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11 people killed at a French satirical Newspaper


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deport a certain class of people who is prone to do such things and stop immigration from countries that have problematic cultures, religions and views that'd clash with my country's.


How about, instead of suggesting that countries just up and start perpetrating crimes against humanity based on the actions of an extremely small minority, you go outside and make an effort to know people of all "classes", cultures and religions? Especially those with views that may clash with your own. Remember that a "country" is an abstract and arbitrary creation and therefore it does not think, feel, or act. Do not hide behind a piece of cloth.


I mean, you can always deport a few millions later if you aren't satisfied with the results, right?


As for the gun control point, I find it irrelevant in this context. Even if everyone became a concealed carry pro, wackos would just start wearing vests and helmets. Or placing bombs in trash cans. Or running you over with cars. Or crashing airliners into your workplace. "Security" is a myth that has been used through the ages to justify the abuse of power and oppression. Take solace in the fact that you are much more likely to die in a domestic fire, as a result of poisoning, or in a car crash, than in a terror attack, and stop living in fear.

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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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stop living in fear.



It's not like "domestic" terrorism is new to Europeans. It's been a part of daily life and the news since at the latest, the early seventies. Italian and German "Red Brigades", anarchists, seperatists in Spain, France and the UK, assorted nut jobs having visions, you name it.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Yeah, if all of you could settle down before the mods have to step in that would be great.


Seriously, how long have you been waiting for an opportunity to use that line?








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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Good times with piggies.



A whole bunch of misinformation in this one to make many an ignorant hateful racist living in ****ed up fantasyland happy.


I recommend fact checking before posting things such as this.


Yet, you didn't provide a single one. You peaceloving dip**** living in anal **** fantasyland.



A single one of what? If you mean facts, go fact check that picture yourself. It only takes a minute or so to find that the major points it makes are false. I'm not doing all of your homework for you.


You have a problem with peace? I generally prefer it I admit. Though I fail to see how it relates to picture posted that ignorantly endorses a hateful view of a couple billion people.

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Yet, you didn't provide a single one. You peaceloving dip**** living in anal **** fantasyland.

Well, the claim about it stopping terrorism for 40 years is a bit amusing, like the bear preventing rock in the Simpsons.




Who knows if it's true, I'm partly inclined to believe it's hokum though.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Policewoman shot in Paris amid reports wanted men seen in north.


Why?! Why?! Why?! Smh at France's cavalier stance on weapons murder tools, that allowed this tragedy to unfold.


You can stop your trolling anytime now.



What are you talking about good sir? That's the rote response to every US shooting, surely it would work in France! :yes:


Oooooh, I know! We should melt down the worldwide weapon supply and create a Dyson Sphere around the Sun.

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@Gfted1: We should deconstruct the weapons of destruction, and re-invent their use into weapons of construction.

Too lazy to google, but I know that a prototype "Seed Bomb" is being built (it looks like a bomb, but it has earth, and seed, and it is built out of a nourishing material so it all is used up for the purpose of re-creation)... when will we have 3D-Printing House Guns that you can print houses with? Just point and click the trigger. House!


Or the founding of Capsule Corp. that would be amazing (Dragonball, the capsules are nano-devices, like pokeballs that you throw, and then *poof* the item, for say, a house). THAT is what we should be investing the economy into... pfft, guns.

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Lets try finding a way to post that is less abusive towards other posters... I hate when having to find the big scissors for cutting out posts.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Major american media refuse to print the caricatures of Muhammad as an act of solidarity, saying that there's "no excuse" to insult tens of millions of muslims. Yet they feel free to insult millions of Christians with Jesus caricatures. *sigh*


****ing (pseudo)liberals. Its freedom of expression when they're trampling their own cultural heritage for giggles but censorship when the other guy happens not to turn the other cheek. I don't know who I despise more, but the Islamists are at least consistent in their lunacy.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor
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I am really doubtful they'd publish images insulting Jews in mainstream media here, well, NA, anyway. Christians possibly, but I can't readily recall any example recently. A bit silly to not show it even when reporting on the story as it can be helpful to know what the fuss was about, though

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Major american media refuse to print the caricatures of Muhammad as an act of solidarity, saying that there's "no excuse" to insult tens of millions of muslims. Yet they feel free to insult millions of Christians with Jesus caricatures. *sigh*


****ing (pseudo)liberals. Its freedom of expression when they're trampling their own cultural heritage for giggles but censorship when the other guy happens not to turn the other cheek. I don't know who I despise more, but the Islamists are at least consistent in their lunacy.


Do you have an example of major American news outlets that post insulting Jesus caricatures?  I've never seen one, it would be incredibly foolish given the fact the US is still predominantly Christian.  It would alienate a large audience.


I will criticise anyone that publishes insulting and degrading material about religion.  I will certainly not buy such publications, and will not be surprised if they lose advertisers or go out of business.  But I will always defend their right to publish such material.  That is how freedom works.  

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I am really doubtful they'd publish images insulting Jews in mainstream media here, well, NA, anyway. Christians possibly, but I can't readily recall any example recently. A bit silly to not show it even when reporting on the story as it can be helpful to know what the fuss was about, though



Sadly enough, Charlile Hebdo belonged to the despicable discourse I described above. Is pig nosed Jesus clever satire?

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Major american media refuse to print the caricatures of Muhammad as an act of solidarity, saying that there's "no excuse" to insult tens of millions of muslims. Yet they feel free to insult millions of Christians with Jesus caricatures. *sigh*


****ing (pseudo)liberals. Its freedom of expression when they're trampling their own cultural heritage for giggles but censorship when the other guy happens not to turn the other cheek. I don't know who I despise more, but the Islamists are at least consistent in their lunacy.


Do you have an example of major American news outlets that post insulting Jesus caricatures?  I've never seen one, it would be incredibly foolish given the fact the US is still predominantly Christian.  It would alienate a large audience.


I will criticise anyone that publishes insulting and degrading material about religion.  I will certainly not buy such publications, and will not be surprised if they lose advertisers or go out of business.  But I will always defend their right to publish such material.  That is how freedom works.  



The ones I've seen are usually amusing and not insulting. But then, some of the caricatures of Muhammad (the original Danish ones) weren't insulting either, and there was no reason not to print them. 

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\what's so insulting about it. There were plenty of "Allah akbar" suicide bombers. It was clearly targeted at those sort of people, not religion as a whole.

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Major american media refuse to print the caricatures of Muhammad as an act of solidarity, saying that there's "no excuse" to insult tens of millions of muslims. Yet they feel free to insult millions of Christians with Jesus caricatures. *sigh*


****ing (pseudo)liberals. Its freedom of expression when they're trampling their own cultural heritage for giggles but censorship when the other guy happens not to turn the other cheek. I don't know who I despise more, but the Islamists are at least consistent in their lunacy.


Do you have an example of major American news outlets that post insulting Jesus caricatures?  I've never seen one, it would be incredibly foolish given the fact the US is still predominantly Christian.  It would alienate a large audience.


I will criticise anyone that publishes insulting and degrading material about religion.  I will certainly not buy such publications, and will not be surprised if they lose advertisers or go out of business.  But I will always defend their right to publish such material.  That is how freedom works.  



The ones I've seen are usually amusing and not insulting. But then, some of the caricatures of Muhammad (the original Danish ones) weren't insulting either, and there was no reason not to print them. 



What might be amusing to you might indeed be insulting to someone else.


Islamic tradition generally forbids depiction of religious figures, somewhat in the same manner that many sects of Judaism and Christianity forbid idolatry. So the very act of drawing a representation of Mohammed is insulting to some, let alone drawing him in the manner that folks such as those at Charlie Hebdo did.


I realize some here might find that ridiculous but chances are some things that you would find insulting are seen as ridiculous by others, and chances are that someone can draw something that would insult you.

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\what's so insulting about it. There were plenty of "Allah akbar" suicide bombers. It was clearly targeted at those sort of people, not religion as a whole.


Is it so clear? If it was clearly targeted at them, why invoke Mohammed at all? Surely one can draw a cartoon targeted at these folks which does not invoke something that is sacred on at least some level to nearly 2 billion people. Most non evil people would find insult on some level in being associated with very evil people, or having something they hold dear associated with very evil people or evil deeds.


That said, is it wise to go around insulting people publicly who are known for killing people?


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If anyone should be riddiculed in drawings it is the more current and modern suicide bombers, the killers and murderers. These people are the modern fools.

But... then again, as I have understood it, Mohammed was a war commander and leader, and committed just as horrendous acts? (murder/killing/violence/strict law) I remember there being depictions that I've seen of him, generally accepted by Muslims I think, of him chopping off heads of his enemies (which, as I understand it, is what inspires ISIL?).

Killers should be riddiculed and shamed, in my opinion. So, that goes pretty much for the entirety of the Western world and their armies too. Throughout history, senseless killing. Israel, large parts of Africa, China, North Korea, Japan, Russia, Europe, America, South America, Middle-East. Blagh!

Criminal & psychotic individuals and organizations everywhere! Bah... why is it so difficult to just, be friends? One world and all that? Doesn't matter where you were born, thanks to the Earth we're all breathing and have a nice and comfortable habitat. It could become such a great place!

"Nu-hu! He said that!"
"Bu-hu! But he started!"
"-Uh-hu! I kill you!"
"What-uh!? I bring army!"
"FF! Me too!"
"Let's fight!!!!"


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Sure, the caricatures Hebdo drew during the NATO bombing of Serbia were beyond despicable, and I think the magazine is a piece of trash that lives on cheap provocation rather than intelligent humor (of which there is plenty in French comics). But that's besides the point.


The point is that this is Paris and not Riyad. If someone doesn't like what the French do in France (unpleasant as it may be), maybe they shouldn't be there? 

Edited by Drowsy Emperor
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