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Everything posted by Tollazor

  1. Acutally you are being rather close minded, no there wasn't a deal. That doesn't mean you can't give out good will. Yes, the returning customer is more important than the one off customer in the long term. I suspect you are the type that needs the last word though.
  2. Case in point. You say that as though there's some big reveal behind it. You seem to be under the impression that Obsidian is making this game out of the kindness of their hearts. No doubt they are artists and craftsmen, but they are artists and craftsmen that want to get paid. Not only that, but they want to get paid to continue to do this for a living. In order to do that, they need to make money. In order to make money they need to do silly industry things like release keys to streamer and journalists who will (hopefully) help push business their way. They didn't violate some "deal" by doing this, so your early post is based on a fundamentally flawed understanding of the nature of your transaction. You backed a project on Kickstarter. Congratulations. Nobody owes you anything. Also, as you would be infinitely aware, a business thrives best with the goodwill of their customers. Just as it is impoartant to advertising through streamers and journalists, it is just as important to foster the community of buyers, perhaps not for the immidiate release, but for those afterwards. The most important customer a business can have, is the returning customer (provided they have a business model that allows for returning customers). Now moving on to the reality of the world, I have no doubts that Paradox and Obsidian share their customers feels for this situation. I suspect they are having difficulties with the logistics of aquring valid keys from Steam and GoG a method to distriibute them to customers without accidently giving away double the amount of keys. It isn't the first time a game studio underestimated the length of time this process can take. The issue may have nothing to do with Paradox (P) or Obsidian (O) and everything to do with Steam or GoG and P&O have no control over the situation. The end result is clear. Deal with it.
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