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Ukranian self defence forces built them in a garage ?



It's just the traffic report chopper.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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The fact that he was somehow voted into the position explains how did he legally acquire all of his properties? Wow, that must be some cool law they have there. And they didn't "chase him off", he ran off himself. The arrest warrant was issued the day after.


And how does this even matter? I was replying to false claims by someone else and you jump on me with your opinions like some propagandistic goon. No thanks.


What did I say that was an opinion? I stated facts. That they seem to inconvenience you is another matter. Also, this is a forum where anyone can reply to anyone, but you can be sure that I won't reply to any of your post anymore.



It's just the traffic report chopper.


With those cameras on it's wings, I am sure an Apache pilot is going to mistake them for a gun and shoot them down.

Edited by Sarex

"because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god" - KP

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Ukranian self defence forces built them in a garage ?


Ukrainian helicopter landing here, two Crimean military helicopters (Crimea have own military forces now) patrol area. Later Crimean police arrest someone here.



Other lulz


The situation in Ukraine poses an "unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States," Obama say

Do he say threat to the National security of of the United States in Ukraine? He is seriosly? Someone show to him on map where is Ukraine and where is USA.

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Apaches and Hinds don't get along.  Wonder why the US never looked into something like the Hind, a gunship/transport hybrid.  I guess a case of jack-of-all being a master of none.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Ukrainian news.

Usurpers don't trust to own military forces. For control of them they create Comissars, now all officers controlled by such Comissars from Right sector.

They want also give to members of Right sector status of military forces (and weapons). 3 Generals don't want this and Ukrainian minster of defence fired them.

Cool, we have situation Lybia - Nigeria now in Europe, right-wing terrorism are coming. Do want watch how spawns of European policy make raep to EU.


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Apaches and Hinds don't get along.  Wonder why the US never looked into something like the Hind, a gunship/transport hybrid.  I guess a case of jack-of-all being a master of none.


Certainly better than a master of one. XD (that is how the whole saying goes)

Edited by Sarex

"because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god" - KP

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He was voted in to his position, so yeah I would say so. He was deposed off unconstitutionally, even when they had the chance to do it the right way. What they did instead was chase him off, dissolve the constitutional court and put their own guys in charge. So don't quote the constitution when it clearly doesn't matter

How so? Wasn't he deposed by the same democratically elected Ukrainian Parliament that voted him in? which also approved the new interim government? Edited by Mor
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Ukrainian news.

Usurpers don't trust to own military forces. For control of them they create Comissars, now all officers controlled by such Comissars from Right sector.

They want also give to members of Right sector status of military forces (and weapons). 3 Generals don't want this and Ukrainian minster of defence fired them.

Cool, we have situation Lybia - Nigeria now in Europe, right-wing terrorism are coming. Do want watch how spawns of European policy make raep to EU.




 This is pretty interesting stuff, but I wish you would post sources. If it's just stuff floating around the Russian internets then I'm afraid it's not very trustworthy. 

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Apaches and Hinds don't get along.  Wonder why the US never looked into something like the Hind, a gunship/transport hybrid.  I guess a case of jack-of-all being a master of none.

The closest thing to such a hybrid is the UH-60 Blackhawk, but the Hind is in a class of its own. However, it isn't really that effective as a transport, as far as I recall. Apart from being cramped and steering like a brick with full load, the hold is unarmored. It is useful as a supplemental fuel/ammo store, though.


Also, Gorgon, you're better off asking your sis to stop turning people into stone than expect sources from oby. He/she/it is too busy inventing new crap to fling against the designated enemy of Russia, kind of like communist parties did once for Moscow. Given his/her/its insistence, it may be a paid shill. :p

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It's very telling that Oby completely ignores the fact that Russians don't want Russia in Ukraine. And, the fact they say that publicly knowing the kind of evil scumbag Putin is when it comes to dealing with naysayers says a lot.


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It's very telling that Oby completely ignores the fact that Russians don't want Russia in Ukraine. And, the fact they say that publicly knowing the kind of evil scumbag Putin is when it comes to dealing with naysayers says a lot.

But but but...Teh West is teh evilz. Murica bad!

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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crimea is something like a US state... a semi autonomous country that is part of ukraine for convenience. however they can declare themselves as an independed country at any time, and that is going to happen at the end of this month. they will detach their country from the federal bond they have with ukraine, go independent and then join the russian federation

russia does not have to lift a finger for it to happen.

So why occupation?


what occupation? from what i know Russia had several naval bases in Crimea with the consent of the Ukranian government. they did not sent troops in Crimea, they simply allowed the already stationed troops to go around armed

when USA attacked sovereign nations around the world using pitiful (at best) excuses and killed thousands of civilians with their "not so smart" bombs, nobody cared. now that Russia is just sending troops out on patrol without having engaged in any combat, everyone condemns the evil emperor Darth Putin for invading Ukraine

i dont support or condemn what Russia does, because it does not concern me. however i thik some people should look at the mirror before they engage the "holier than thou" mode

Edited by teknoman2
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The words freedom and liberty, are diminishing the true meaning of the abstract concept they try to explain. The true nature of freedom is such, that the human mind is unable to comprehend it, so we make a cage and name it freedom in order to give a tangible meaning to what we dont understand, just as our ancestors made gods like Thor or Zeus to explain thunder.



What? You thought it was a quote from some well known wise guy from the past?


Stupidity leads to willful ignorance - willful ignorance leads to hope - hope leads to sex - and that is how a new generation of fools is born!

We are hardcore role players... When we go to bed with a girl, we roll a D20 to see if we hit the target and a D6 to see how much penetration damage we did.


Modern democracy is: the sheep voting for which dog will be the shepherd's right hand.

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Apaches and Hinds don't get along.  Wonder why the US never looked into something like the Hind, a gunship/transport hybrid.  I guess a case of jack-of-all being a master of none.

The closest thing to such a hybrid is the UH-60 Blackhawk, but the Hind is in a class of its own. However, it isn't really that effective as a transport, as far as I recall. Apart from being cramped and steering like a brick with full load, the hold is unarmored. It is useful as a supplemental fuel/ammo store, though.


Also, Gorgon, you're better off asking your sis to stop turning people into stone than expect sources from oby. He/she/it is too busy inventing new crap to fling against the designated enemy of Russia, kind of like communist parties did once for Moscow. Given his/her/its insistence, it may be a paid shill. :p



Not surprising that they would, I assume most states are looking into that - Snowden's latest reveal was about interference in social media.   That 'Medvedev's Girls' thing is pretty funny, though.  Also, come on, this forum is hardly worth the effort to pay anyone to be a shill on.  I think oby's just addicted to provoking you guys as much as he does. :p

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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This is pretty interesting stuff, but I wish you would post sources. If it's just stuff floating around the Russian internets then I'm afraid it's not very trustworthy.

I can sum up oby and alike post from the Russian sector. The are all focused on supporting Putin narrative, that Ukraine government is illegitimate, controlled by fascist who threat ethnic Russians, because this the only way they can maintain the Romanticized notion that Russian aggression and violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty, orchestrated to destabilize Ukraine that was unlikely to get behind their interests and secury their military objectives in it; as defense of Russians or Russian interests.


Also, Gorgon, you're better off asking your sis to stop turning people into stone than expect sources from oby. He/she/it is too busy inventing new crap to fling against the designated enemy of Russia, kind of like communist parties did once for Moscow. Given his/her/its insistence, it may be a paid shill. :p

Usually i'd say that you can't blame him, this Romanticized notions is pushed hard by Russian media, which struggle with pluralism in a good day(due to its being nationalized and highly censored) but during times of crisis it goes into overdrive(like most) a combination that produce solid bricks of propaganda. (The reporter from English RT[uSA based?] that quite over its reportage, isn't really representative.)


Though in oby case i have to make an exception. Indeed he may be a paid shill.

Edited by Mor
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While RT can be bias and propagandic it is better than most, and there are certainly more bias and propagandic news channels out there. RT is certainly better than any of the major networks in the U.S. and the BBC in regards to telling it like it is. Do they ignore some of Russia's BS? Of course they do, but they don't ignore the U.S./U.K./et al's BS anywhere near as much as the BBC, CNN, FOX, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, et al. do. It's a sad sad state of journalistic affairs when one does have to turn to a network like RT to get better coverage of some issues than you'll find on their competition. It says more about the other networks than it does RT that RT has the viewership and guests that it does have. The same could be said of AlJazeera and PressTV.


Really, if you're of the mind that the BBC or CNN is less bias than RT I'd say you've bought a bit too much into their propaganda and biased reporting.


And it actually has happened at CNN. Lou Dobbs left years ago for similar reasons to what Liz mentions in her resignation, however he did do it a bit more professionally than she did. I'm sure it's happened at BBC as well though I don't follow that news source quite as much. I personally know a number of folks working at the various big networks in the US (emmy winners even) and have been behind the scenes quite a bit, and can tell you that folks resign all the time (and are fired) at major networks and newspapers believe it or not for similar reasons as what Liz stated (in essence their ethics are compromised). It's just relatively rare that it's done on air and by one of the talking heads (usually it's behind the camera folks and producers as they're generally the ones fighting to put the unbiased story on air, not the person actually saying the words (those folks are usually the kind of folks that will say anything)).


The news business is a very unethical business overall. The biased story is the norm not the exception, and journalistic integrity isn't common, especially on television news. A good question to always ask oneself about any news story on any of the networks is 'Why am I being shown this?'. The answer to that question is often not the one your average viewer thinks it is.


In general news networks hire folks who will say what they want them to say, so the conflict of interest or beliefs in the TV personality isn't common, but it's not rare either.



You've raised some good points but on the topic of CNN, Sky and BBC being biased let me say this


I watch these channels primarily and from watching these I know

  • Crimea is populated primarily by people who are Russian speaking and have political allegiances to Russia
  • Russia considers Crimea to be important due to its historical and geographical significance
  • Any sanctions against Russia will hurt the West as well
  • There will be no military action against Russia
  • The West wants dialog to end the crisis


I don't know about you but that presenting of the news seems objective and reasonable to me? Can RT claim the same?




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 This is pretty interesting stuff, but I wish you would post sources. If it's just stuff floating around the Russian internets then I'm afraid it's not very trustworthy. 



Non-russian sources suck. But even here you can find some info about this.

APC of Right sector



Andriy Parubiy. SBU and Ukrainian army obey to him. He can arm Right sector so easy




Parubiy was the founder of the Social National Party of Ukraine, a fascist party styled on Hitler's Nazis, with membership restricted to ethnic Ukrainians.

The Social National Party would go on to become Svoboda, the far-right nationalist party whose leader Oleh Tyahnybok was one of the three most high profile leaders of the Euromaidan protests - negotiating directly with the Yanukovych regime.

Overseeing the armed forces alongside Parubiy as the Deputy Secretary of National Security is Dmytro Yarosh, the leader of the Right Sector - a group of hardline nationalist streetfighters, who previously boasted they were ready for armed struggle to free Ukraine


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Non-russian sources suck. But even here you can find some info about this.



Yes, because only a Russian source could possibly have something interesting or some truth in it.


In regards to your posts, this is an English forum, when you post whatever please either post in English or supply English translations. Half the stuff you post is lost on most of the people here. I'm sure I'm not alone here in not speaking/reading Russian (sorry, I'm not as awesome as you).

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Not surprising that they would, I assume most states are looking into that - Snowden's latest reveal was about interference in social media.   That 'Medvedev's Girls' thing is pretty funny, though.  Also, come on, this forum is hardly worth the effort to pay anyone to be a shill on.  I think oby's just addicted to provoking you guys as much as he does. :p

They wouldn't be paying for any single forum, more like several dozen at the same time. The lack of effort is characteristic.

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Non-russian sources suck.



That statement alone should put to bed the debate around  whether Obys opinion in this case is in anyway credible

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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They wouldn't be paying for any single forum, more like several dozen at the same time. The lack of effort is characteristic.


Somehow I doubt they would bother with this little forum, but hey you never know.



That statement alone should put to bed the debate around  whether Obys opinion in this case is in anyway credible


And then again, not really.

Edited by Sarex

"because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god" - KP

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That statement alone should put to bed the debate around  whether Obys opinion in this case is in anyway credible

Kind of funny coming from you.


But anyway, whether these supposed shills are paid for one site or a bundle, this place is a worthless objective for it.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Non-russian sources suck. But even here you can find some info about this.



Yes, because only a Russian source could possibly have something interesting or some truth in it.


In regards to your posts, this is an English forum, when you post whatever please either post in English or supply English translations. Half the stuff you post is lost on most of the people here. I'm sure I'm not alone here in not speaking/reading Russian (sorry, I'm not as awesome as you).


Do you really think US sources from other side of world is more creditable than sources of Ukrinian neighbors?  Meanwhile Russians can just make phone call to friends or family members from Ukraine and take truth from first hands.

Creditable sources about Ukraine is Russia, Israel, Belarus.  UK and US media just repost fairy tales about far country.

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That statement alone should put to bed the debate around  whether Obys opinion in this case is in anyway credible

Kind of funny coming from you.


But anyway, whether these supposed shills are paid for one site or a bundle, this place is a worthless objective for it.



Not really, all my comments I can support with multiple sources and links

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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