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OBSIDIAN: No transparency, No camera turning: GAME WILL FAIL! DO SOMETHING!



PLEASE BUMP THIS UP TO THE TOP AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. THIS IS THE ONE THING THAT CAN KILL THE BEST RPG every published!!!! No exageration. Read it. think about it. Ask Obsidian to DO something about it so it doesn't fade into the $5 bin over night.


This message is FAR too important to be buried in somebody else's comments. It needs to stand alone! All POE Users, Backers, Kickstarter Backers, Everyone, PLEASE read this and respond to this problem. This is a VERY REAL VISUAL GAME KILLER! PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU FLAME ME! THIS REALLY MUST BE FIXED AND SOON! IT will make this BEAUTIFUL GOLD-STANDARD game FAIL! IT WILL CAUSE ENDLESS CONFUSION, and people will GIVE UP!




MODERATOR, please don't kill  this! I'm on YOUR side. I want this game to succeed like no game before it. This is all truth and its important to YOU and your job.  I'm yelling "The emperor has no clothes".  But everyone CAN see it and it's NOT too late to fix!


I thought it was ME at first. I've played all of  the older RPG's with fixed orthogonal view, where you can move camera forward,back,left right......but can't turn camera at all.  All of these game seemed to make this work by using "smart transparency", where you could really see who was who, and who's circle was who's.  


This game is beautiful, and I'm crying over it right now...And I've fought with only 2 characters so far, and it seems that I get myself stuck endlessly with the enemy's back to me, and my 1.2 party members DIRECTLY behind him, even when nothing's in front. and if you're behind a big tree, well, its time to make popcorn! 


I've had really really high hopes for this game. I've read every word in the gigantic Prima Guide, the whole User Manual, the GamePressure massive game site, the Official Pillars of Eternity WIKI, and you know what?????


NONE of it matters at all if the combat mechanics are such that you can't see and control 2 PC's, much less 6 hidden behind trees or whatever.... For the GODS' sake, even Diablo did transparency right. 


I feel sick. I've spent weeks planning out my PC and the avaliable 8 NPC's that you can pick for good in your party. I'm seriously deeply invested in this game now. 


Obsidian, how could you have MISSED this OBVIOUS, terrible combat killer, especially when there and so many characters to manage and micro-manage through combat.  I'm dumbstruck. Truly!


Ok, so now i'm ready to be flamed, and its ok, because you ALL KNOW I'M RIGHT. I'm sitting here crying because I can't imagine how to handle 2,3,4,5,6 characters intricately in combat.   No "smart object transparency, no transparency at all", No ability to "turn the camera" at ALL, EVER.    This game will die because of  this, and I'm sitting here crying my eyes out over it. 


I''m 58, a woman, and I've played every RPG (and shooter) released since 1990;. Yes, I HAVE seen it all. And I'm a professional programmer.... What can you do to FIX THIS????

We need you, Obsidian! This game is far too complex to play without "smart transparency" and/or camera turning.  Just can't be done with this many characters that mostly have to micro-managed.


Help me out here, oldtimers who've played all the other games. Tell Obsidian what it feels like to fight something behind a tree when you can't see EITHER combatant characters, or their stats, or their circles.....at ALL.


My heart is broken, and I backed this game. I'm hurting. bad.


Laurel Swearengen



I don't want to throw this game away. I want to play the best RPG I've ever DREAMED ABOUT in the oldschool way! But it has to have the visual "requirements" to make it playable, Obsidian. I love you Obsidian. I've played all you games. ALL OF THEM. What happened here? Fess up and fix it. We're all waiting . Please help us.

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19 answers to this question

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Transparency would help, and hopefully will be patched in.


Camera turning isn't going to happen given that the backgrounds are 2D hand painted backgrounds. They're only meant to be viewed from a single perspective.




EDIT: noticed that I misspelled "meant" (left off the t)

Edited by Marceror
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"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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While certainly a better effort than most, this bait is still too obvious.

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"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

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"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

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"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

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"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

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I've seen the complaints about the lack of transparency but...


...I can tell where the characters are when they're behind the trees. There's a vague shape with a circle under it. I can't say that I've gotten this particular complain.


Or I developed a weirdly particular x-ray vision that allows me to barely see through obfuscating layers in video games, which as far as superpowers go is about as useful as having the proportional speed of a slug.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Kevin Nash was a bit stiff at times, but he could always turn to the camera. Not sure what you're getting at... :p

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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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PLEASE BUMP THIS UP TO THE TOP AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. THIS IS THE ONE THING THAT CAN KILL THE BEST RPG every published!!!! No exageration. Read it. think about it. Ask Obsidian to DO something about it so it doesn't fade into the $5 bin over night.


This message is FAR too important to be buried in somebody else's comments. It needs to stand alone! All POE Users, Backers, Kickstarter Backers, Everyone, PLEASE read this and respond to this problem. This is a VERY REAL VISUAL GAME KILLER! PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU FLAME ME! THIS REALLY MUST BE FIXED AND SOON! IT will make this BEAUTIFUL GOLD-STANDARD game FAIL! IT WILL CAUSE ENDLESS CONFUSION, and people will GIVE UP!




MODERATOR, please don't kill  this! I'm on YOUR side. I want this game to succeed like no game before it. This is all truth and its important to YOU and your job.  I'm yelling "The emperor has no clothes".  But everyone CAN see it and it's NOT too late to fix!


I thought it was ME at first. I've played all of  the older RPG's with fixed orthogonal view, where you can move camera forward,back,left right......but can't turn camera at all.  All of these game seemed to make this work by using "smart transparency", where you could really see who was who, and who's circle was who's.  


This game is beautiful, and I'm crying over it right now...And I've fought with only 2 characters so far, and it seems that I get myself stuck endlessly with the enemy's back to me, and my 1.2 party members DIRECTLY behind him, even when nothing's in front. and if you're behind a big tree, well, its time to make popcorn! 


I've had really really high hopes for this game. I've read every word in the gigantic Prima Guide, the whole User Manual, the GamePressure massive game site, the Official Pillars of Eternity WIKI, and you know what?????


NONE of it matters at all if the combat mechanics are such that you can't see and control 2 PC's, much less 6 hidden behind trees or whatever.... For the GODS' sake, even Diablo did transparency right. 


I feel sick. I've spent weeks planning out my PC and the avaliable 8 NPC's that you can pick for good in your party. I'm seriously deeply invested in this game now. 


Obsidian, how could you have MISSED this OBVIOUS, terrible combat killer, especially when there and so many characters to manage and micro-manage through combat.  I'm dumbstruck. Truly!


Ok, so now i'm ready to be flamed, and its ok, because you ALL KNOW I'M RIGHT. I'm sitting here crying because I can't imagine how to handle 2,3,4,5,6 characters intricately in combat.   No "smart object transparency, no transparency at all", No ability to "turn the camera" at ALL, EVER.    This game will die because of  this, and I'm sitting here crying my eyes out over it. 


I''m 58, a woman, and I've played every RPG (and shooter) released since 1990;. Yes, I HAVE seen it all. And I'm a professional programmer.... What can you do to FIX THIS????

We need you, Obsidian! This game is far too complex to play without "smart transparency" and/or camera turning.  Just can't be done with this many characters that mostly have to micro-managed.


Help me out here, oldtimers who've played all the other games. Tell Obsidian what it feels like to fight something behind a tree when you can't see EITHER combatant characters, or their stats, or their circles.....at ALL.


My heart is broken, and I backed this game. I'm hurting. bad.


Laurel Swearengen



I don't want to throw this game away. I want to play the best RPG I've ever DREAMED ABOUT in the oldschool way! But it has to have the visual "requirements" to make it playable, Obsidian. I love you Obsidian. I've played all you games. ALL OF THEM. What happened here? Fess up and fix it. We're all waiting . Please help us.



[GIF of person shooting himself in the head removed]

Edited by TrueNeutral
That image was too graphic for this forum.

"There once was a loon that twitter

Before he went down the ****ter

In its demise he wasn't missed

Because there were bugs to be fixed."

~ Kaine




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"Camera turning in an isometric game with 2D backgrounds..."


Keyrock, if I dare call you sir, are a cur to mock with your sneer my legitimate complaint.


I obviously KNOW that this game has 2D backgrounds AND that turning of cameras is impossible because of that!......BUT EVEN DIABLO, the first of may games of this kind, mastered the art of making TRANSPARENT, things that PC and Targets had stepped behind, whether they be giant trees, bushes, walls, rocks, whatever...... And it made it so the PLAYER could SEE his party and his PC, and anything else hidden by the "2D background, which then became carefully and CLEARLY  rendered "TRANSPARENT". 


I want to hear what Obsidian has to say about this.  THIS IS NOT TRIVIAL. EVERY OTHER GAME OF THIS ILK MUST AND HAS USED TRANSPARENCY to keep from hiding 30-40% of the action behind objects in the painting. 


This game is gorgeous, but the combat is horrific because of "NOT VISIBLE" action taking place behind all manner of thing. I DARE YOU TO SAY I AM WRONG.  When you said you had reached 4 MILLION DOLLARS in your kickstarter, you said you were going to improve, well , EVERYTHING.  DID NONE OF YOU NOTICE THIS HORRIBLE GAME FRUSTRATING BUG???? ARE YOU THAT BLIND???????


I am ready to hear your defence, gentlemen and ladies of Obsidian. I am NOT afraid of your flames. BECAUSE I'M RIGHT and YOU KNOW IT.





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I have played through the entire game without any transparency issues at all.


That said, it would be a good addition to the game.

"Well, overkill is my middle name. And my last name. And all of my other names as well!"

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Transparency would be useful and it is a valid criticism, but I fail to see the need for all of the melodrama, the gaming is selling well as it is apparently.


For a huge gentleman i'm always surprised by how fine Mr Nash's facial features were, seemed rather incongruous.

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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Keyrock, if I dare call you sir, are a cur to mock with your sneer my legitimate complaint.




I obviously KNOW that this game has 2D backgrounds AND that turning of cameras is impossible because of that!......BUT EVEN DIABLO, the first of may games of this kind, mastered the art of making TRANSPARENT, things that PC and Targets had stepped behind, whether they be giant trees, bushes, walls, rocks, whatever...... And it made it so the PLAYER could SEE his party and his PC, and anything else hidden by the "2D background, which then became carefully and CLEARLY rendered "TRANSPARENT".




I want to hear what Obsidian has to say about this. THIS IS NOT TRIVIAL. EVERY OTHER GAME OF THIS ILK MUST AND HAS USED TRANSPARENCY to keep from hiding 30-40% of the action behind objects in the painting.




This game is gorgeous, but the combat is horrific because of "NOT VISIBLE" action taking place behind all manner of thing. I DARE YOU TO SAY I AM WRONG. When you said you had reached 4 MILLION DOLLARS in your kickstarter, you said you were going to improve, well , EVERYTHING. DID NONE OF YOU NOTICE THIS HORRIBLE GAME FRUSTRATING BUG???? ARE YOU THAT BLIND???????




I am ready to hear your defence, gentlemen and ladies of Obsidian. I am NOT afraid of your flames. BECAUSE I'M RIGHT and YOU KNOW IT.












Edited by Luj1
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"There once was a loon that twitter

Before he went down the ****ter

In its demise he wasn't missed

Because there were bugs to be fixed."

~ Kaine




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There is transparency in the maps, as you can see your characters through any map object that obscures them. I would guess that they actually use transparency/alpha layering to make it so that characters appear to be behind objects on map even though they actually walk over them. But I admit that transparency of object could benefit from tuning bit so that you see your characters clearer or they could but transparency slider in options so that players can tune it themselves to fit their tastes.


Pre-rendered backgrounds make it too time and resource consuming to produce maps where you can turn camera, when we speak games that use axonometric projection and have hand finished maps, even though you could argue that it is technically possible.

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PLEASE BUMP THIS UP TO THE TOP AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. THIS IS THE ONE THING THAT CAN KILL THE BEST RPG every published!!!! No exageration. Read it. think about it. Ask Obsidian to DO something about it so it doesn't fade into the $5 bin over night.


This message is FAR too important to be buried in somebody else's comments. It needs to stand alone! All POE Users, Backers, Kickstarter Backers, Everyone, PLEASE read this and respond to this problem. This is a VERY REAL VISUAL GAME KILLER! PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU FLAME ME! THIS REALLY MUST BE FIXED AND SOON! IT will make this BEAUTIFUL GOLD-STANDARD game FAIL! IT WILL CAUSE ENDLESS CONFUSION, and people will GIVE UP!




MODERATOR, please don't kill  this! I'm on YOUR side. I want this game to succeed like no game before it. This is all truth and its important to YOU and your job.  I'm yelling "The emperor has no clothes".  But everyone CAN see it and it's NOT too late to fix!


I thought it was ME at first. I've played all of  the older RPG's with fixed orthogonal view, where you can move camera forward,back,left right......but can't turn camera at all.  All of these game seemed to make this work by using "smart transparency", where you could really see who was who, and who's circle was who's.  


This game is beautiful, and I'm crying over it right now...And I've fought with only 2 characters so far, and it seems that I get myself stuck endlessly with the enemy's back to me, and my 1.2 party members DIRECTLY behind him, even when nothing's in front. and if you're behind a big tree, well, its time to make popcorn! 


I've had really really high hopes for this game. I've read every word in the gigantic Prima Guide, the whole User Manual, the GamePressure massive game site, the Official Pillars of Eternity WIKI, and you know what?????


NONE of it matters at all if the combat mechanics are such that you can't see and control 2 PC's, much less 6 hidden behind trees or whatever.... For the GODS' sake, even Diablo did transparency right. 


I feel sick. I've spent weeks planning out my PC and the avaliable 8 NPC's that you can pick for good in your party. I'm seriously deeply invested in this game now. 


Obsidian, how could you have MISSED this OBVIOUS, terrible combat killer, especially when there and so many characters to manage and micro-manage through combat.  I'm dumbstruck. Truly!


Ok, so now i'm ready to be flamed, and its ok, because you ALL KNOW I'M RIGHT. I'm sitting here crying because I can't imagine how to handle 2,3,4,5,6 characters intricately in combat.   No "smart object transparency, no transparency at all", No ability to "turn the camera" at ALL, EVER.    This game will die because of  this, and I'm sitting here crying my eyes out over it. 


I''m 58, a woman, and I've played every RPG (and shooter) released since 1990;. Yes, I HAVE seen it all. And I'm a professional programmer.... What can you do to FIX THIS????

We need you, Obsidian! This game is far too complex to play without "smart transparency" and/or camera turning.  Just can't be done with this many characters that mostly have to micro-managed.


Help me out here, oldtimers who've played all the other games. Tell Obsidian what it feels like to fight something behind a tree when you can't see EITHER combatant characters, or their stats, or their circles.....at ALL.


My heart is broken, and I backed this game. I'm hurting. bad.


Laurel Swearengen



I don't want to throw this game away. I want to play the best RPG I've ever DREAMED ABOUT in the oldschool way! But it has to have the visual "requirements" to make it playable, Obsidian. I love you Obsidian. I've played all you games. ALL OF THEM. What happened here? Fess up and fix it. We're all waiting . Please help us.


No offence, but I need an Excedrin after reading this. You know, it's possible to make effective suggestions without going all crazy dramatic and it makes it much more pleasant for the reader. That aside, decent suggestion, yet the time it takes to weed through your rant to get to the point will probably take the wind out of anyone that really has any intention of pushing something like this though. I know in my line of work, when someone makes a good solid point plainly, clearly and politely, it goes a hell of a lot further than a full page of screaming text down your throat.


Just the tip.

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 There's a vague shape with a circle under it.

Yes, but it can be very difficult to tell which circle is whose. There's been a couple of points where I moved to behind a tree or something, was attacked by nearby enemies, and had difficulty because of this confusion. It's not a "it will kill this game" problem, but it's a problem.

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