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Update 91: Closing in on March 26th!

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Calm down people, it is almost here. I'm sure the devs meant no slight to all the snowflakes that want to be first.

What are you talking about?! The only thing we can assume is that Obsidian are actually pure evil and are intentionally slighting us all!


*snicker*... I tried to keep a straight face.

Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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Uh, yeah. Obsidian is a business, you do know this right?


Case in point.


You say that as though there's some big reveal behind it.


You seem to be under the impression that Obsidian is making this game out of the kindness of their hearts. No doubt they are artists and craftsmen, but they are artists and craftsmen that want to get paid. Not only that, but they want to get paid to continue to do this for a living. In order to do that, they need to make money. In order to make money they need to do silly industry things like release keys to streamer and journalists who will (hopefully) help push business their way.


They didn't violate some "deal" by doing this, so your early post is based on a fundamentally flawed understanding of the nature of your transaction. You backed a project on Kickstarter. Congratulations. Nobody owes you anything.



Also, as you would be infinitely aware, a business thrives best with the goodwill of their customers. Just as it is impoartant to advertising through streamers and journalists, it is just as important to foster the community of buyers, perhaps not for the immidiate release, but for those afterwards. The most important customer a business can have, is the returning customer (provided they have a business model that allows for returning customers).


Now moving on to the reality of the world, I have no doubts that Paradox and Obsidian share their customers feels for this situation. I suspect they are having difficulties with the logistics of aquring valid keys from Steam and GoG a method to distriibute them to customers without accidently giving away double the amount of keys.


It isn't the first time a game studio underestimated the length of time this process can take. The issue may have nothing to do with Paradox (P) or Obsidian (O) and everything to do with Steam or GoG and P&O have no control over the situation.


The end result is clear. Deal with it.


I guess some customers are more important than others in your mind. If Obsidian has somehow soured their relationship with you by not giving you something you think you were owed, then I guess they'll just have to learn to live with that somehow.


Doesn't change the fact that there was no "deal" and your previous post was silly.

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So now I discover my friends can preload the game on Steam. Meanwhile, I'm a backer and don't even have a code to redeem on it, let alone preload the game That seems fair. :getlost:

Edited by Terror K
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Acutally you are being rather close minded, no there wasn't a deal. That doesn't mean you can't give out good will. Yes, the returning customer is more important than the one off customer in the long term.


I suspect you are the type that needs the last word though.

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So now I discover my friends can preload the game on Steam. Meanwhile, I'm a backer and don't even have a code to redeem on it, let alone preload the game That seems fair. :getlost:

How many times are you going to post variants of this? I think this was #3.

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 I think this was #3.



You need to add at least two more decimal places of entitled kickstarter backers to that number.


Like tbf not having the Steam key email out done b4 Steam opened pre-loading is def pretty disorganised.  


But at this point seeing that alongside all the idiots signing up for the forum to give out a gutful of complaints about streamers and media get copies first when it's marketing 101 is getting ridiculous.  Point was made, stop whining and lurk.  

Edited by Urthor
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So now I discover my friends can preload the game on Steam. Meanwhile, I'm a backer and don't even have a code to redeem on it, let alone preload the game That seems fair. :getlost:

How many times are you going to post variants of this? I think this was #3.

There should only be one more, and that's if standard customers get to PLAY THE GAME before me, which seems increasingly likely at this point.


Hopefully that's not the case. I don't mean to seem impatient, but it's not the delay so much as it is the principle of the thing. Why should people who just passed by and clicked a button without ever really knowing about Pillars of Eternity be getting the game before somebody who put money towards its development and supported it from the start? I feel like I bought front row seats to my favourite rock concert, but am getting nudged further and further back by those holding the cheaper tickets bought 5 minutes before the show started.

Edited by Terror K


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So now I discover my friends can preload the game on Steam. Meanwhile, I'm a backer and don't even have a code to redeem on it, let alone preload the game That seems fair. :getlost:

How many times are you going to post variants of this? I think this was #3.

There should only be one more, and that's if standard customers get to PLAY THE GAME before me, which seems increasingly likely at this point.


Hopefully that's not the case. I don't mean to seem impatient, but it's not the delay so much as it is the principle of the thing. Why should people who just passed by and clicked a button without ever really knowing about Pillars of Eternity be getting the game before somebody who put money towards its development and supported it from the start? I feel like I bought front row seats to my favourite rock concert, but am getting nudged further and further back by those holding the cheaper tickets bought 5 minutes before the show started.


Because OE had to tell Steam to enable pre-loading so they could enabled the key generator in the backer portal. For Steam it was right away, but OE still had work to do to get their website up and running. You're not being slighted; it's the inevitable result of how that entire system works.


No, no one is getting to play the game before you. It's pre-load only right now. The keys for backers will be up tonight, and soon. The only thing that Steam pre-orders got to do is pre-load a few hours before you. There's literally no advantage to that,

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So now I discover my friends can preload the game on Steam. Meanwhile, I'm a backer and don't even have a code to redeem on it, let alone preload the game That seems fair. :getlost:

How many times are you going to post variants of this? I think this was #3.

 I don't mean to seem impatient


Impatient is fine. Repetitive and predictable should be shameful though.

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So now I discover my friends can preload the game on Steam. Meanwhile, I'm a backer and don't even have a code to redeem on it, let alone preload the game That seems fair. :getlost:

How many times are you going to post variants of this? I think this was #3.

And how what is you point? I, myself, pay for game 2 years ago, and now I don't have even proper time to preload or news about when I can have my key. It is strange for me. I don't know - mb something wrong with my order and everybody already have they keys. I must go to forum and search news.

Obsidian give all kind of news about dev process and it was very cool. But so near to release I want: 

1. Time to pre-load game BEFORE release.

2. Updated Products or order page in profiles with this info.

It is done? No. It isn't part of some "deal". It is just courtesy and mutual respect. 

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No, no one is getting to play the game before you. It's pre-load only right now. The keys for backers will be up tonight, and soon. The only thing that Steam pre-orders got to do is pre-load a few hours before you. There's literally no advantage to that,


Well, that depends. I mean, my internet connection is fine, but it the preloading is left too late, some backers who aren't as fortunate with their internet connections may still be downloading it still while standard Steam customers are playing it because it's all already ready to go.


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No, no one is getting to play the game before you. It's pre-load only right now. The keys for backers will be up tonight, and soon. The only thing that Steam pre-orders got to do is pre-load a few hours before you. There's literally no advantage to that,


Well, that depends. I mean, my internet connection is fine, but it the preloading is left too late, some backers who aren't as fortunate with their internet connections may still be downloading it still while standard Steam customers are playing it because it's all already ready to go.


Then they should probably start now, because the keys are up just like Brandon promised.

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Must be nice to have such a limited understanding of reality. Makes things simpler, I'm sure.


Because it's not about understanding anything else than "money". Every argument against mine that you can make ends up being "money" and you know this perfectly well. 


What exactly is the point you think you are making here?

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Woohoo - thanks Obsidian - got my gog code and redeemed :)
(It says +1DLC - guessing that's the preorder items) - nothing to DL yet but looking forward to release day - Congrats on getting there Obs :)


*Casts Nature's Terror* :aiee: , *Casts Firebug* :fdevil: , *Casts Rot-Skulls* :skull: , *Casts Garden of Life* :luck: *Spirit-shifts to cat form* :cat:

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Redeemed my key only a moment ago.

Congratulations Obsidian again!

I can't play the game in the next weeks because of personal issues, but I will read and watch again each update since the very beginning before even launching the game! To be hyped again :p

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some backers who aren't as fortunate with their internet connections may still be downloading it still while standard Steam customers are playing it because it's all already ready to go.



But people with that bad an internet connection will basically always get to play games later than everybody else. They don't really lose anything.

And, they should have considered going for the physical release to start with.

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They have considered it... they put it infront of the backers, and they chose to release the disk later, with the day1 patch and stuff on it.


Can't blame OE now for a result agreed by us all.

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I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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