump to win.

So you when u bring up NOTHING but bad stuff about Trump and say good things about Hillary, people who are for Trump are feeling the same thing when they post something against Hillary that u overlook and don't take to heart like u would for Trump.

That's where the election gotten to, both candidates are pieces of **** and when one try's not to look like what they are, the other side is quickly there to remind what a piece of **** they are if u get any crazy ideas lol. It's vice versa.

We all lose with this election because most of the country is stuck in the more of **** and won't get out and wash it off.




Please explain to me how on earth this is gonna impact the average American woman. 

Well since you asked and you unintentionally made  a point that confirms you have absolutely no idea or understanding of what gender equality is or more importantly why the majority of women in the USA are offended by Trump


Its not what Trump may do, its how he has spoken about women and how he has been very condescending about women on  a  number of levels. Thats the issue, its like if you were gay and Trump said  " homosexuality is an aberration "  you would be  irritated and annoyed   


Here is my answer Bruce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFwdvMQHmOI

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Bruce you must be wondering why Hillary is not walking away with this thing? Trump is an arrogant know-nothing who treats women like objects. But that does not make Hillary any better. No matter what Trump does it does not change the fact that Hillary is sour, unlikable, and worst of all irredeemably dishonest.


As you know I am no fan of Barack Obama. His politics are not mine. Ad he has said things that he knew were not true. But no more than any other politician. If he told me the stove was hot I won't need to touch it to believe him. If Hillary Clinton told me the stove was hot I'd need two sweeps with a laser thermometer and extensive first person testing before I'd believe her.


Any normal, sane, career politician should be able to beat Trump as long as they have a pulse, can see lighting and hear thunder. Hillary is having a hard time of it and that says far more about her quality than his or the voters.

Yeah, I'll be honest ...you know what does bug me sometimes on these forums. Everytime I bring up another Trump horror story most members feel the need to then compare his latest disaster to Hilary


Why is that ?

Let me answer that with a question. Step back and think, why are u upset about the article of what Trump did but turn a blind eye to what Hillary is bringing with her. Her husband who was president did the same thing except he did it so much that the govt had to step in and make him lose his license to practice law/politics. There are articles from the victims themselves that Hillary intimidated and harassed them to not come forward.

Your okay with Hillary but are outraged at Trumps actions....

Now think why.

Don't go with it's not proven because both Trump and Hillary are equal standing as far of this because nothing's official and it's all hearsay from the victims.

Why do u believe one victim over the other?


Now I'll answer. Because u want Hillary to win and are overlooking and not getting the same disgust because ur piece of **** running for president u want to win. It's the same for people who are behind wanting the piece of **** Trump to win.

So you when u bring up NOTHING but bad stuff about Trump and say good things about Hillary, people who are for Trump are feeling the same thing when they post something against Hillary that u overlook and don't take to heart like u would for Trump.

That's where the election gotten to, both candidates are pieces of **** and when one try's not to look like what they are, the other side is quickly there to remind what a piece of **** they are if u get any crazy ideas lol. It's vice versa.

We all lose with this election because most of the country is stuck in the more of **** and won't get out and wash it off.




Please explain to me how on earth this is gonna impact the average American woman. 

Well since you asked and you unintentionally made  a point that confirms you have absolutely no idea or understanding of what gender equality is or more importantly why the majority of women in the USA are offended by Trump


Its not what Trump may do, its how he has spoken about women and how he has been very condescending about women on  a  number of levels. Thats the issue, its like if you were gay and Trump said  " homosexuality is an aberration "  you would be  irritated and annoyed   


Here is my answer Bruce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFwdvMQHmOI



Thats funny .....you naughty GD 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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